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Posts posted by BanginOnABudget


    fedex is bullshit. i worked for a construction company (i wasnt a builder, i worked at the "headquarters") and the boxes were ALWAYS beat to hell. stuff had to be sent back ALOT, and about 15% of all of it was broken.

    UPS, now they are the best. they are always on time, and stuff generally isnt even nicked from them. i trust them more than anyone.

    DHL. they're good. they are the slowest and DEF not the best, but they are pretty good.

    ALL IN ALL, use UPS. i use brown all the time. :|

  2. before i did my installs i spend a few days planning it all out on paper, in my head, and on the computer. got the deminsions before hand and built my boxes up until the baffles, and i ordered all my wiring a week before the rest of the stuff so i would have it hooked up, but safely non functional, aswell as ran my RCAs ahead of time so i could still bump nice and hard AND be ready for a new install.

    i learned pretty fast u cant pull out 2000 watts very well through an 8 gauge kit lol

    can u get a ride from someone with some bump??

  3. well when i didnt know anything i ran power AND ground wires under the carpet, by myself, not to mention i was 13. ive been usin that amp for various things for 4 years now, but that install took me 10 days. all i had was a phillips and a standard screwdriver, monkey wrench, a bitless drill i found on the road, and $25 for extra tools and exc.

    THAT was a hard install. :|

    good learning experience tho.

    i hooked up a home stereo sub(powered) with a power inverter on my last week long install in a every day car. worked hella good. i'd recomend that.

  4. To be honest, i have acid reflux, and i know when i forgot my meds, or sometimes after a big meal when im bumpin. Shit fucks my stomach up, no joke. I get heartburn like a mother fucker sometimes, turn down the bass, heartburn is gone. He may be on to something. What is that thing the govt paid assloads to have developed...the matterhorn? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o36Kp6veJ6c

    the reason u got heartburn is cus u were vibrating ur stomach bro. :|

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