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Posts posted by Nightshade

  1. what a faggot.

    Ouch, I wasn't expecting someone to break that out lol.

    The guy is a tool being a member here and just ripping off Steve's site. I hope he reads this and it convinces him to change the page. I'm not certain about how much legal action can be taken in this case, but the flaming alone should be enough to motivate this guy to do something about it now.

  2. I know this is gonna sound weird but I would have tried the woofers firing back against the back fire wall and then had the port firing up and then flipped to have the port firing to the drivers side. I think that you'd be surprised on how well that would work. It's funny how many stupid looks I get from people when they see my setup that is woofers firing back against the hatch and ports firing up to the roof. Then when I explain to them that it's 1.2 db louder this way then woofers up and port back they just say huh.

    Seriously though try it and let me know if you can. I understand if you can't cause it's Jake's box and he lives pretty damn far away from you.

  3. Wtf, I wonder if this guy feels good about himself ripping your site off. I think that either he's too lazy to design his own home page or he thinks that by using an identical one as yours it's going to improve his traffic and attract more people. Either way it's kinda pathetic.

    You know what they say though imitation is the greatest form of flattery. So I think I'd be a bit bitter sweet about the whole idea.

  4. Based on the info you've given here I would say that you would either be in Truck/Suv 3601-Up or possibly one of the no wall classes depending on how many subs you end up with. The only reason I'm not sure about the Truck/Suv class is because of the 4 runs, I know that you will only have 3 power runs but I'm not sure if Fred will count the 1 negative run as allowed for the class or not. I will check into it for you since I need to do the same thing for my car and I'm only allowed 3 runs of 0 guage as well.

    You are allowed multiple alts as long as you operate on 12 volts in this class, if you ran no wall you'd be able to run a 16 volt setup. Here's the nice part for you that I'm sure you didn't know about. In NSPL to compete in any of the consumer classes such as beginer, trunk, car, and truck/suv you are allowed to build the box over the window line. The rule for NSPL is that the box must be at least 12" away from the highest part of your roof to not be classified as a wall. For example since I have a small hatchback and the height of the car is only 19 or so inches in the hatch but only a realistic 15" at top and 18" at bottom deep I would normally be limited to running a very small box with a single sub. This is actually what I do with a single 15, but I used to run two tuned to 37hz and the box was 12" away from the roof so I was legal for the class. Let this little bit of info help you when building or deciding how many subs to go with.

    As far as I know you can also use as much deadener as you wish, but there is such a thing as too much cause you will start to lose spl after several sheets of it. Another thing to let you know this class is very tough so be ready for some intense competition. This is probably one of the most popular classes in NSPL meaning the truck/suv class.

    Have fun and if you have anymore questions just let me know. I will reply here or to you in pm when I find out about the power wire runs for negatives.

  5. I use one of the telephone y splitters on my Sundown amps and they work fine. With that said, Bernie said that his amps are similar to the Atomic 5K which is a Zenon board. The Sundown amps are also Zenon boards so if I had to guess I'd say that this would work fine with the amp that he has.

    On another note I did the y splitter trick back in the day on my Rockford Fosgate 1100a2's and it worked just fine. I've never attempted it on a new Rockford amp but it may not work on them since Rockford makes a product specifically for this function on their amps.

  6. I was gonna say it's possible too. I had a stock alt with a Deka G34 up front, 3 runs of 0 guage power to the rear, and 2 XS Power D3100's in back running a pair of Sundown 2000d's that were producing 5200 watts strapped at .5 ohms. Now I was running over 3K on stock electrical and 3 batts and still bumped music daily loud enough to bassrace a 149.9, so how is that not possible????

  7. I have around an additional 400 pounds of box, batteries, and subs in the back of my ZX3. It hurts accelleration a lot since I have a 125 hp 4 cylinder to begin with, but I prefer the bass. Also I don't know if any of you have noticed how the ZX3's sit up in the rear end a coupe of inches higher than the front, but mine is dropped in the rear due to the weight and looks 100% better than a "stock" ZX3. I've had several people ask me what I used to lower the rear end and I've told them about 400 pounds of stereo equiptment. It has a function and the bonus of looking better :) I know it is probably going to wear out the suspension much faster, but it's the small price you pay to do 152's with your daily setup in a hatchback.

  8. By whole system do you mean radio and all or just the amp? If it's everything it is more than likely a voltage issue. I have had that problem at one point running two Alpine mrd-605's off a stock 650 amp battery and a single run of 4 guage. When the bass line would first hit the whole car would just shut off, engine and all since the voltage dropped so low. I measured it and I was dropping to the mid 11's, but for some reason it decided to shut off.

  9. I bet yo wife can run in the 139.9 class. The shit looks violent for only 500 watts rms. Get yo lady some power bro, and watch dudes cry cause she's got their best buy setup beat.

