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Posts posted by BanginOnABudget

  1. That magnet makes me think of focal.


    Looks alike

    thats exactly what i said lol. im amazed by it, it has 2 times the magnets of that focal. im thinking 1000 max 500 RMS on it but im not too sure. i think it may be a one of a kind subwoofer actually....

    all in all, i dont see it blowing any time soon. heres 2 new vids, getting some new CDRs tommorow afternoon so i can get some actual good bumpin' songs.

    i may put it up for sale some time so everyone, keep an eye out, but no gaurentees on that. voice coil looks to be around 2.5"-3" from what i can see.

  2. well ima clean up the eclipse bumpers, take off the retarded ass lil panels, and sell em on craigslist, alot of eclipses' around here. pure profit. not to mention the 50 lbs of nuts, bolts, and washers, and the 35 gallon shop vac. if i had my longbed i would picked up the 10 or so treadmills, but these were in the not-so-wealthy neighborhoods. im talking like houses with 100 FALKING used tires beside it and sh!t like that. the "projects". last year i got a perfectly working 1 year old HP printer, valued at around $550 outside of an office :)

    and about that 200sx, a friend of mine found a 89 firebird 3 cities up, with no rear tires. old lady said it was her grandsons, had an aftermarket cam in it. i think he turned it into a dragster but i dont know, he never brings it to school.

    all in all, some pretty good junk.

  3. yeah ummmm...your grandpa has beats?

    yupp. he bumps to jeezy lol. no joke.

    heres some pics of the sub, if you think you can identify it. the cats went apeshit on the surround and the paint is peeling, but nothing i cant fix.





    had to add this cus i love it :D


    back to the sub.

    heres comparing to a project 10" im making, slowly.





  4. so this week is the the "junk pickup" on the west end of jefferson city, missouri. i prolly cruised for about 45 min just lookin at stuff by the street, alot of metal tubing and stuff like that, that i would have gotten, but have no room for. i prolly got $500 worth of stuff, heres what the back of my truck looked like :)






    and the inside of the truck



    heres those eclipse bumpers i know ur drooling over ;)


    some OLDDDD junker lanzars. 150 watts max ftl.




    i just had to pick these up XDXDXDXDXDXD


    this was on the side of the highway.



    and a lil sneak peak of whats coming this summer ;)


    if anyone else has these where they live, have u ever scored anything good??

    love peace and hair grease.

  5. i got it off of ebay like a year ago, it said it was a livewire, ive looked em up and thier shit is scarce, i havent found many of thier subs, and NO company info, asfar as i know, i have the only one on the planet..

    ive googled and found a few forums that have livewires for sale, but never any pics, of course.

    if i could i would buy 4 of em, at LEAST. loudest 10" ive ever heard....

    i have no power ratings, no nothing. had to guess at the 1.5 CuFt for the box, and it flexes the truck more than my 2 12"s so i was VERY impressed...

    cone looks volfenhag, and the magnet looks like one of the focal mag. assemblies...i will take alot of pics tommorow. dust cap DEF looks like its been painted tho.

    any more questions??? :)

  6. aight, so today i threw a new box together with my grandfather for his truck. i didnt have any TS parameters of the sub so i guessed at 1.5 cubes.

    i finished off a piece of old MDF which was good, but i had to buy a new sheet at lowes for the sides.

    heres a couple pieces after cut.


    and after the final cut.


    dry fit w/o lid


    dry fit with lid


    camera faulked up and deleted like 10 pics, so heres after the fact, in the truck. sub is mounted from the back, and the port is tuned to around 34 Hz


    also, the kickers i ordered came today, so i slapped em in. power ratings are LOW LOW LOW but they sound good.


    the neighbor got rid of his 03 chevy so he gave me his head unit, he said it wouldnt work and that i could just have it, in about 5 sec i told him the fuse was blown, so he tried to play like i didnt make him look bad. were tight tho so its all good, it hits a LOT harder than the alpine. kinda sad.


    when youtube gets its shit together there will be vids aswell. tell me whatcha think so far.



  7. probly HFi. they are good subs, dont get me wrong, ive owned 6 of them, but there is better things out. not too bad for the money tho, ALOT better than anythign else for the price.

    i ran one in an spl box, did a lil burp, and a ladie about 1/4 of a mile away came over and told me to turn it the f...rick down cus she could hear it, in her house, with the tv on, and the baby crying.

    if u play papa smurfs demenson they REALLLLY get moving. prolly....idk. 2+ inches.

    they need a box(for four) to me about 10 cubes after displacements with a port tuned to 33-34 hertz(my personal liking) but for anyone else, i would say prolly 35-38 hertz.

    they REALLY arent bad subs, they are loud, but they just dont "hit" like kickers or anything, but when u consider the price, its WELLLL worth it.

    my display pic is one of them in a test box. if ur interested, i will design a box plan for you.

  8. do u mean 33| 47_ 12/ ? 12 deep 33 high 47 wide? before displacements that brings u to over 8.5 cubes. i would recomend: http://www.audiosavings.com/products/NEW-M...421.r3a8bd.aspx

    u wont be sad ;) gonna have to strap some amps but thats no biggie with a sub like that brah. either that or 2 re audio SE's (15") which should be perfect for ur box size, aslong as u power em right.

    edit: those are the only serious big woofers ive ever personaly heard tho. have never been to a comp....:/ yet.

  9. Well, first off, hot coils are never a good thing (to the touch). If they are just warm, then it should be nothing to worry about.

    My MOJOs will stink on clean RMS power after really beating down on em.

    OFFTOPIC: I've met a few people that have lost their sense of smell, and the majority of them have also lost their sense of taste. I've researched the hell out of it and can't find any links between those senses (as far as brain activity). You have any good links you could point me towards? (Send in pm to stay on topic)

    its not the brain, i dont remember how it works, but hold ur breath and eat something, u wont taste it till u inhale and the smell activated ur taste buds. i think.... im not describing that right. :x

    one time i had a "smelly" battery, my god. it would almost knock you out. have a shop check ur battery to make sure it hasnt gone down the crapper.

  10. ell i just turned on an online radio station(through WMP) and too short - blow the whistle. the weird part is, ive NEVER heard a radio station play that, and the waterheads played it 3 times in a row. after that some hurricane chris sh!t came on, how u manage to go from short to hurricane chris is beyond me....

    but that was weird as a m()th3r fu(|<erR.

    ell anyway, i have a question about enclosures. i know that a sub moves more in a sealed enclosure than it does in a ported, which got me thinking, dosent that mean that a bandpass enclosure would put some kind of oposing force on the sub?

    i know i prolly sound like a total noob, but i figured it was worth asking.

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