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Posts posted by kirill007

  1. I'm talking in thory, in a perfect conditions, no back pressure on the cone, no distortion from tha amp, all perfectly sized enclosures, probily T-Lines. In thory how will the output change, if you are going to criticize my post then don't comment.

    Was this directed to me?

    In in real life, all the subwoofer sizes from 1 subwoofer series will play the same frequencies exactly the same.(except if they are designed really bad)

  2. Space is not a problem, this is what I'm looking for, can anyone confirm these and feel free to add to them as you wish. Just rember this is not a VS. post.

    2 10"s- they will be a tighter sound but it lacks output in the lower hz.

    1 15"s- has excellent lower hz output but lacks upper hz out put.

    For anyone who wants the cone displacement (SA*Xmax) they are

    2 10"s 245in^3

    1 12" 442in^3

    2 12"s 360^3

    1 15 702in^3

    Now I am pritty sure that these numbers ^ are directly related to the SPL output but I'm not 100% sure

    No they aren't(because in a box, those HUGE xmax numbers will never be achieved, except in a sealed box..), motor force is very important too and other things.

    The sensivitity rating isn't important either.

    And 10 don't play tighter then 15's, and 15's don't play lower then 10's.

    It's all in the box.

  3. Lets start this off by saying that this IS NOT A VS. POST!!!

    I have a Rockford T2000.1bd and i need to push some subs off it, now i haven't decided on a brand and i don't want your input on what brand you think is better. I am looking for Factual Correct info on the setups. I Have narrower my search and i'm looking for a Loud n' Clear setup.

    These are some options:

    2 10" 1000w RMS Subs

    1 12" 2000w RMS Sub

    2 12" 1000w RMS Subs

    1 15" 2000w RMS Sub

    Can anyone give me pros and cons to any of there setups? Rember i dont want personal bias and this is not a VS. post.


    2 12's on 1000W each will be the loudest if you have enough room.

    Do you have 7-8 cubes to work with?

  4. Driver seat.

    Update: I'm starting to suspect that it was actually the hotel California song having more sound effects on the right channel at the beginning of the song. Can someone confirm this?

    Yes, it has more highs and mids on the right channel and the most bass is on the left channel.

    Although it depends at which moment in the song you are listening at. Sometimes the left channel has more instruments.

  5. The difference is 138 amps to 40 something amps at most. There's no way a 2000 Watt amp is ever gonna push 138 amps through the speaker wire. And according to what u said his wire was sufficient for that amp load when it obviously wasn't. _

    I think it's cute that you "liked" your own post. :sigh: Anyway, my first post in this thread was that the wire was NOT sufficient (as indicated by the fact it burned out). My math's just a little screwed up.

    And i proved you wrong.

    THe maximum amperage the wire will see is between 10-15A, and the wire can handle a lot more, as you have said yourself and so did i.

    BTW: i take a average of different sources to be safe how much the wire can handle.

  6. I use 12g on my front speakers and 10g on my sub. If you're running 2000w at 14v you're able to run a max of 140A through your speaker wire. For that you need like 4AWG wire, but you're not running full-tilt all the time.

    O really?

    Show me how you calculated the 140amps. :)

    Spoiler: Jaloosk don't read this before answering. This is how you actually calculate it.

    2000W at 1 ohm= 44.72V x 44.72 A

    But that's 44.72V RMS, the rail voltage will be 63.24V and the amperage will be 31,62A.(but this calculation has nothing to do with the power going thru the speaker wire.)

    So the most amperage the 14g wire will see on a 0db test tone at 1 ohm without any "rise" is 44A.

    ANd if he plays music which is dynamic it will be closer to 20A and because the ohmage of the sub changes with each frequency, the wire will barely see a constant 10-15A.

    EDIT: 14guage wire has a capacity of 15-25amps depending on circumstances.

    So the wire itself isn't the problem, it was probably not connected good enough.

  7. ive never used "gear" full riding outfit is for pussys.. i do however tend to wear pants more often than shorts when riding (shorts ride up on ur legs real fast lol)..i wear whatevers confortable

    also be SURE to do the maintenance regualr.. (valves tight oil changed tires good chain and sprocket good)

    i run a little bit more oil in my biike that way when u pull wheelies it doesnt dry the sump out

    also be careful a streetbike is NOTHING like a little dirtbike..take it very easy at first.. (hint.. when you turn around corners dont turn the bars lean the bike.. my cousin tried turning the cars around a corner and flipped himself)

    cops LOVE pulling bikes over.. so ALWAYS make sure you have proper paperwork etc

    i have a 2006 suzuki gsxr600 with right at 24k miles on it .. kawasaki's are known for clangy valves too

    Just cause you dont use gear doesnt mean everybody has to be that stupid, saying gear is for pussies.

    Lets see how you hold up in regular jeans and a 40-50mph crash, without even hitting something, just gliding along.

  8. If the bike is 600cc or more, i would watch out with the power it has, not only the amount of power it has but also the sensitivity of the gas handle on supersport bikes is very high.

    Be sure to buy full gear, and don't cheap out on it, the bike wasn't cheap so neither should the gear be.

    Test a few helmets because the sizes aren't all the same and the helmet should stay on your head easily without using the belt thing on the bottom.( it should be a bit tight, but not too tight, don't be afraid to ask the salesman if it's the right size.)

    Leather gear tends to stretch out after a 4-5 years, so that means you will need to buy new gear in 5 years if you go for leather.

    The gear should be tight and hugging your skin, it can't be a little loose. Boots come in handy, if you lowside in a corner and the motorcycle falls on your foot it won't be broken with proper motorcycle boots that protect your ankle.

    Have fun with the bike, but always keep in mind how dangerous one is, if you do that and follow a few courses on how to properly ride a motorcycle you will have a lot of fun without hurting/killing yourself.

    The bike looks good ;)

  9. Go ported or go home :) (unless you don't have the space or something)

    If you are using a 1 ohm stable amp, get the dual 2 ohm coils

    Go ported or go home :) (unless you don't have the space or something)

    If you are using a 1 ohm stable amp, get the dual 2 ohm coils

    If using 1 amp and 4 sub, you need the dual 2 coils.

    If using 2 amps and 4 subs, you need the dual 4 ohm coils.

    There going in either an old school regal or caprice so room isnt a issue. As far as the amps I don't know that many brands that run the .5 ohm and I know there r tons of 1 ohm amps. Do u guys have any suggestions on amps

    You need to find a 1ohm stable amp.

    One that does about 3500W, like the audioque 3500.

    If the amp is cheaper then 350 dollar it's not going to do 3000W except if going second hand.

    I doubt you want to do electrical upgrades(putting in a HO alt and a big battery in the back) so go for 2 12's in a PROPER ported box and use a 1500W amp.

  10. I would like to add that an EQ can be a mixed blessing. They are nice for boosting or cutting frequencies that need either, but you may find that you are constantly tweaking it for different recordings. Some artists just sound different than others and you really don't want to be tweaking it while driving. Just my experience. Also you may want to take someone with you while driving down the highway and have them adjust settings, because it may sound better one way with road noise and such than it does while just sitting in your driveway.

    You shouldn't boost frequencies with a EQ, only cut.

    To the OP, you won't get louder with a EQ, and i doubt you would want to spend money to get a decent one.

  11. This is almost as bad as the audiobahn 34 inch woofer.

    Can you see the huge amount of cone flex?

    The motor is waay to small to properly handle a cone that big.

    It's a nice gadget, but other then that..

    A proper huge woofer is the jackhammer, it has a rigid cone and a motor that can support the weight of the moving mass.

    And the thing has no spider either.

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