    Loud wifey FTW!!!

    My wife has a Fi X 12 ran off a Kicker zx400.1 at 2 ohms in a trunk Civic. The box is ported with 1.75 cubes and tuned to 39ish hz. She's happy with it, she's also happy it doesn't rip her head off like my car does when she rides in it.

  10. Blue 1500, I'm not trying to do anything but tell you that if you need some help with a box design let me know. I have a single Nightshade 15 off of 2 saz2000d's that does over a 153 on the dash sealed at 52hz. The same setup will also do close to a 156 in the kick with the door open. I've had the Nightshades for over a year and have had several different boxes for them. I'm pretty sure I could design something for you that will break 150's with no issues off as little as 3K watts.

    Honestly here's the issue that I think it is for you. You have a truck that has a wall in it. You are tuned low as hell and have to burp super low to please your subs/box. Being that you have a truck does your setup get louder when you either have a door or windows rolled down? If so I know exactly what the problem is. I'll wait for you to answer first before I go any further.

  11. Both the Type R and Sundown Z are not legal woofers in the street stock category. The subs used in street stock must have a 2.5" voice coil at most and can not have a cast basket frame. The sub also must be manufactured to fit the guidelines and you may not modify a sub to make it fit said guidelines.

    So to run that back down for you the biggest sub that is legal for street stock would be a stamped steel basket woofer that has no larger than a 2.5" coil that comes exactly that way from it's manufacturer and is also mass produced by them for the public. Otherwise it is not legal for the class and you need to get some stuff that is.

  12. Ouch! Damn I thought we were just kidding around here :) I'm not full of it at all, I speak the truf. Leave it to a west coaster to point the finger at someone else ;)

    Really though what's your music score so far I'm just asking cause I'm curious is all?

    No more shots below the belt or I'll bring up the spl max cup :blink::friends::friends::friends:

    Oh yeah and to the full of myself comment, you don't see anything in my sig that say something like this: only one to get a Drag and Bass Race KING OF mutha Fu*ckin CALI!!!!!!! or like this: I got the first ever Db Drag Slammin 160+ Sticker

  13. Are you sure you just aren't trying to get a loan for yo audioz?

    Bills: Yes I would like to finance a wall in my car.

    Bank: You want to finance a what?

    Bills: A wall, you know for speakers.

    Bank: Get the hell out of my office!

    J/k man, but for some reason when I read the title I was thinking of you going into a bank and getting a loan for your wall project. Then I played the scene out in my head. Sorry it's been a lazy day and I'm going to leave for work soon. My mind is wandering quite a bit on pretty much anything right now.

  14. Random ass vids FTW!!!

    When are you gonna put some shoes on and paint the Burb? I bet you might have some money to do so if you didn't recone perfectly good subs :P

    Really though what's the best that you've done on music so far?

    I've done a 151.3 in a bassrace run in my car with just 2 Nightshade 15's, 2 saz2000's, 2 XS Power D3100's, and an Iraggi 260 amp alt. I'm not trying to compare my setup with yours at all, I just wanted to share my info since it's pretty recent that I did that is all. It's not too shabby for a little Focus with the box being tuned to 37hz and peaking at 43hz. My 1 15 spl setup is louder on a burp than my daily which still burps a 151.9, but the 1 15 is around 1.4-1.5 louder. Strange huh?

    I know that has pretty much nothing to do with the topic at all, but we left the topic long ago.

  15. lol if you only knew how much shit he talks about my amps...

    Lol, I'm sure he's just trying to bust your balls. I mean hell, he's not the best at choosing amp companies either. Who runs Earthquake? Lol, maybe that was Kimo, but there's nothing wrong with SD until it catches Alpine's truck on fire for the second time.

    I remember saying something to him about the Stetsom amps not being very stable for daily and to watch out for them, and then I read the thread saying his shit got burnt up. It was an epic rofl for me.

    Alpine, I'm just messing with you don't be mad. I know under the right circumstances those amps are stable, about as stable as a three legged table.

  16. ^^^ I guess you can be thankful that your amps haven't caught fire this year, yet.... Lolz, I kid. Honestly though I had a teamate this year who's SD 12K failed time and time again along with about 6 8K's. He kept having issues with the output fets and when he would send the amp back he would get a completely different amp in return that was used :(

    You haven't had any issues with these yet have you? Do you run them below 1 ohm? If not then I would guess that's probably why, but Murilo told my team member it was completely safe to run his amp at .25 ohms for burps and it never held up more than a couple of burps without going up in smoke.

    You've had enough trouble with amps so I hope these are treating you well. If not I know of a place where the Sun goes Down that you can find all the power you'll ever need :)

    Edit: Oh yeah no cup this year, so I guess you were good. It was never you that was really in question about being naughty. It was the Grinch who stole the cup that everyone was mad about.

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