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Posts posted by Superjay

  1. ill be in on this no matter the price since the dmm is so expensive.

    my dmm cost 5 bux. however, an oscope can be expensive.

    my DMM (Fluke 289) was almost $500...my scope was almost $1200

    im coming to you when i need to set my gains ! lol

    you'll probably pay less for Meade's new device than you will for gas from your house to mine...and it's only about 40 miles...setting gains is an art, though

  2. the ASA amps are pretty inefficient. so, yes, they are power hungry.

    I batch tested probably 20% of the amplifiers at PB...the 1500 was inconsistent, and only about 50% efficient at 1-ohm. efficiency would rise to 70% at 4-ohms. The 1000 was CONSIDERABLY better, with efficiency as high as 82%.

  3. the fact is, the d4 will perform differently than the d2's will. If you have them in a common enclosure the force differential will negatively impact all the drivers. If they are in separate enclosures they will merely perform differently. The amp will only see an impedance. Granted, over frequency the impedance rise will be different for the d4's and the d2's...so you'll see 2 different rises in impedance. Other than that it will just be less than optimal

  4. hahaha naw jcresci...so T3 is where you are at now, I think you went to Japan or something, was it for T3?...I stopped going to SD, I used to be a big lurk and now I lurk once in a blue moon in OT...you guys crack me up in SDOT though

    I went to China inMarch for my last company....I go a few times a year. Probably won't be going anytime soon since we're moving all production to the US, instead of just higher end stuff.

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