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Everything posted by LoudNLow931

  1. Well Sense everyone said it was normal for it to do that when the amp came on I went and check the subs seperate and they both read what they where suppose to... So I plugged them back in and wrapped the wires in electrical tape and it works! There must have been a wire touching Thanks for the help though!
  2. Can anyone explain what is going on here??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjACqeHtOqY
  3. Been friends with for awhile and really enjoy his stuff, He's pretty well known around where we live and has even done some music with some bigger people(Haystak,Mer5e) Looking to get some feedback from some people out of our area, So if you could check it out, Let me know what you think and if you like what you hear hit the like Button. Currently working on some new stuff! http://www.facebook.com/lement
  4. I have 15' 10" of Knu Kolossus Fleks Kable 0 gauge, Its used I just took it out of my truck, Was too short to re-run all the way to the back. $30 + Shipping. Open to any trades.
  5. Love my knu wire, the fuses do their job lol. The fuse holders can be a bitch at times but they work. I also use their battery thing with 3 outputs and that works excellent as well.
  6. shit ok lol, I found the 1/0, dam double the price but still cheaper than knu.
  7. Would this work for power wire? Or is it not the correct stuff? http://cgi.ebay.com/4-WELDING-CABLE-50ft-coil-MADE-USA-/290545880509?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43a5e24dbd
  8. I need a few runs of 0 gauge longer than 20' idc what color. Lmk what u have!
  9. I might be there, its 4 hours away though so im not 100% sure.
  10. 13.8 at idle 12v within seconds of playing unless I rev up then I can hold a steady 13.5
  11. As long as you have 2 mirrors total your are good to go, never heard of anyone getting in trouble for having a wall.
  12. Techforce will be there, I think he's bringing Frankenstein and maybe SPLHell but im not 100% sure. Dvldogyut will be there he has the tahoe with 2 21s, Chris with his van and 12 12s ive never seen him do any demos though lol. Those are the only big systems that I know are going for sure.
  13. I'll be there! Looking forward to hearing your truck, I was like blahhh just another normal show. Then someone mentioned you where going and I was like WAHOO!!! lol.
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