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The Performer

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Posts posted by The Performer

  1. I think the fact that you guys were banging loud was SOMEWHAT the first strike however like everyone says, the guy didn't need to be a dick, a simple "hey could you guys keep that down?" would have done justice.

    The fact that yall retaliated by doing more bass was the wrong thing. If the guy was threatening you and your property you should have dealt with it in other ways then "more bass" because in the end, there's a bad rep for bass as it is.

    Main thing is, if it were me I would have simply told the guy, "hey man, yeah we'll turn it down, sorry about that" and then began plotting to salting his yard in upcoming weeks. :D

    Just kidding though! The best thing overall is respecting the people that you have to live around, because unless you want to move, you wont escape them. Still though, that's pretty jacked up that he would threaten you guys the way he did, there would definitely be some kind of reporting on that, (or if you prefer, salting the mo-fo's yard.)

  2. DC level 5 is what I voted.

    Something about these DC's just screams outstanding quality and performance, in every sub I've ever seen/heard I've never been more blown away than by my DC's.

    A member in the build section put an 18" level 5 in a ride, let me see if I can't find it...


    I think he's got some videos as well.

    Either way, it seems like you hear everyone say the Fi sounds great, and then you hear the DC sounds great, but you NEVER hear negative feedback from either.

    However, if it was me I would go with the DC purely on the great customer service.

  3. just a heads up with microwave popcorn on something I learned in EMT school. dont inhale the vapor that comes shooting out of the bag when its fresh out of the micro you can get a condition (takes a while but does happen) called popcorn lung or bronchiolitis obliteran. no bullshit its a lung disease that people get from the by product of a chemical in the butter.

    just watching out for yall :)

    Yeah but wouldn't you have to do that for like 10 bags a day or something?

    Lol, now that I think about it, didn't they used to do that in the old popcorn commercials? As soon as it came out of the microwave they would rip it open and shove their nose in the bag and come up smiling like crazy?

    Sorta like now bottled water is bad for you because the plastic.

    What's this world coming to... :(

  4. I heard not to get them unless you listen to a lot of rock, classical, jazz or blues.

    If you use it with rap, it will just try to boost an already heavy bass line.

    Ok so I see that I'm right with it being a boost in the lower range, however maybe now I can ask another question.

    I listen to alot of rock, and country, but then also listen to my rap. Does an epicenter work in a way that it can be bypassed to where I could use it only when I'm listening to my rock and country?

    Just some things I'm not clear on with this particular piece of equipment.

  5. Hey guys, I did a search on this and can't seem to find much info on how epicenters work, or how well they work, which brand is best, or anything. Most of the threads on them are expired or come up with a 404 page for me.

    Anyways, not sure if I'm understanding this correctly but from what I see an epicenter boosts the lower frequencies to a very high extent? For instance, I can get a HELLA lot of bass from rap, or anything with distinguished bass, however my country and rock/metal seems like it's lacking. Is this where the epicenter comes in?

    A few other questions I have are, I see two main brands from the google, soundstream and audiocontrol. The soundstream being the less expensive of the two. Both to me look quality, however I've never worked with them so I don't know, just judging by features.

    Is either better than the other in any case, or what kind of pros and cons am I looking at?

  6. Another great one by Kottonmouth Kings.

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  7. So you say sometime this week you're going to give it a test? Cant remember so far from the vids on this vehicle but when you say you're going to let it rip will you be taking it up to the max it's gone so far? http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/hairtrick.gif

    Can not WAIT to see! Please have that camera in hand when you do!

    Much luck for ya man, hope everything works great with this.

  8. Another good thing I forgot to mention you can get at harbor frieght is throw away rubber gloves. I think I went through about 50 of them in my fiberglass build, but you buy them in a box of 100 for dirt cheap.

    I see the dust masks, that's another great item to buy there.

    I personally love the electrical tape you get from there, sticks well, is thick and CHEAP.

  9. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

    I freakin love this song, I put in in whenever I'm feeling lazy and bummed out and it always seems to get me excited and ready to party up the night!

    Bumps DAMN good too! I recommend everyone add this to their mix CD's.

  10. There's some good guitar in this album, I like some of the sounds better than I did st. anger, however I feel what people are saying when they say they miss what metallica used to be.

    It seems like James has either lost a bit of the bite he had in his vocals, or either he changed mic's with this album.

    I love the intro to unforgiven 3 but that's about all, maybe it hasn't grown on me yet... :(

  11. They're just a short step ahead of the burst. Basically, given you have the right sized cap for the right sized amp, and the right situation of song/music they do work.

    Say you're listening to some rock music, where you have a bass drum that hits every second or two. Now your cap is between your amp and battery, so the amp is going to pull from the cap before it gets to the battery and the rest of the electrical throughout the vehicle. So between each bass hit there's a second or two in which the amp is not doing anything, a cap will charge up between that time and store a small burst of power. When it comes time to hit bass, well the cap has just enough to push that bass for the second, therefore the amp uses the power from the cap and doesn't draw much from the battery.

    Then the cycle repeats.

    The thing is, just like everyone is saying, most people just go off of what the sales rep at best buy/circuit city tells them, that if they buy the biggest cap they sell it will be like another battery, which is WRONG.

    The key is if you want to make use of a cap the right way you must get the right sized cap, for the right sized amp. With a battery/alt. upgrade you can go as big as you want and it just gets better, however with a cap you must know WHEN and if it will be efficient for the system. If you're music has a low sustaining bass note that makes the amp work CONSTANTLY then obviously a cap wont do, there's no down time for the cap to charge. You'll just draw the power from the cap, then go to the battery, as well as have the cap trying to charge back at the same time. In that case it's worse for your application.

    If you get too big a cap for what your amp is using then you are just wasting battery power, the cap will need to be charging to MORE power, just stressing even more on the battery.

    Caps work for the situations in which they make the system efficient, if you get one of the components within your cap/amp/music/battery/alt combination wrong it will be inefficient. If you make all of those components right, then the cap will be efficient.

    All in all, sometimes the situation will be that to get the right cap it's almost the same as well as easier to just upgrade alt/battery, in which case THAT is what you want to do.

  12. Looking amazing Steve, can't wait to see what the dash is going to look like back together.

    Just curious what is it that you do as a profession? Seems like you've been DAMN lucky to be able to afford this hell of a hobby building these rides.

    In other words keep it up man, I think I speak for everyone when I say you've given lots of people like me a great opportunity to learn and build off of our creativity with this site. Looking forward to seeing LOTS more from you dude.

  13. Luckily we didn't get too bad here, (about an hour north of houston) but all the family from the houston area came up here because they were out of power for a good while.

    Otherwise all's good, hurricane is past now and the weather is getting GREAT. I think the high for today was only about 80 degrees. I just got back from driving around tonight with the windows down enjoying the 60 degree night air!!! :clapping: Cold weather FTW!!!

    Hope the rest of you texas boys are good.

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