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Posts posted by corey0928

  1. MjJHgUi_zpsj0nb24hj.jpg

    Still wrong.

    No where is the 39.6% tax on the winnings taking into consideration.

    Also that the 1.3Billion is only if you take it in payments for the next 30 years.

    Who is going to wait around 30 years for $4 and some change?

    And let's just pretend the math was right and every person in the US got 4mill. What the fuck is a country going to do with its entire population not working?
    You'd still have to work, $4 million wouldn't last you a lifetime.

    And besides if everyone were suddenly a millionaire the price of everything would skyrocket to match up with that.

    Say hello to $1,000 loaves of bread.

    It could last if you were smart and didnt buy a ton of shit you don't need. But we all know most people wouldn't do that. If you worked at 50k per year for 60 years you'd only make 3mil. Not counting for how shitty the dollar would be then if every one got that
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