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Posts posted by n8ball2013

  1. Couple things. Steve you know I love the caddy. Those redline drinks are nuts arent they? I drink them too but be careful. I know a kid who od'ed on em and damnnear had a heart attack.

    Screens would not be a very good idea in here. I dont think they would last long at a 155 plus.

    Pimp Stars Would ruin this truck. Its too clean to throw those tacky ass wheels on.

  2. the cavalier was sold in japan under toyota badging for a couple years. it was right hand drive like all japanese cars. had wider front fenders with signal markers in them a flecked interior. The mirrors would fold in electronically and I believe that they had signal markers on them too. Trunk lid also had a liner to it instead of a bare metal trunk. also rear signal light ahd an amber signal lens as per japanese dot regulations. hope I didnt miss anythign.

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