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Posts posted by BanginOnABudget

  1. Sorry if this is typo'd, im still shaking a bit haha. So i was driving home, minding my own, when i pull into McDonalds to grab a mcgangbang, i get that, and go about my buisness driving home on missouri boulevard, i pull on out, and get up to speed (this is a 45mph zone) and some ricer in a fartcan'd neon FLIES past me on the shoulder, had to be going 70+, and there are rocks and shit hitting my jeep, i had half a mind to spin this cocksucker out, but i let it be, just another thing to put up with today, then i realized, OH shit, the shoulder runs out soon, and theres just a 5 foot deep ditch after that, so i get on my horn, and this guy must have not known what my air horns were going on about because all of the sudden i see his front end drop quickly, and i think to myself (OH SHIT!) and at this point, he swerves out of the ditch onto the road, and i have to lock up my ABS so i dont hit this bastard, but his wheels were already too loose and he 180'd back into the ditch, doing about 5 rolls 30ft infront of my hood, needless to say im scared shitless at this point, and i have to swerve into the oncoming lane to miss his rear window in the middle of the road, and it was at THIS point, that i remembered the pickup truck that flew past me on the left left as this guy did on the right, and this was when i realized, oh shit, they were racing! and the most fucked up part is, the truck just kept on going while this guys car is upside down in a ditch, but back to the story....

    So i stop my jeep about 100ft infront of his neon and turn my flashers on (our offroad club makes us attach flashers to the front and rear lights so if we get stuck in the woods, its easier to find us), shut off my jeep, jump out, and book it back to this car, but it was at this point that i realized he got ejected! the car had just stopped rolling and there was nobody in it(easy to see, well lit street and all the windows on the neon were gone) so i and bookin my fat ass back to his neon, then i see him walk around the other side of it, THANK GOD! the last thing i want to deal with today is seeing a dead body in a ditch.... i ask the guy if he is okay, that whole routine, hes obviously still in shock, so i get out my phone and dial 911, but thankfully, somehow, they had already gotten multiple calls about the rollover, and i could hear sirens not too far off, so i stayed with the guy until the police got there, along with about 10 first responders, i figured i was of no use so i made my way around the glass and back to my jeep, and as i was walking back, i saw something that sent chills down my spine, i saw the guys open trunk, among the fishing rods and random shit.... was a DD 12" carbon dustcap. This guy may be a member here, if he is, i wish you the best of luck sir, and guys, just drive responsibly, okay? this whole scene didnt have to happen if he was driving respectably... keep the racing on the tracks, and this is coming from a guy who has a blown 71 buick in his garage, i know its fun to rip around on public streets, but the risk just isnt worth it. keep the racing on the tracks guys. have a nice night.

  2. So im getting motivated to get my fat ass in gear, im 18, and want to be in shape by my 21st birthday, im not sure how much of my weight is fat, but i do know i need to drop a great deal to get in shape, so im thinking, man, i miss being a kid, zippin around on a bike, do i decided, im going to build a martha franklin bike >:D im already thinking of doing a motorcycle batt, with an old dual head unit, 2 pioneer 5.25s, and an ipod attachment, i have all of this stuff in my garage of course, im thinking of mounting all of this securely right below the seat, center-mass, to keep the weight in the middle, im going to be doing the frame of the bike like carbom fiber, but i need some ideas of other things i can do to put the local kids to shame, nothing stupid, i dont know anything about bikes, but i want to get some rims like these:


    i also know i will be adding shocks to the frame, because 1 thats functional, and 2 thats just badass, but ANY more ideas or opinions are greatly appreciated~

  3. I gotz it! I LOVE it! Terminal FIXED! Need another 1, and maybe another amp...

    Hey ya'll!!! I am a Grand Prix owner looking for rims! 5 lug 115mm is HARD to come by!!! I want ALL black! I got no chrome on my whip and don't want any!!! Looking for local because shipping would be pricey! Any help will help!

    Thanks everybody!!!

    LOL WHAT! what kind of black 18" are you looking for O.O'

  4. So i have a 90' cherokee, 4.0 amc I6, with the auto 3spd trans, when i get on the throttle in my jeep, i can rev to about 1700rpm, then its like it slips into neutral, and i have to rev to about 3500rpm before it grabs again, and if i have the throttle down, holding at 1750-2000rpm in 3rd, and i let of the pedal slowly, it will shift down into 2nd, and wont shift up again until i get it to about 4000rpm, its been like this since i bought it last year, im more of an engine guy, but it seems like a bad torque converter to me, but like i said, im more of an engine guy, im not too familiar with the workings of auto-trans', so if you guys know what i could be, let me know. it has about 250k on the engine and trans so when i can i will be swapping it for another motor and trans with lower miles, but i'd like to know what the problem is before i swap.

    any ideas guys?

  5. So ive had this sub for about 4 years, it was one of my first subs i ever owned, got a pair of them on ebay for $40, i look back now and that was a hell of a deal, they looked brand new back then...

    One of the first boxes i ever built, was for this sub. this sub fukking SLAMMED, i had it on a shitty best buy insingnia a/b amp, and this sucker got DOWN, im talking windshield whipers movin, the front of the BED on the truck was flexing, all of this on terrible equipment, heres a little video.

    this was on terrible power, with an old pioneer deck, 8ga wiring, stock big-3, and once i upgraded a little the whipers would actually the windshield, looking back not, im fcking amazed at that, i dont know how its possible, with an un-tuned box and such cheap equipment...

    Here is a pic, i cut it up because im going to recone them to 18"s when i find the other one.

    Does the magnet assembly look focal to anyone else??


  6. thanks i got the 7" reference drivers right now http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=295-376 and it seems like more of a mid/high rather than mid/low like im looking for, the speaker sound AMAZING in the 300+ range but im looking for more of a 40-300 range

    well thats a midwoofer, not a mid. i would recomend these then:


    and couple it with these


    i had one of those subs in my grandfathers c1500, ugh, jizzfactory, it sounded so nice, but i forgot to secure the box after rewiring it, it slide forwards, and somehow one of the leads broke. o well, its still a great sub ;D

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