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Posts posted by n8ball2013

  1. to be honest I have had one issue with vista. installed a program that vista didnt like and it caused my windows exlorer to restart itself repeatedly. got rid of the program and it was fine. SP1 is coming out for it very shortly. supposed to fix everything. Other than trying to find where things are now like add remove programs, it is a pretty good os.

  2. yeah i work in newburgh my house is in milford pa. but you are close if you ever need any help on things let me know. I'm pretty decent on the installation side of things. in fact all my boys contract me out to build them boxes.

    mike Im fucking excited man. I finally get my own work area where nobody can tell me not to do something. Well except the wife. But I ran this. When she is not looking. Im taking a big vacation once the house is finished to move and ahem build a 4 DD9515 wall. :D

  3. Ok I usually dont post much personal stuff but this is definitely worth sharing. today I was approved for my first house. should close by christmas and it will be finished by april. (yes its brand new) Im geeked about this and must say its extremely stressful and I dont stress shit.

    Oh and FYI all you fuckers who have given me shit about my rebuild (like taking forever) watch out come spring time I finally got my own work area.

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