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Posts posted by sayhuh?

  1. My 360.3 will be here ... Just wonder why you ran urs through the optical connection

    Not to thread jack Steve, but curious as to how you ran Optical to the 360.3? I've only seen one deck that supports optic. What deck runs optic or am I looking at this completely wrong? Never messed with a 360. anything. (question goes for anyone who knows)

    Thanks and I won't bash you for an honest answer...maybe :P

    The Alpine IVA-W200 is optical out to the 3sixty.3. That blue cord is the Toslink cable. It sounds incredible and its still FLAT! So this car will have Optical and Bluetooth inputs ONLY, no RCA's at all. quoted from steve.
    Soo missed that lol. Thanks!

    Even went through it twice..I suck at reading obviously! Now where to find such radio?

  2. My 360.3 will be here ... Just wonder why you ran urs through the optical connection

    Not to thread jack Steve, but curious as to how you ran Optical to the 360.3? I've only seen one deck that supports optic. What deck runs optic or am I looking at this completely wrong? Never messed with a 360. anything. (question goes for anyone who knows)

    Thanks and I won't bash you for an honest answer...maybe :P

  3. Too bad you can't get the plasti dip in any color. I'd like to see what your grill would look like Meade Cherry. Thing I love about this stuff is you can play with your cars design with no harm. In fact, been thinking about doing my car in all black to give it that flat black look...don't like it, just remove it! May cost a few hundred, but better than the few thousand to not like and not be able to just go back. :)

    Oh, and had a guy at work hit a pole in the garage (laughs) and we took plastidip and painted the door to keep it from rusting. lol Winter time and salt..eww. It's only temp until the insurance would cover it and fix it.

    i doubt plasti-dip carries red pearl that matches my paint. I like the flat black. If i was gonna color match, i would paint it to match not plasti dip it and try to match. I like that it is flat black though with the color matched bow tie.

    They don't lol. I wanted to try some other colors, but they are limited. I like the black. The grill looks great. Breaks up the chrome nicely. I only meant if they had more colors, I would love it cause I could try many different things without committing completely. Plasti dip allows me to try it to see if I like it first. Been so impressed with this stuff, that I haven't touched my wheels in over a year. Just spray em off and their clean. Love it.

    I love how yours came out tho.

  4. Too bad you can't get the plasti dip in any color. I'd like to see what your grill would look like Meade Cherry. Thing I love about this stuff is you can play with your cars design with no harm. In fact, been thinking about doing my car in all black to give it that flat black look...don't like it, just remove it! May cost a few hundred, but better than the few thousand to not like and not be able to just go back. :)

    Oh, and had a guy at work hit a pole in the garage (laughs) and we took plastidip and painted the door to keep it from rusting. lol Winter time and salt..eww. It's only temp until the insurance would cover it and fix it.

  5. LAPD didn't kill the 3 people they shot at. Also, it is unclear who started the fire along with many other details about the incident that we'll never likely know the truth about. But I think most people can agree he wasn't going to come away from this alive.

    You are correct I did mess that up. One guy was not even hit, but the mother and daughter were both injured in the first shooting. The mother took rounds in the back.

    Regardeless, a white guy sure doesnt match Dorners description, neither does a mother and daughter delivering newspapers. I understand the urgency with which the police wanted to catch this guy, but before smashing into citizens trucks and opening fire, one would assume it to be a prudent decision to make a positive ID on the people in the vehicles. Just more proof that LAPD is a wild reckless department IMO.

    As for who started the fire, its very clear if you listen to the recordings from police scanners. The police started the fire.

    theres some of it, and theres more if you are keen with google. You can clearly here them discussing "preparing the burner", deploying the burner, confirming the house is indeed on fire etc.... Also I find it funny the while watching live coverage last night, it was kind of ironic that right about the same time they start saying they think the cabins on fire, all the media helicopters were then asked to fly higher and not zoom in on the cabin.... gotta make ya wonder just a bit. and really, it makes sense, if all the stuff Dorner said about how fucked up LAPD is, the easiest way to handle the situation is to make sure Dorner is dead, that way after a week or so, everyone will forget it ever happened, and nothing bad about the LAPD would be brought to light in Dorners trial. Think about it, almost makes a bit to much sense.

    And youre a tool for liking your own post.

    I understand that LAPD has issues...dirty cops scandals and such... But you realize they weren't lead on this..it was SanBernardino Sheriffs..my uncle one of them...his close friend was killed yesterday by the asshole in the cabin. They ask them to not zoom in so they don't show their tactical locations...and at the end of the day I don't give two shits if one of those cops put a bullet in that man or he did it himself... He killed that girl and her fiance for no reason...shot at Sherrifs deputies..injured one killed the other..POS got what he deserved. As for crooked cops they're pieces of shit too...but LAPD wasn't lead in Big Bear..not their juristiction and not the ones involved in the shootout.

    and yeah police started a fire...big whoop..they gased him and he wouldn't come out or give up so they used the armored bobcat...(look up SWAT Bobcat its cool) and used that to provide cover while they did. Good tactics...I wouldn't want to be lead going into that house against him..and they didn't need anymore dead LEO's.

    Guilty until proven innocent....errr dead? They may have charged him with the crime, but he still has the right to due process and therefor is not guilty until a court gives a verdict of guilty. Not saying he didn't do it..just saying in general. I in no way agree with the guy, but at the same time, it has to tell you something if the LAPD says the will re-investigate his case, etc. Just an all around odd case on many levels that we have no clue on. Like I said, who do you listen to? Media? LAPD? DOrner? Great choices to cast your own judgment on. Now if he is dead, courts will never hear it (his version/ side what ever), the public will never hear anymore of it, and it will just slowly go away with no one the wiser as to what 'really' happened...just like everything else.

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  6. Not sure yet. Hasn't been released. Tell you what though, he seemed very well educated and of sound mind (although thrown over the edge). His letter was well written. Not saying it's just into his criminal acts, but maybe the LAPD and other PDs should be investigated regularly. He isn't the first cop to state the more obvious of trending 'policies' of LAPD and others.


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  7. he was officially charged yesterday right before all this jumped off If I recall.

    Ahh hadn't seen that. I still hear everyone saying allegedly. Figured it would still be under investigation. Either way, if he was making accusations about a corrupt PD, he would probably get charged for every cop killing in LA after making threats of doing so. I don't know man. Who do you trust? The media or the LAPD? lol

  8. If he's all BBQ'd, they'll probably have to go through dental records to try to confirm it was him.

    or DNA.

    He's in Baja, Mexico laughing at the coverage right now. Not a conspiracy guy, but listening to the LA cops talk about him and the fact they wanted him dead or alive, (without 100% proof he was the one who actually killed anyone..has yet to be proven from what I gather)...just something not right here with the whole story. Which may be why the LAPD reopened the investigation of his 'complaints'. I dunno. It's so hard to say when you are listening to the media

  9. Also,

    I saw a post questioning my location earlier, I can't find it to quote it. Well heres the details. I currently live in Maryland. I work primarily in DC (cant afford to live there) as well as northern Virginia and Pennsylvania. I fly frequently in my line of work and wind up in Los Angeles a lot. LA is where the majority of my friends are located. Eventually I will be buying a house there by hopefully 2018.

    Same here man. Live in Md, but work in Suitland. It isn't that I can't afford to live there, it's just in my best interest to NOT live in shootland. I thought about DC since it would be closer and then looked at prices..f that. I used to live in LA many many years ago. Isn't it more expensive there? Or about the same? Md isn't cheap either, but cheaper than DC. Lots of DMV, Delware and PA guys on this forum!

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