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Posts posted by Noob_On_Droid

  1. Look into the basket under the spiders and look at the coil. If the coil is flatwound (smooth, wires look flat) then its a level 5 flat wound coil. If the wires look round its a 4 layer level 4 coil. Lastly, the stiff spiders on the fives look "rough" while the level 4 soft spiders are smooth. I would explain the different dust caps but you can't tell unless you take it apart ha ha ha

  2. Resin will be the strongest and best solution in your situation. If your panels are structurally sound and have the coin thickness gap you can just grab a $0.99 small tube of clear silicone II and fill the gap. Everybody starts somewhere and I have filled quarter inch gaps with tons of silicone and it still holds solid to this day. No, I will not post pix of the enclosure ha ha

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