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Fish Chris

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Posts posted by Fish Chris

  1. I hear you.

    And just to reiterate > I LOVE bass.

    I'm quite sure their would be a bunch of SQ snobs who would say I'm adjusting my music WAAAY to bass heavy. Whatever.

    I like a lot of bass.

    But I still want there to be enough mids and highs that you can tell what song it is, and for it to still sound musical, and not just a complete bass wash out.

    I guess "balance" is a matter of personal taste.


    Some songs are awesome and some songs aren't. I usually just matched the bass with the mids and highs so it sounded even.

  2. First off, please don't take this like I'm being a smartass here. Also, I'm not trying to bash on anybody's bass boosting skills....

    But I've downloaded, and tried to listen to several different bass boosted songs, by at least two different, respected members here, and they were just flat out unlistenable on my system.

    The balance was so far off, you could not hear the mids and highs enough to even know the song title, or the artist. Just "nothing but bass" ! {at least on the songs with long, constant bass notes}

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE bass. And sure, sometimes I'll have a song that I just can't quite bring the bass up enough with my separate bass boost, or bass controls on the deck. Some of these songs might need a moderate boost in the bass region. Of course, some might also need some treble added, or an overall loudness boost, as well.

    But anyway, this whole thing leaves me wondering > With the guys who are playing these bass boosted versions of these songs, and saying they sound great, are their systems set up so completely differently than mine, that they need this much of a bass signal for a good balance ? ......or, do they just not even care if they don't hear "anything but" the bass notes ???

    Just curious,


    PS, Somebody was just asking about bass boosted Michael Jackson songs.... Hmmmm. Maybe a few of his older songs need a little boost. But on my system, if I play songs like, "Man In the Mirror", or "The Way You Make Me Feel" I set my deck bass controls at "0" and don't need to go heavy on the separate bass control knob either. Doing this, by the time I get to my decks "maximum before clipping" point, my subs are pumping out pretty much all the bass they are capable of producing, with the wattage I'm giving them. If I boosted the bass signal whatsoever, I'd not be able to use the full volume on my deck, and this would only serve to throw my balance off.

  3. Hey Berto, nahhh.... I pretty much assumed you would still have to have a solid alternator(s) and proper wiring.

    Still, I think I might look at those VCM setups...


    fish your thinking of the xs power vcm. and i have always figured when its colder the air is dense and so it moves more with less push. plus everything can cool off faster. due to the surrounding air being cold

    I believe you're right with the VCM. But I also believe he's misunderstanding the concept of the VCM.

    The VCM ensures that your Alt will charge at the set voltage, not "hold your voltage rock solid." You can have a VCM but a garbage electrical and you'll still have bad voltage drops.

  4. Now that's interesting too. Of course the air gets thinner, as you get higher, but I wouldn't have known whether the air up higher was harder to push, since their was less of it to push, or easier to push, because it was thinner.... Apparently the latter, huh ?


    It also gets louder with elevation as well.i remember kasey and i would be slammin to 99vics house as soon as we climb this big ass hill turns brutal out of no where

  5. Well, depending on how you look at it, I'm getting higher voltage, because of the colder weather.... So from that standpoint, the colder weather has a lot to do with it.

    But yea', I know what your saying, and I think that must be at least "most" of the difference.



    i will put a 100 on it saying he is louder and cleaner cause of the higher voltage cold weather has nothing to do with it sounding better

  6. Okay, my bad. So you just want a cylindrical enclosure. I do see where this would be super rigid, as it has no flat surfaces to flex. Personally, I'd still paint it with fiberglass resin, then sand and paint.... Or carpet it. I'd especially seal the inside, to prevent any air from soaking into / through the cardboard surface.


  7. Well, I suppose you could take a length of sonotube, seal it off at one end, and just have a cylindrical shaped, sealed enclosure. Not sure what the benefits would be.

    But generally speaking, a sono-tube enclosure "IS" a a T-line. Just another name for it.

    Another way of looking at at a sonotube sub set up, is just, that your speaker is mounted in a giant port, no actual box needed.


    i dont want a t-line tho i want a sono tube enclosure

  8. Yesterday here in Nor Cal, we broke our heat wave, with a big delta wind. Dropped about 25-30 degrees, in a 24 hr period.

