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Everything posted by sayhuh?

  1. These going in the Hoe? Get rid of that RF stuff? I love DS18. Run them in my Jeep, truck and looking to buy something for my vette. Their Jeep stuff is frikken perfect.
  2. 500 shipped
  3. Brand new. Mounted, never used. Decided to not do car audio anymore... Again... $600 shipped to lower 48 https://ibb.co/b7qp73K https://ibb.co/Kw3TMz1 https://ibb.co/SDgMtnk
  4. Okay, yeah, that aluminum looks great! I was watching you sand it with just sandpaper and I was like ouch, that is gonna be metal in the ole skin! haha Let me know when I can drop my truck off with ya for some door panel work! Not gonna lie, when I saw the thumbnail of the vid on youtube, I thought you wrapped the cadi in some color change wrap. lol When you know black is shiny...
  5. DAmn I am jelly of the skills. Great work as usual, good sir. I know what the doors are missing. The SMD touch; Small SMD emblem! lol, but man, I love that clean, stock look. I do that type of stuff and it looks like non-stock, and porous like Illinois roads.
  6. That is brilliant! Skid plate and multi-functional! lol That should prob help keep it cooler as well. So, umm, what is it with the connector into the wire harness there?
  7. Your imagination and creativity is unreal. Still unsure how what your doing completely works lol. I get the process, but how you know that many for what it is etc etc. I wanna play donkey kong now, btw. lol
  8. What AC would I need to hook up in order to stay with factory head unit, but to add sub and amp?
  9. Damn. Yeah, that is beautiful. And I think AC should consider white. I like it. It looks way clean.
  10. lol looking at that, would hurts my eyes trying to make sure I had it wired right. Looks good. Nice work as usual!
  11. Damn. They should consider it in white as an option lol The LEDs on sold me. That looks good. I'm a bit jelly lol With the sub clearance, you worried about any box flex and them hitting? I know nothing about Plexi, so... asking for a friend? lol
  12. Love the look of the black rings. Nicely done, good sir! Plans on doing spacers for the other three? Man, that thing is sexy. (not you, the box)
  13. Damn. That detail.. makes it look even better. Absolutely beautiful. Plans on the back of the box? You gonna mirror anything or add LEDs to the box?
  14. Haven't logged on in a while, but wasn't seeing any youtube updates... Steve, I hope you never get arthritis lol. All of that cutting, etc... my hands hurt thinking about it. Love watching your work. Absolutely beautiful.
  15. Stomp the flag challenge now?

  16. Said it before and say it again. When you can make something custom, and make it look factory, you know you are on a whole different level. Awesome work bro!
  17. But you know how we are...never satisfied, so with that, you'll drop it in and love it, but change something some where down the road! hahaha Like I just did with the house I built 3 years ago. Sold it, and building another cause I wasn't satisfied! Good thing is, the new owners got to keep the Irish pub decals you made. They too, Irish haha.
  18. Meh, it's ok... Looks like it was an option ordered, man. Anytime you can get that type of results from your own work, you know it was a job well done!! Looks great!
  19. Hate scammers. But with what was said earlier...lots of pics or vids of the item, of the item packaged. Sucks man. I was peeping their FB pics to see if they had that other amp in any pics, but I didn't see it. Find an install of theirs with that amp in it...may help?
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