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Fish Chris

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Posts posted by Fish Chris

  1. You bass heads have probably heard it... but in case you haven't, check out;

    Bass 305 - Automated Digital Bass

    Oh, and check out; Bass 305 - Introduction to Virtual Bass (Sub Transducer Mix) {SM played it in our video, but it sounded a little different on his system, than it does on mine ? ;)}

    My favorite line in this track > "If you cannot relate to 305, you will not survive the future" :) ...crank that up for the haters :) LOL

    Or, you might not have heard this one;

    Bass Heavyweights - Going Back to Bass



  2. Hey Team Nemesis, so here's a funny one for you; Of course you know I'm a hard-core, life long fisherman. But my passion with fishing, is to catch BIG fish. "Big" being relative to the species in question, of course.

    Funny thing is, I got my "dream boat" 3 years ago, and it just happens to be a 14ft aluminum. I think Yamaha G3 kind of tripped on that.... They were like, "you realize we will give you any boat we make, for the same big % off, right" ? To which I replied, "Yes, and I really appreciate..... I just don't need the biggest boat, to catch the biggest fish. In fact, a boat that costs much, if any more to operate, will reduce my number of hours on the water, which in turn will reduce my number of big fish caught". They were like..... "Uhhhhh.... well okay".

    Believe me, I have LOTS of buddies with big, high perormance bass boats.... which is fine for them, as they are as passionate about their boats, as I am about catching big fish..... But I guarantee you they are envious of my big fish catches :)


    Hey 98Hoe and Syko.... I know, I know. Ya' see, I was put here to teach that age old adage, "Never judge a book by its cover" :)

    BTW, I work with mostly younger people. I've given stereo demo's to most of them, and they all love it. So, I usually end most of my demo's by telling them, "Not too bad for an old white guy, huh" ? :) LOL Their like, "Fish, your crazy" :)



  3. Why would you spend 800$ on a purse you silly ass, is usually my response(if its a female)

    Cuzz your girlfriend likes it, if its a dude..


    LOL :) Those were good :)

    Ya' know, I was having one of my AADD induced daydreams just now, and I was thinking, this might really eff somebody up >

    So, you pull up to a place cranking your system. You get out of your vehicle and somebody makes a negative comment about your system.

    So you approach them and say, Sir or Mam, can I ask you a question ? They will probably grumble a little and say, "Maybe... depends what it is". So you ask, "Do you have any passions which you just absolutely live for ? ..... which make you feel "more than alive" ???

    So here's the thing, if they say "Yes, I like to xxxxxxxxx" you answer, "That's great ! Personally, I've never been into that..... but that's not important. What matters is, you have something which makes life worth living ! That's what over-the top car stereos do for me" :)

    If they say, "No.... or refuse to answer, you could say, "Well, I hope you are as passionate about something... heck, about anything, as I am about car stereos..... Otherwise, why the heck did you even bother to get out of bed this morning" ???

    People are a trip, aren't they ?



  4. just have zero understanding of the whole super-sound system idea ??? I mean like girlfriends, wives, co-workers, people on non-stereo related Internet forums, etc.

    I've come up with an analogy that works pretty good with some people......

    I have had a few people lately ask, "But why in the world would somebody build such a rediculously over powered stereo ???

    To which I instantly reply (and I do mean instantly ! .....like I can see the question coming, and I'm already taking a deep breath, and gearing up ;-) LOL

    >>> Well first, let me answer that question with a question.....

    "Why in the world would somebody put an 8000 horse power motor in a car, and use it to travel over 300 miles per hour in 1/4 of a mile" ?

    Answer; Because it's crazy, and it's extreme, which makes it a ton of fun, and "because they can" ! :)

    Then, if they ask about possible hearing damage, I tell them > "Yes ! Crashing a car traveling at over 300 mph can certainly damage your hearing" ! :rolleyes:

    Man, in all seriousness, I've said this for a long time > I don't give a shit WHAT your into, but whatever it is, do it BIG !

    I'll never understand how some people can just go all the way through life, and never do any 1 thing to the fullest ? I just don't ever want to be laying their with time short, and "wishing" I'd have fished more... or built a badder stereo system.... or took more / better photos....

