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Fish Chris

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Posts posted by Fish Chris

  1. Thanks again guys.

    BTW, that is the kind of negative stuff I deal with.... but the positives are a HUGE master bedroom, with my own bath / walkin closet, the garage, for my truck < huge. Good price.

    Everybody seemed pretty chill tonight. They better be ! They don't want to piss me off ! :) LOL (just playing)



    Roommates suck. Notes are a good way to take care of things but sometimes you just gotta have an awkward convo if they don't work.

    One of my roommates does the same thing, total resource hog. He has an electric heater in his room and he has it up all the way (literally 80 degrees in his room) and instead of turning it down he opens his window for a week at a time. Doesn't turn it off during the day, leaves it on over thanksgiving break/christmas break while nobody is even there. He leaves the oven on like its his job, it has been left on for an entire weekend on more than one occasion. Instead of using the toaster oven for a single slice of pizza he'll preheat the oven for 30mins...then forget to turn it off. Fluffs his jeans for 20 minutes in the dryer daily. Starts the shower then goes and does laundry while it "warms up", followed by a 30 minute shower.

    Other roommate has his gf practically living there 5-6 days a week sometimes, and the days she doesn't stay she comes over to do laundry and showers there. Brings her dog and cat which infested our house with fleas for months.

    /rant fuck roommates man.

  2. If your cold, you need to work out harder :)

    Seriously though, all the bedrooms stay warmer than the living room / hall, where the temp gage is located. At 62, my room probably is 68. At 70, my room is an unbearable 80 freaking degrees !

    Oh, and of course I've already said something to them directly, multiple X's......


    Damn Fish, 62? I'd freeze my fat ass to death if I couldnt have it at least 68!

    No notes though, tell them whats up face to face.

  3. I know when you have room mates, everybody has to give and take a little bit. I think that I do this.

    And generally speaking, I think I am really really friendly / chill around here.

    But there are certain things, that I swear these stupid fucks just don't seem to learn ! Over and over, I wake up to the heater cranked up to 70+, and the house freaking cooking ! This morning, the same thing "except" the living room sliding glass door was all the ef'ing way open too !

    Then, everybody forgets to move there laundry from the wash to the dryer, or out of the dryer, when done, right ? I know I do once in a while. But then these ef'in dumb asses don't even leave a basket to put there shit in ??? Urggg ! + leaving there detergent and shit all over the top of the washer and dryer ! If it were not generic crap, I'd use their shit, and call it even !


    So again, I generally consider myself to be a super nice, reasonable guy. But this morning, I left a couple notes saying

    1) If the heater is set to above 62 degrees, I will disable it completely.

    And 2) if you leave your clothes in the dryer, please leave a basket to put it in..... + put away your soap and personal stuff on top of wash / dry....

    Or, you will find your shit thrown from the back porch.



    How would you handle dense MF'ers who seem to have such a hard time getting the message ?

    Just curious,


    PS, I feel a little better after the rant. Will feel even better after this workout ;) In fact, I might feel better enough to kick a room mates a$$ ! :) LOL


    PPS, The kitchen is a whole story unto itself. For a while, any time they would leave shit all over the counters, and in the sink, I'd round it all up, and leave it in a pile, in the middle of the living room floor. That kind of straightened them up for a little bit.... but now they are starting to slip with this again.

    I think I need to round it all up, and completely hide it from them, the next time.

    What are they going to do ? Kick my ass ?

    Man, fuck that shit !

    Okay :) I'm better now :)

  4. sicco, I REALLY needed to read your post !

    I could totally see myself thinking > Okay, it's all healed now. I'm fine..... then just getting lazy and putting off an "actual fix" until, Bam ! It comes back and slaps me even harder than it did the first time... like, "Okay dum-bass ! You need another reminder" ?

    So, root canal in the next little bit :( Nothing I'd rather spend $1000 on right now, than a root canal :( (that's my share, after "lame" dental insurance)


    My mom just went through the exact same thing. She had an abscessed tooth that swelled up then discharged she thought that since it wasn't swollen anymore that she would be okay with some antibiotics. Tooth was fine for a few weeks then it swelled up worse then before and long story short she ended getting a root canal last Friday. The second time it swelled up her face was so swollen it was hard to recognize her..

  5. Well, already been to the dentist.

    Just trying to get the rest of the infection cleared up, before I decide what to do next.

    Swelling is way down.... since the blowout :) And I'm not tasting roadkill so much this morning.

    I think this all means that I need to do a little workout this morning ;) Have to see if it will hold pressure :)



    Go to a dentist and get it taken care of.

