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Posts posted by BanginOnABudget

  1. anyone else hate these sons of' bitcches? about a week ago they took my crescendos to a house that was 10 miles away, and my address was clear as day on the sticker, the nice gentleman actually drove here and brought my package to me, so thank god for that, then the day RIGHT AFTER THAT a fedex driver had pulled into my driveway, i had no idea why, i look back and this son of a bitch is literally THROWING peoples packages into my wet driveway, i hope there was nothing in breakable in there, holy fucking shit, i wish i had my telescoping gamecam so i could have recorded this moron and got his ass fired, all of this because he couildnt find a small package with my grandmothers medications.

    i have NEVER had a bad experience with UPS, the drivers park nicely along the road when they bring me items, not in the middle of it, and i have yet to have an experience with ups where the driver didnt say "Have a nice day!" after transfering the goods to me, fucking FedEx is bullshit.

    Anyone else share my views?? I would really like to hear some opinions.

  2. i called fedex, they will call im in 24-48 hours to tell me whats up. the first thing i did was email support at crescendo and tell em my shit might be fucked. im gonna wait till fedex gets back to me to actually call crescendo.

    it fucking figures too, my package was delayes for 4 days before it even fucking shipped, and now it didnt even come. fucking hate fedex. last time im ever using those cocksuckers. UPS FTMFW.

  3. Ha, i bought them last year when i was pretty mew to car audio... i know now they are ehh... crap.

    my budget is like $150-$175 and i want an amp too...

    well damn bro. if you get the 6.5"s or the 5.25"s from crescendo, use the code hummerccx and you will save $5 per pair. that leaves you 60-70 bucks for a decent 2 or 4 channel from your local craigslist. i got a oldschool kenwood 300x2 on there and couldnt be happier.

  4. Yeah guys, i have no clue what i did, i was mobing my keyboard and hit a few keys, next thing i know, the sceen on my computer if upside down. does anyone know what kind of command i must have hit, or how to reverse it?? i tried restarting, didnt help at all. just really need some help here hahahaha. thanks guys.

    sorry about the typos, its really hard for me to type with my ehad slanted and shit :x

  5. lol. wut. im so confused. and on yesterdays topic of black ops, gt: A Crazy Seagull. add it up guys. might be down for some Gaylo Reach-around aswell.

    back to the topic tho, there sure are some whiney bitches on this forum, just chill guys. the rules arent here to hinder you, they're here to protect you. if you dont like it, you can sign out and find a new forum, i know steve more than likely dosent NEED anyone here, and hell, if he wanted we could all get IP banned just cause.

    you guys agreed to the terms and conditions when you signed up so dont complain when you get banned, they have every right to ban you.

    now shut the hell up and be bros. :drinks:

  6. i convincede my grandfather to try some klmx 1/0 in his truck for his big 3, he said upgrading the big 3 cant really do anything and that it was horse shit. $20 and a week later and its a night and day difference. headlights are actually white and shit like that, dash stays at 14.6v constant. he has a 4 channel with seleniums in the doors so it can get loud and not pull too much current, which is good. all in all i personally think knu is the best as far as power wire and distro blocks. rcs's, ehh, i'd rather make my own, but thiers arent bad by any means.

    no-matter what you buy from them, you will be happy.

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