    IMPO, being passionate about something.... heck, about ANYTHING, is what makes life worth living !

    Anyway, that's my philisophical rant for the evening :)



  5. Hey Steve, thanks man. I grabbed that photo from here, full sized. I'm going to print it now :)


    believe it or not, thats the camera i use to take my video's with. Its finicky because im not the best photographer when it comes to lighting and settings - but in just the right situation it does real good. Its a 12mpxl cam but it dont always act like it.

    also, i usually post my pics at 640x480 for the web and almost never full rez like this.

  6. Hey k3n, believe it or not, that is a stock Ford F150 color. It's called {and don't let the name throw you off, because I know its not green....} Stone Green.... Not to be confused with the very similar color, Dark Stone, which it replaced in 08'.

    Anyway, the fact that the 08' production year was cut off sooner than any previous truck building year + the fact that among the 04-08 body style, it was only used on 08's, then the 09's had the new body style, it makes my truck, in Stone Green, a pretty rare combo. I've seen 2 or 3 in my area, but no other ones murdered out.

    Anyway, thank you :) I do like it a lot.



    PS, You said > BIG ASS FISH...... Come on man, at least I'm on a diet ;)

    ^ BIG ASS FISH! Also, compliments on you truck. That's not a stock color is it because it's bad ass.

  7. Cracker

    brand x is thee shit and brand z was doodoo

    Can you please differentiate between shit and doodoo ? :) LOL

    Seriously though, the whole thing about people jumping on a bandwagon, is just human nature. Sure, it's silly, but it happens ALL the time, with ALL different subjects. I see it in fishing constantly. But you see now, this is why you will see me refer to myself as a whacko... odd-ball... far-left, etc, etc, kind of guy. I'm proud to be as self thinker. Even in situations where I end up at the same place, I often have taken a different path to get there.

    If I see a whole bunch of guys going one direction (whatever the subject, fishing, car stereo, photography, etc), I'm always the first to go off the other way.... often, completely by myself.

    In the fishing world, I do some of the whackiest, out of the norm things, that a nooby would get ripped on, and laughed at over, but a lot of guys are like..... well if Fish Chris is doing that, maybe I should try it too. But I always just tell them, "Dude, this is just what works for me. But you need to do what works best for you. Forget about everybody else".

    Some of my biggest successes in life, have come from thinking out of the box.



  8. Thanks again guys.

    Hey Tech, well first off, I got the idea from nearly every old school home tower speakers you will ever see. I just used some stretchy black (polyester ? I think it was) and some light pine trim stripping... Like 1 1/4" x 3/16". BTW, it was kind of funny; The fabric place I went to, carried this other stuff made specifically for speaker cloth.... but it costed more, and it was not as stretchy. Anyway, this pic kind of explains it all.... Just used little particle board blocks for the corners, tack nails and wood glue. Oh, and fabric stores also sell this fast drying materials glue, to glue the fabric to the trim, after you have wrapped it around to the inside. And don't forget the velcro for the corners.

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    Hey Reest, and anyone interested, my website is www.TrophyBassOnly.com But don't let that title fool you.... While that site only pertains to trophy sized Largemouth bass, I will / do actually fish for anything that will bite my hook and rip drag ;)

    Here's one I caught about 5 miles from my home (Montezuma Slough) about 4 years ago....

    100 inches in length, 46" girth, with a chart weight of 312 lbs :) Yanked it right out of the water before it knew it was hooked ! .... just kidding :) Epic battle. The next day, I felt like I had been in a car accident !

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    Fear no fish !



  9. Hey Brewer, I know, I know.... but the boat actually came with the camo paint job, and the motor didn't. And it least for the first couple years, I couldn't really change it, as I'm sponsored by Yamaha G3, so they want it to look like what they sell.....

    98HOE, thanks man. That's nice to hear, as often, I'm the odd-ball that has people asking, who TF is this guy ? ....and WTF is he talking about ? :) LOL Hey, I'm the first to admit that my mind is usually out in left field somewhere.... but I do consider myself to be a really nice guy :)



  10. Hey Brewer, I got my custom badge decals from PatriotDecals.com

    They have tons of color choices, background and forground, in factory colors, etc.