    So last evening, I went out for a little music fix, and wow ! Everything was so much louder, and cleaner.

    The one obvious difference, was that my alternator was holding at like 14.3V, compared to 13.3V, on a hotter day.

    But is this the "only thing" that made the difference ? I've heard something about colder air being denser, or something like that ???


    Oh hey, speaking of higher voltages, can somebody remind me of that setup that will hold your voltage rock solid at whatever voltage you set it for ? I think 15.2 - 15.5 would be good :)



  9. I hear you. I got myself all interesting in T-lines a few years ago, and they do seem to have a lot of benefits.... aside from needing a LOT more space than a sealed, or even regular ported enclosure.

    My biggest problem was, I couldn't seem to find any exact formulas to predict the outcome of a particular build. Of course their must be an exact formula out there... It's all just physics, right ? But unless your a professor in mathematics, good luck. As so far as I know, nobody has designed a T-line calculator program :(

    Even among the successful T-line builds I've heard of, it seems that the builders were kind of flying blind, and just taking their chances. Of course like with most sub woofer designs, they can be adjusted after the fact. With T-lines, I guess it's common practice to use some sort of fiber fill, for damping, using more, or less, for the desired effect.

    If somebody could ever make T-line building easy (read: a program that gives me exact numbers) I'd be REALLY likely to try it myself.

    I had totally considered mounting my two 15"s face to face (turning them into one 15", with twice the motor) and using them in a huge T-line in my F150 Supercab > Walled, of course ;) But again, I just can't go through all that trouble, if I'm not SURE about the outcome.



    im looking for correct info on how to calculate and build one. its an interesting concept and possibly one i might be interested in so if anyone could help i would really appreciate it

  10. .....some of the people who like a nice sounding, but LOUD stereo setup ?

    Oh sure, you get PLENTY of people, often old, but sometimes even younger people with a stick up their a$$, right ?

    But don't you get a kick out of the older people who actually enjoy it ?

    Maybe this happens to me more, because 1) I'm old myself, and 2) at least when in the presence of older people, I try to play music they might like.... easier listening stuff, country, etc..... albeit, just as LOUD as I play anything else.

    So, something they like, on more of an SQL type of system.... and you can even slip a little more bass in there, than they were expecting, and still get by with it ;)

    I've often wondered , how many people who "say" they do not need an aftermarket radio and {here's the funny one, right ?} > My little stock stereo already plays louder than I need it {not understanding the difference between distortion, and actual SPL's on a meter, nor understanding the need for substantially more power for even modest amounts, of deep, road noise covering, bass.....

    {man, that was a long a$$ sentence ;)}

    Oh... so how many of those people would end up using 300 or 400 wts of a 1000 wt system, and not even know it :)



  11. Ray

    Port area and placement mean more than vol.

    Right on. To be honest, I'd have probably said they were pretty equally important... But I'm glad to be straightened out on that. Hate to go around spreading BS ;) Mad respect for you bro.

    Hey sorry guys.... If I could buy "another" P1000 5ch amp for the price I got that one, I'd buy it too !

    I think I'm going to use it like this>

    All 4 of the stereo channels, running a seperate pair of component mids and highs (right now or... next week) I'll have two sets (4 mids + 4 tweets) running off 2ch.

    Next, I'd run my 4 8" mid-bass drivers with the sub channel.

    Then, I'm going to be running a mono amp (not totally decided which yet) but in the 2000 to 2500 wt range, for my two 15" Daytons.



  12. Thanks again Big. Those are actually Dayton 8" mid-bass drivers. I'm grabbing from 80hz, to about 250hz with them, which really takes a lot of strain off of my component mids up front. I love 3/4 way setups {mine is 3 way active + 1 way passive, between the mids and tweets}. Heck, if I had the $$$, I'd probably be crazy enough to try a 5 or 6 way setup. Much more difficult to setup, but if done properly, all the speakers work so much easier, with such a narrower range to reproduce.

