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Posts posted by Airborne

  1. so I just gave the sub a "free air test" with a directed 1500d, lawnmower battery and a Sansa. I knew I should have sewn the tinsel leads but I was in a hurry! Aside from a little lead slap it gets down! Gonna try and get some wood and do up a little enclosure today for the wife's car! I'll try to make a video when it's done.

    I was surprised how much power it took, I know free air doesn't show it's full potential but it took the amp most of the way up and didn't bottom out and there was no coil rub!

    I am a bad ass!lol

  2. these type rs are a bit different. There is a plastic ring that holds down the bottom spider and you have to glue the spider to it before you screw the ring back down. I did some tricky aligning and am pretty sure it's good. Did the old "push on it" test.lol If it rubs I'll play it till it quits!

    How low should I tune the enclosure? I know home audio subs are tuned higher, I figure about 45hz or so. Any ideas?

  3. lol, I shimmed it. That was just the pessimist in me coming out. It's all together. Coils read a steady 2.1 so we'll see when it's all cured up in the morning. I plan on using it in a sub for my garage. Any suggestions on the tuning/size of enclosure?

    And type-r's are a pain in the ass! As long as it makes music I'll be happy. I am about to upload some pics from my phone and will post them in a while. I think I am going to try this with some other subs later on. Just gotta keep checking the for sale section for motors and baskets.lol

  4. this is the kit, I expect it to be prety simple. I can build and rebuild anything but I have NEVER rebuilt a sub before. I should have the kit by the end of the weeek and am planning a home sub with it for my garage.


    I was looking for a loaded horn, tuba or something strange and with a flat response so I can fire it up and feal monsters crushing cities.lol

    I have never rebuilt a sub like I said but I am a fast learner. Any tips would be appreciated and if anyone has a good and strange design for the bride of Frankenstein I would compensate the for their time. There is a place on the web that sels designs but I thought these things would be speaker specific. How do I get the T/S specs from a frankensteined sub?

    I pretty much need HELP!


  5. Bartender checking in.

    not many of these things will work. I'll share what I know to be true through research and alcohol classes I have attended.

    Drinking water throughout the night is double sided. Meaning, you're not going to drink as much alcohol if you're drinking water because you are less thirsty, therefor not wanting to drink at all. booooo

    Eating something fatty before drinking will slow the absorption rate of alcohol. This only affects the rate at which you get drunk though, nothing to do with hangovers.

    caffeine is so stupid to mix with alcohol, ESPECIALLY energy drinks. I dont even know why it's legal still to be honest. People assume the main reason is because you're mixing a stimulant with a depressant, but there's a lot more to it. The caffeine and sugar take effect first. meaning you feel fine and dandy after 3 jagerbombs, actually you can concentrate better than before taking the shots. That is because the caffeine goes into affect way before alcohol. Once you crash from the energy, you're at the peak of the effects of alcohol and it hits you even harder.

    Drinking water throughout the night is a struggle and you will be spending more time in the bathroom than you will with your friends. The effects of alcohol make the kidneys flush everything, alcohol and water included. It's not until after detox that you can finally become fully hydrated. Eating something may make you puke the next day because alcohol messes up the lining in your stomach and you have a bunch of shit sitting in your weaker stomach now.

    Taking painkillers helps with the headache, but your liver already hates you. Well, a lot more than your liver hates you. Alcohol affects every organ in your body except the organ in your ear.

    Stay with clear alcohols to have less of a chance of a hangover.

    I know I'm way late on this subject but I just wanted to chime in. Hope everybody had fun!

    the only real answers I have read in the whole thread

  6. Im fairly certain that all 2x4s get warped from being in the racks at the lumber yard.

    usuly when you build with 2x4's you "crown" them so the inevitable bow's all go in the same direction to avoid some wobbly walls and crown them up os roof joists to keep the sag out. In this case you would want the crowns to alternate for rigidity.

    But I have built butcher blocks out of pine and I tell you, there is no way they would ever leak. With access to a planer if you build them long sides touching, a jointer if they are joined short side, but this wouldn't be as strong.

    The prep work wouldn't be too long and it would look like a big bassy fucking counter top, I want to do it now!

    How I would do it;

    Plane the long sides, all of them before you get joining them like when you build a table. Join them in sections small enough to go into the planer so you can plane the sections before you join them for aesthetic reasons. Dowels and large clamps with a good amount of glue would prevent them from leaking if done right provided you use a good glue like Tightbond II. All you would need is a big ass blade to cut the holes for the subs. This would be a tank of a sub enclosure!

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