    Don't know if you noticed, but even my F150 badges are custom, as they are always chrome with black lettering... So I did them in Satin Black, with Gold lettering from Patriot Decals :)

    Not too expensive either. The Ovals are like $9 each, and I think the F150 inlays were like $11 each....

    Thanks for the comps on the truck guys. I know its different. I call it the anti-bling truck. The main reason I styled it the way I did, was because I bought it to tow this boat >

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    I think its a good match.

    Now, only if it had a 20Kwt SMD system in it ! :)



  11. Hey Steve, I really want to thank you again for the incredible experience. To say your system is "loud" just doesn't even come close to explaining it ! That would be like saying, "Pluto is far" :)

    Anybody who is into big, bad-ass systems, needs to experience this at least once in their life.... or else they will have no idea how crazy it can get ! :)

    But on a whole other level, anybody who hasn't met Steve Meade in person, really should also. At the end of my short visit, I felt like I'd been friends with him for years. Super humble, friendly...... just a good guy, who enjoys life. And his passion for car audio is totally obvious.

    Anyway, I had a GREAT time :)

    Much thanks again Steve,

    Just keep doing what you do dude !



    Oh hey, I took several photos, most of which are stuff you have probably already seen.... but maybe not from these exact angles, lighting, etc. {I'm pretty big into photography too}

    So here's a few of the best....

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  12. Hey Fritos, well the port will still "exit" from the side, but it won't have to protrude at all. Interesting how as a box gets bigger, the port gets shorter, huh ?

    Fiberglass isn't so hard, huh ? Hmmmmm. Well take a look at this, and see what you think.....

    Imagine that I want to chop the whole bottom 8 inches off of my doors (the whole map pockets) then > squeeze < in my 8" mid-bass drivers, at the front, underneath the mids, in "sealed" enclosures that integrate right in with the doors :-(



    Anyway, the truck is only a year old..... So, needless to say, if I'm going to start chopping on my doors, it "better" be a good, clean job when finished.....

    What do you think ?



    its the port going to come out the side like the box for the 12's?

    and fiberglassin is alot easier than ppl think. make a frame, stretch a good stretchy fabric over it(make this part look good, leads to less finishing work), coat it in resin and let it cure, then start addin some mat( i usually do 2 layers at a time then sand off high spots and bubbles, then gets some short strand fiberglass filler to even it all out. sand sand and sand.. and your done.. it makes doors heavy though

  13. Right on.

    Damn, at this point, I have to admit something;

    In the past, I've not put a lot of weight in the whole deadening thing. I knew it made some difference with some things, but I felt like a lot of guys were overestimating the benefits.

    In fact, I still think when you see some of those guys on the SQ forums saying, "Started my build"..... so you open it up to see a hollowed out vehicle, with nothing but foil wrapping 3 layers deep..... and so you check back a week later, still no speakers, or amps... but now the foil is 6 layers deep... a month later, its 9 layers deep, but the guy is out of cash... so the stereo equipment will have to wait. So will driving the vehicle. Good thing the guy owns a scooter" ;-)

    Okay, probably not too many guys like that, but I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.

    Deadening probably will help more than I previously thought..... but so will some good speakers, correct enclosures, and fat-ass amplifiers :-)



  14. So, I was at a reputable stereo place in Sac last week, and I gave a demo of my setup to a young guy that worked there. I told him beforehand > I want you to be critical as $#!+. Don't try to make me feel good... If you here anything you don't like, please tell me.

    So, I play some SQ type of stuff... then I play Ying Yang Twins - Salt Shaker.

    So I turn it back down and again I tell him, "now be totally critical".

    The guy says, your bass sounds really good, tight, clean, and deep. Your overall balance sounds pretty good too. But your mids / highs sound kind of harsh, and tinny. Okay. Fair enough. I told him, some music sounded better.... but some worse. I asked about a 3Sixty.2 to fix the problem {like maybe I had a frquency spike issue going on} but he didn't sound so confident. He asked what brand of components I have. Polk Audios > with soft dome tweets {which should not sound harsh}.

