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Posts posted by bigbodylexus

  1. Okay first off let me say that this statement is in no way meant to disrespect Sundown Audio, Jacob Fuller or Team Sundown. I was a little upset after reading the initial post. I realize that it must be hard sifting through all the BS to get to legitimate competitors who would like to join Team Sundown. I used to run a car club and I know how it is when everyone wants to join, some are looking for handouts, but I can count on one hand all those who approached me who truly shared my passion for what I was doing. Having said that, I will state that I am very interested in Team Sundown simply because of the products and the friends I have made since competing. When I joined another organization it was simply because I "thought" he offered a good product and it was a new company. That is exactly how I feel about Sundown Audio. I only know of 2 other people in my city that even use Sundown equipment. I'm not that full time competitor, I do more of a street beat but I know that most of the products sold by bigger companies aren't bought by competitors, they're bought by John Smith who knows nothing about competing he just wants a little beat in the trunk. I'm not saying this as a means to join because I would still utilize Sundown Audio regardless, just thought I would voice my opinion, besides I dare Jacob to come to Wichita, Kansas and pull up next to my Camry.

  2. Okay I don't have all the technical knowledge like Jacob does (he's the Mad Scientist of SPL, what can I say) what I do know is that my next pair of subs will be the Zv.2 subs. I have the SA-12's know and I was not disappointed at all. I have been to a few shows and I have taken nothing less than 3rd place. So I'm expecting big things from the Z v.2 12's and since you're doing 15's those will be monsters.

  3. 100_0895.jpg

    Not trying to take credit because this is not my setup (not exactly, same subs, different box and amp) but my question is this. I have been looking to beef up my electrical system and I have looked at CarQuest NGT Extreme batteries, just like the one he has. They are very similar to other AGM batteries, is there a big difference in buying that battery as versus something like a Powermaster or Kinetik?

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