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Posts posted by bigbodylexus

  1. What's crazy is all these haters, I am not a Kobe Bryant fan, I am an LA Laker fan, I have been since 1980. Now if I had to pick a favorite player then it would be Magic Johnson. He's the reason I am a Laker fan. All BS aside the Lakers won the game last night, no matter how you analyze it, break it down, etc. Perkins didn't play, guess what I don't think it would have mattered if he did. I do have to respect Kobe Bryant as a player because he is damn good. You don't get the awards he gets because they "like" you. It gets old to hear things like "they got lucky" or "Boston should have won" the fact of the matter is they lost. When the Lakers lost those 3 games, what could I say? hell they lost. So all you haters can stop it because it won't change the fact that the Lakers are the 2010 NBA Champs. The team that I'm most worried about for next season isn't Boston, it's Oklahoma City.

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