    So, we talk for a little while longer, and I mention that I'll probably get my doors deadened when I get my 8" mid-bass drivers relocated to them..... and he looks at me and says, "Dude, you don't have yours doors deadened" ??? I'm like, "Well not yet, but I definately plan to". At which point the guy says, "Before you do anything else, you really need to deaden those doors. Right now, it's like your mids / highs are mounted inside a coffee can. It's no wonder they sound tinny !

    Now, you guys with sound deadening experience, do you think this guy was correct ? I mean, I know deadening will help with some things, but do you think it will make harsh mids + highs smoother too ?

    Crossing my fingers. Can't really afford Focals, or Rainbows or whatever TF is supposed to be the shiz....



  15. Hey Expo

    if you have a really hard time fitting those cubes in an enclosure then you may be better off with smaller subs to properly fit it.

    A "hard time" and flat out, "not being able to make it happen" is two different things. If I could not get 7 full cubes after porting, I'd just abort the idea..... but I think I can.

    Hey Fritos, the kind of unsymetrical I'm talking about is.... well take a glance at my current box once more.... then imagine one sub in the top, pointing straight up, and being mounted on a surface of about 29" x 19"..... then, imagine another sub on the front (aprox angle of about 30 degrees) and that surface measuring about 29" x 29".... So in other words, completely whacked > and probably what most guys have been told, will cause problems, and won't sound good.

    I'd just like to hear from somebody who had some crazy angles like this going on > but who had their cubes and their porting spot on.... and then to hear if they thought it was totally fine, or it did not work out well.

    Oh but anyway four 10"s = aprox 314 sq", while two 15"s = aprox 353 sq"....... Now four 12"s ??? :-) Problem there is, I like my current 12"s, but they don't make them anymore.... least wise, the exact same ones.

    Anyway, I am going to build something new for my sub setup.... Not just yanking everyones chain. On the other hand, I REALLY need to get my 8" mid-bass drivers up in my doors first, anyway. What sucks about that, is I'm too freaking poor to pay somebody for custom fabrication.... and yet I've never done fiberglass work myself :-( Major effing delemma.



  16. Hey 92', here's MPO, for what it's worth, if anything....

    I would talk to the manufacturers of your subs. I'd tell them whether I was an SPL guy, an SQ guy, or somewhere in between. I'd then ask them the one and only question that matters whatsoever > What would be the "OPTIMUM" cubic footage for these subs, for my purposes < ???

    If I could make that amount of cubes (and not 1 cubic inch less) I'd do it. If not, I wouldn't. Simple as that.

    I once had a Chevy S10, reg cab. Built 3 different "in-cab" ported enclosures, that all sounded like arse, because I didn't have enough cubes. Finally, I took the plunge and did the thing you don't want to do.... A blowthrough. That was first AWESOME sounding setup I ever had, and I never looked back. If ever I had a reg cab truck again, I'd start planning a blowthrough, the first day I got it..... even if it were just a sound quality setup with a couple of (relatively small) 10"s or 12"s or something.... as I'd want to keep what little cab space I had availalable to me in a reg cab truck.



    All dimension are outside dimensions and I will use either 3/4" MDF or .75" MDF.

    Personally, I think I'd use a little of each ;)

  17. Thanks guys.....

    Hey Expo, 'Sloppy' ? Yea... a little I guess ;) That was just one of those things that I could not find better words to describe. I just know that probably everybody on this forum has heard of some things you shouldn't do, because "they heard" it would sound bad, but of whom haven't actually experienced that themselves..... Yet I'm quite sure that at least "some of the time" a box goes against "the rules" and sounds great too. {as in Frito's story below > I had 2 sealed twelves facing each other a while ago. all i heard was cancellation this and that.. but it sounded gread in my car especially for havin a pos pyle amp.}

    In fact, while my current box has both 12"s on the face, I actually have my port coming off of the left side (which some people will say you should not do) and on top of that, my port is 3/4's inside the box and 1/4 outside (which some guys also say will hurt the SQ) But it sounds great. Definately won't get rid of that box, when I build a new one.

