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Everything posted by troy

  1. the fi requires a big amp. and the big amp requires big power. big power requires big wire.
  2. they klinda have the same style to me. its hot when they get together on a track
  3. he kinda has the gucci style. isnt the same type of gangsta rap like gucci though.
  4. wtf. some people are just slow. whoo tats somethink like that on their head
  5. i think its on the mixtape culinary arts school.
  6. yea i have most of it. that album is hot.
  7. whats the new album called????
  8. ill give him that. it is a great amp. would work nice on the are's
  9. imo some of the hottest beats out right now. anyone else like the stuff???
  10. its not at all but with the FI i would upgrade atleast the big three
  11. it will put out more than 1300 a bxi1206 has ben benched at over 900 and its rated at 1200. the amps will do the rated power wit ha very very good electrical system.
  12. you shoul atlest do the big three. the Fi subs are no joke. any one of about 4563 things can cause them to blow. they are pretty picky. so iif this is your first system i recomend starting a lil smaller and learn what works ad what doesnt. then upgrade
  13. dude not to shoot you down or anything but if your plannig on running an FI i wouildnt have anything less than a decent 0 kit. in most cases the amps used to power them draw hella power.
  14. imo fi is beginning to go out of style. everyone and their mama has them. yes they beat like no tomarrow but would you wear the same shirt ten of your friends are wearing the same day.
  15. yes i completely agree they are awsome however you can get a knu kit for much less and the knu wire is larger.
  16. imo i wouldnt run a 4gauge primary or ground wire for anything over like 400 watts. i know its not required but the bigger the wire the better. you can get a kit from knukonceptz pretty cheap.
  17. yea is the 146 your hoping for on music or a tone?
  18. yea it will score pretty well. when will you have #'s
  19. if you did 147 in the contour there is no way at all possible once so ever it will be lower than that.
  20. what is your plans for subs and amps? 146 is VERY LOW for a crx.
  21. if it for spl no dash lights are not a prob is it? if so its not that much to fix
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