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Posts posted by cracker

  1. no im just laughing at myself.

    ive never heard of them or seem them til after that one post, then i had to get a peak at these "beasts" lol. well tell ya the truth i though they would be just cuz of that idea in the other thread lol. yup im kind of a noob here lol

  2. shit like this makes me want a set of train horns from hornblasters.com, when someone cuts me off just blare a 150db 45htz tone right at there car n make em think a train is comein, lol, this state is epic as hell, n x2 on ppl tryin to bob n weave in n out of traffic like there in nascar, i could understand if it was a emergency vehicle but hell they dont even drive like some of these retard ass drivers we got

    TRAIN horn :rofl::rofl::rofl: thats what im talkin bout lol. thats the shit we ALL need(well not me yet) so it can be heard over the sounds too lol.

  3. Yes, I now understand your love for Taco Bell because of your sig. I'm telling you guys I've never seen people drive as bad as they do NC in my life. I'm from Ohio and moved to NC last August and ever since then I've been hating the fact that people here think it's fucking Nascar season all year round.

    nah i know they are the same around here and i get the worst roadrage from them. it always happens to me gettin on the highways here. they wait and wait,inching to pull out then BAM they pull out in front forcing me to change into the other lane and not one damn car behind me, like they cant wait another sec. stupid people for sure.

  4. Call me stupid but I can barely lift something with my left hand, let alone shift. Lol I guess cause I'm not used it but it seems impossible to shift lefty.

    x2 lol ive always wondered how hard that would be to get used to. i like me 1st gen DSMs and loved my 91 galant vr4 and my 91 tsi. just me though everybody seems to have their own taste which makes the custom car game so interesting

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