    Oh but hey Expo, I'm totally okay with a little sarcasm :) With my friends, I'd better be !

    Hey Fritos, the way I feel about it is > If I can make 7 full cubes, after porting, I CAN fit two 15"s. < The only way I would not go with two 15"s, would be if I couldn't make enough airspace for them. Experience has shown me that "airspace" really is critical, for proper sub enclosure design > and is NOT just something somebody said, like I'm wondering about with unsymetrical enclosures that I'm questioning here.

    Siucsaluki "^" ....that would be interesting. The thing is it might be VERY tricky for my situation, as a slanted face is still best for my space available.

    BTW, if any of you haven't seen it, this is my current 3 cube box for my two 12"s.... The possible enclosure I'm considering (if not a t-line for my current two 12"s, and just doing a lightweight wall) is just a slanted faced enclosure shaped just like this, except 6" taller, 4" wider, and 5" deeper. Port will still be out the left side, as I've learned, that works just fine.


    Anybody else ? Your experiences please....



  18. So, would he like "send them to me" ?

    BTW, do you know "about how much" those DC lvl 2 15"s go for ?

    Hey Earthman, whatever subs I go with, it will have to be two 15"s, as I'm already running two 12"s..... and it wouldn't make sense to switch over to one 15" for less speaker surface area than I have right now.

    For the two 15" SSD's, I wish I had more power.....



    If you want DC Subs just send "WCA Rusty" a pm on here and he will get back to you.
  19. Now, I don't want to hear a "theoretical" answer.... or a "somebody said" answer......

    I want to know if somebody has actually / personally had a problem (as in > box sounded like shit) because it was not symetrical, and had two subs, firing in different directions ???

    My situation is, if I build an enclosure for two 15"s, it can only be about 28" wide..... 25" tall.... with a top depth of about 18" and a bottom depth of 23" (a slanted face. Hope you can you picture that in your head) Maybe a hair bigger, if needed to make 7 cubes.... but not enough bigger to put two 15"s on any one side of it.

    So I would have to have one sub in the slanted face, and the other sub in the flat, smaller top. {not worried about it looking weird, or goofy, as I will cover the box with black speaker cloth anyway, and you won't be able to see either sub {#1 for security, #2 for a clean install}

    Will this "really" be a problem ?..... or would anybody that says it would, just be going by "what they were told" ? .....er should I say, "scared because they haven't done it themselves" ?

    Anybody ?

    Much thanks,


  20. Now hey cthedinger, those DC lvl 2's look really good ! I like that they are nice an efficient. The basket looks great. Optimum ported enclosure is also only 2.5 cubes, which is great too !

    Heck, only problem with those is, I can't find anyplace that sells them ???

    Got a suggestion, or link ?



    Edit; WHAT ?!?! No Internet sales ! In 2009 !?!? Uh, hello ! That trips me out even more, than a place like Fi that "only sells" by Internet ! (what's bad with them though, is they only sell direct).

    Anyway, the closest dealer DC shows is about 2 1/2 hours from here :-( Of course they couldn't sell them in like Sac, or San Fran..... Instead they sell them on the North end of Clear Lk. ! WTF ? Those people have less $$$ than they do teeth.... and that ain't too many ! ;-)

    Should have figured. Those seemed like such good subs for my purposes.

    get 2 15 inch lvl 2 dc audio they are rated at 300 watts rms but can defently take more than there rms
  21. Hey Beanz, I think that would only be a big thing IF the manufacturer for his subs recommended ported enclosures, and a certain, optimum tuning frequency. But since they don't recommend ported enclosures for his subs at all, I'd say > go back to sealed.



    PS, But hey BHS, tell me the cubic footage (or even dimensions) of your enclosure, and size of your port(s), and I can tell you what its tuned to.

    well one big thing is what frequency is your box tuned at?
  22. Sealing the port off, will do the same thing as removing it.... However, now your enclosure will be too big..... unless you put something inside to take up the additional space.

    But the best thing, would be to go back to your original sealed box. You do still have it.... right ?



    Read the sub box last night and realized they are ment for sealed enclosures.... Wowzer.... Could i just get a piece of MDF to seal up the port or does it need to be taken out?
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