    I had one of my teeth break, get infected, (cap broke off of it), doctor drilled hole through it (no novacaine, nerves were dead from infection), sucked the junk out of there, closed it up (root canal therapy), cut open my lip and omfg that felt great.

  6. I think it's pretty much universally agreed that ported is louder.

    But say a person had a deep enough wallet, and was shooting for SQ+L. How much quieter would multiple subs, with plenty of power be sealed vs ported, all else being equal... both top level installs ?

    It would be really interesting to try my subs sealed ? I think sealing of the ports would easy enough.... but I would have to take up a $#!+ load of space in my box, to bring it from 7.5 cubes, to like 4 !

    Then again, I could always get two more 15"s like I have and 7.5 cubes would probably be perfect ! Mounted in the face, Bam !

    So theirs a comparison for you.... My two 15"s ported, or four 15"s sealed ? Same power though.... Well a little more with four, from a lower resistance 1ohm instead of 2ohm...

    Anyway. Just bored.


  7. Pics ? You guys really are some sick bastids, ain't ya' ? :) LOL

    But hey now.... it ain't just about how bad it tasted this morning, but it's been 80% as bad as that, ever since ! Brushed like 5 X's. Room mate is supposed to be bringing me home some old school listerine..... But yea', some nasty shiz to be sure.

    I ate a good breakfast though, and even did about 20 minutes of medium light cardio (stat bike).

    Hope it's way better tomorrow morning.... I'm am just bucking for a hard core workout right now ! :)


  8. So hey LT, just curious.... after having them drained (and I assume, taking some anti-biotics) did you ever have to have anything farther done ? Root canal ? Oh, and did you ever have an abscess reoccur in the same spot ? (stemming from the same tooth ?)


    Damn bro... The absesses suck majorly i have had a few that had to be drained b4 i never let them get serious enough to result in losing teeth but they ARE painful

  9. Warning: If you do not wish to listen to a crying little beeee-otch, or hear about nasty $#!+, please exit thread ;) LOL

    Yea', so I had a molar start hurting Fri night. Killed me all day Sat. Then, yesterday morning, it started swelling. After 12 hours, it got so big I couldn't cloth my mouth.

    So, last evening, I laid in bed wondering how bad this needs to get, before an emergency room visit ?

    But I fell asleep at about mid-night.

    Woke up this morning with my mouth tasting, and smelling, literally like road kill, but the swelling was all the way down ! Basically, I had an abscess, and it finally ruptured.


    Now, call me optimistic, but I can't help but believe it will be completely healed, or close to it, in a couple days.

    Unfortunately, all of my reading says that even with an abscess self-discharges, the underlying problem is still there, and a root canal or tooth extraction is still likely :(

    Damnit, I sure hope not. Already missed 1 workout. Don't want to miss anymore.


  10. Ya' know, 25 years ago, I wouldn't have listened to anybody about the negatives of drugs and alcohol. So if young people don't listen to me now, how could I not understand ?

    But all I can say is, if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't do any drugs, most especially alcohol..... but pot... eh... so what ?


    PS, I think it's kind of different when people who have never done certain drugs, will tell you how bad they are..... It's like, "Uhhhh.... Okay. Is that what you read" ?

    Whereas, when I say, drugs suck, it's straight up from my own, stupid-arse, personal experiences ! I don't have to take anyones word for it !

  11. Yea', I honestly don't know much about K2, but why mess around with something that might cause problems, when the all natural stuff is so available ? {and has been smoked for thousands of years without any major problems}


    As a 17 year old, I can honestly say that I don't drink unless I am at home on a special occasion. I would rather smoke pot than drink away from home. I don't smoke much either, like I haven't smoked true Marijuana in a year as of yesterday. But K2 is becoming popular. I stopped that after it made me sick for a week though. Don't do K2 unless its once in a while, doing that daily WILL fuck you up. :D

    Glad to see that there are less kids drinking though, that means there is less drunk driving.

    Better yet, just stick to natural herb. That synthetic crap should be illegal.

  12. Merry Christmas to you and your girl too Swan :)

    ....my drink of choice is some Great Value brand Cherry drink mix, with maybe a little peach :)

    And after I have my drink, I can safely go out for a stereo fix in my truck ;)



    Title pretty much explains it but ill start it off with my girl modeling my 750 of Ciroc and 750 of Crown Royal Black! :drinks:



  13. Smarter than I was, anyway.

    I really enjoyed reading this. Nice to see a more dangerous drug (alcohol), being replaced with a far less dangerous one (pot). Also nice to see the use of cigarettes and other hardcore drugs falling as well.


    This all just goes to show me, you can push a drug like alcohol, because it's legal, and (maybe) your friends and family drink, ......and cops, and governors, and senators, etc.....