    Yea', it does pretty well. I know there are a TON of guys here with louder setups, and more bass.... but from an SQL standpoint, my setup does quite well :)

    In fact, I'm getting ready to go beat on it a little bit right now ;)



    I like that set up a lot Fish, that's a way better view than I got in the vid when you were at Steves shop. I dig the 6.5s (?) down low, good use of otherwise wasted space. Man, if you ever come to Ohio, me and my son got a couple sweet little large mouth holes we could let you in on, lol. Did a lil more reading, general consensus sounds like those Daytons arent terribly picky about the size of their enclosures, so thats more that tells me you'll be fine. Post up a vid once you drop in double the power, cause your shit was bumpin pretty darn good in the vid I saw.

  13. Thank you Big.

    Yea', I know 3.75 cubes per sub, is a little more than usual for most 15"s. I was not sure if the factory tech guy suggested that because I was not hitting them with too much power.... OR, because of the design of these subs (very tight suspension) but I suspect it probably has more to do with the latter. I forgot to ask him.

    Anyway, my box is pretty freaking big... nearly 10 cubes, before sub, port, and bracing displacement ! Fit's like a glove.... errr, a condom though ;) LOL

    Who the hell needs rear seats in a truck, anyway ? ;)




    Personally, I think you'll be just fine. Drop that new power in there, go see steve again and the SMD DD-1, get gains tuned, and rock out. Youll only be overpowering the subs by what, like 20 percent or so....I think itll wang out just fine... Actually I just did some googling, and saw a couple reviews of those subs... one fellow said he was running 1 in 3.75 cubes after displacements, putting over 1k rms to it, and he was super pleased with his results. Again, I say go for it, I think itll work out great.

  14. Okay, so I built the enclosure for my two Dayton 15" HO's, to have 7.50 net total (3.75 cubes for each sub). Works great, and so far as I know, I have never bottomed these subs out, on any note, even on those few ef ups, when I accidently maxed out my volume, or bass controls or something stupid.....

    But when designing this box, I did tell the tech guy that I'd be running just shy of 500wts each to them.

    Now, someday in the future (near ?) I hope to be bumping up my sub power to about 2000wts (1000 wt RMS each) They are only rated at 800wts RMS, so I know I will have to be smart with them.

    The question is, is it possible that they might bottom out running 1000 wts, where they would not bottom out running 480wts ?

    If so, it will probably be fairly easy to mod my box (take up some space) to bring it down to 7 or 6.5 cubes, then adjust my port length accordingly...

    Just curious if you guys think that might be neccessary ?

    Thank you,


  15. I lived in a old trailer, for 8 years, from the age of 18 to 26, which was inhabited by a ghost. He (don't know why, but I always felt it was a male) made his presence known at least once every few days. Mostly just goofy little stuff to mess with your head. Like, you would be in the kitchen, you get a glass or something, then close the cabinet, walk back in the living room, look back into the kitchen, and the cabinet would be open again. So, you would go close it, and of course you would be eying the $#!+ out of it after that, but it wouldn't open.... until the minute you looked away, then you would spin back around, and that $#!+ would be open again !

    Their was lots of other goofy little stuff too..... and one very dramatic incident on the day my ex and I were moving out.

    So, I KNOW ghosts or other supernatural stuff "can possibly exist", because I've experienced it. But still, I believe their are a whole bunch of people out there who are full of BS about supposed super natural experiences.



  16. Yes... Okay. That LAME decoder just wasn't making it to where it needed to be.... But after all those hours of beating my head off the wall, I finally got that straight.

    Just one more litlle thing though, and honestly, I don't even know if audacity will let me do this.... But once I finally got my redone versions converted to Mp3's, it saved them at a crappy 128bps ? Is there some way I can bump that up to at least 256bps... or a little higher ???

    Thanks again,


    I always just used Audacity's built-in export as MP3 feature. You have to download the encoder and then re-open audacity, but it enables the option to File->Export and then choose MP3 File in the dropdown. Also gives you the ability to add song metadata (track names, artist, etc.) before encoding

  17. I have spent literally 4+ hours trying to convert .AUP files to Mp3's !

    YES, of course I downloaded the piece of $#!+ LAME decoder (perfect name for it BTW) So I open up the FoxTab thing, and I get to where it says to import file.... But when I go to my desktop (where I have these couple of .AUP files that I want to convert) I can't find them on the drop down list ???