    Oh, but pot is illegal, because it's really bad ! :) LOL

    But in spite of all the brainwashing, kids will figure out the real truth on their own. And this article totally supports that they are.



  14. http://www.hidheadlightkit.com/FORD-HID-Kit/F150/

    Pretty cheap.....

    But I dunno'....


    PS, Oh, and I'm starting to get some dimming with my stock headlights, when my system hits {I know, I know... I need to upgrade my electrical) but would these lights be more easily fried due to inconsistent voltage, than the stock lights ???

  15. Totally agree with you both.


    You can tell from the video that the one guy whose property was "damaged" is definitely gonna lawyer-up and try to get rich from it. Was it a VERY close call? Absolutely. But is it right that the guy makes probably millions from an honest accident? Nope...but that's the country we live in. People are so damn sue-happy nowadays it makes me sick.

    You are absolutely right... Yes it is a big deal but the guy will try to blow it up and make it out to be much more than it should be. Just have them pay for his house and let him get a small chunk of change for the inconvienence and call it a day

  16. Man, that sucks for Jamie and Adam. I like those guys. Of course those people are all trippin'..... But I'd be like, "STFU ! You should just be glad it didn't hit your a$$ ! :)

    ......and we are fixing your $#!+ better than it was before, so quit your damn whining. $#!+ happens, okay ? :)

    Besides all that, > That freaking cannon ball launched like a beeeee-otch didn't it :) That was coool ! Do it again ! :) LOL



  17. Definately ! I ain't gonna' BS, I do at times, catch myself trying to get into a "bouncing kind of rythm" and even though it's a faster rythm, it's still easier....... and the idea is NOT to make your workout easier ! I mean, if your not going to try to kick your own arse every time you work out, then why bother, right ?

    Oh, but the two times I've done the weight vest pushups, with feet elevated 24", by the time I got to #20, they were "slow" alright ;) But it's all good. As soon as those get easy, I'll go on and bump the vest up to 50, then 60 lbs. Guess I could right now, if I wanted to drop my max reps to like 10-13 {which I think is a good # of reps for somebody trying to build strength and bulk}.


    Also try and do them slower, the faster you do reps of any kind, more toneing, the slower, more muscle mass.

  18. Right on. Yea', their are a few pieces of equipment I'd like to have... a preachers bench.... something for bar dips (seems easy enough to construct on my own) and some sort of squat rack < which maybe could also be built on my own....

    But anyway, yea, so I found an even better way to elevate my feet (totally secure + adjustable height) > the seat of my bowflex :)

    I was probably elevating my feet 24" ! And they KICKED MY FREAKING ARSE this morning :) Heck, here soon, I'll have my feet elevated straight into the air, and doing hand stand pushups :) .... like 75 of them ! (not ;) LOL



    keep an eye out for sales. its coming on on New Years, so we know everyones "resolution" :rofl: Lots of stores are already putting fitness equipment on sale. I am noticing Sears and SPorts Authority especially. OR.. check used stores like pawn shops and whatnot. There's always Craigslist

    BTW... elevating your feet for pushups in turn puts the "lifting" on your upper chest - which I am sure you noticed. That'll get you BIG!

  19. So first off, my weightlifting, like pretty much everything else in my life, follows no ordinary path. I DESPISE gyms. Hate all the distractions, the inconvenience, the cost, etc. Oh sure, I'd love to have my own private, pro gym at my house..... but being a poor scrub, that ain't happening any time soon :)

    So here's my "bench press" type of workout > Push ups. I had been doing 4 sets of 25, and 1 final set of as many as I could do (31-37) while wearing a 40 lb weight vest. Pretty amazing how much of my weight + that of the vest, ends up supported by just my arms. I even checked it on a scale, and it was very close to 200 lbs (I weigh 200 lbs).

    But this had become just too easy, and I had been wanting to increase the weight of my vest to 60 lbs or more, to decrease my sets to below 20 reps.

    Then, in the mean time, I decided to elevate my feet about 16" , and Holy #$@$ ! That definitely shifted more weight over my arms ! I can still do 5 sets of 20.... but they kick my a$$ !

    Still, I plan to add enough more weight to my vest, to farther knock down my numbers to the 10 - 13 reps range.

    Your thoughts or ideas ?


    PS, It's kind of funny, my room mate, who is a semi-pro cyclist (and so, a big cardio guy) can do probably 75 -100 pushups, without the 40 lb vest, while I might be about to do 50-60. But after I talked him into trying the vest, he did 4.... and they almost killed him ;) LOL Okay granted, he's about 140 lbs, with wet cloths on :)

    But anyway, I'm not trying to be a skinny little endurance freak. I'd rather be a strong a$$ gorilla :)

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