    Is this POS FoxTab program the "only" one that can convert AUP to Mp3's ? Hell, I don't even care if I have to upload the file to some online thing, then bring it back to my PC (tried that once too.... after the program said, "Will convert any file type"..... except AUP I guess... effing POS)

    Uhhhh..... So yea WTF ???


  18. Bullet, I have heard that one, plus several others.... But I just don't care for any of the remixes as much as I do the original.

    Barney, yea', this is one of those songs where I caqn imagine the epicenter would work great ! Wish I had one (although I'm not sure how often I'd really use it).

    I just want it redone, to sound like it probably sounds with your epicenter.



    PS, Hollywood, I can totally respect that. Funny how some guys (like the other guys in your band) will like a song, and the next guy can't stand it. And it's really bad, when a song you can't stand, ends up getting REALLY popular, because then you have to listen to that shiz 9 million freaking X's :) LOL

    For me it's like Carlos Santana - Smooth (feat Rob Thomas) I think pretty much everybody on the planet loved / loves this song...... But I absolutely dispised it from the first time I heard it. I got to where I could "name that tune" in between the first and second note, and instantly have my radio channel changed ! :) LOL

  19. Dude ! Look no farther ! THIS is what you need :)

    Talk about holding in your SPL's !!! :) Bullet proof glass is standard too ! Plenty of space for a dozen 18"s.... A big diesel motor which set up correctly, could probably make about 3000 amps ! Great way to get started ;)


    This would be "The REAL" stereo wagon :)



    Right now I have a 2004 ford escape and have horrible voltage problems. I have a sprinter bat in the back and a yellow top up front. I cant do the big three because I would have to drop the front axle. What is the best vehicle for car audio besides a van? I need easy access to the alt and alot of room.

  20. First off, that just effing BLOWS !!!! I'd be pissed of like a MF !

    But yea', about the alarm..... Call me paranoid, but when I started collecting the gear for my truck, the last step for prepping to put in the stereo was (and I literally made a check list for this, like I do everything else) *get alarm installed.

    You got lucky on that amp. Let this be a warning to you, and everybody who thinks the rest of us are "just being paranoid" !


  21. Out of the ordinary, you said ?

    Check this out; From the Slumdog Millionaire sound track.... I guess it would be called Indian techno ;) LOL


    Speaking of Slumdog, Frieda Pinto is SOOOO freaking hot !



    La Roux - In for the Kill

    La Roux - Bulletproof

    Phil Collins - In the Air

    Anyone know any bass boosted songs like these?

  22. Dude, Celine Dion has the voice of an angel ! :)

    The Titanic theme song is awesome, as is the track > 'A New Day'. Deep ass bass too. Yea', this kind of stuff really just whacks out the loud stereo haters.... Leaves em' all dumbfounded and $#!+ :) LOL



    Hey now, if you haven't already heard me say so, music genres, mean jack-$#!+-nothing to me. If I like a song, I like it. I don't give a rats a$$ if it's freaking polka music ;) LOL

    That said (oh, and yes, I'm the same Fish Chris that had SMD playing dubstep a few weeks ago :)) I guess this track is considered "Country"...... So, if you already know you don't like it, without even listening to it, just based on the genre, it's your loss then.

    But trust me.... Download the track; 'If I Die Young', by 'The Band Perry'. The kick bass is deep and tight. The mids are smooth, and clean. And Kimberly Perry just has an absolutely beautiful voice.

    Just a fantastic demo track, to show people your system can play actual music well, too...... I mean, assuming "it can play actual music well, too".


    As a fun little side note; I was cranking this up earlier, and it was such a trip to see the reactions of people..... especially people "you know" would ordinarily HATE on loud stereo systems. I had several of them look at me with this confused look, like they didn't know whether to hate it, because it was loud, or start singing along with it :) LOL Next they were probably thinking, "Look ! It's an old white guy" ! WTF ? :) LOL



    I just heard the song, sounds like it would be a nice song to demo an all around system.

    I was pretty close minded about the genres I listened, wow was I stupid.lol

    For some reason a weird song that I listened to for a while was the Titanic theme song by Celine Dion, Talk about getting weird looks,haha

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