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Posts posted by Superjay

  1. The distance the rear wave of the sub travels through the port determines the frequency thats being reinforced and will not change (or average) with multiple ports at different lengths. If you have 3 different lengths then you will be reinforcing 3 different frequencies. It would still work and be beneficial over a sealed box but I think there would be some cancellation issues with the different frequencies around the exits of the ports in close proximity. I say all 3 the same length would be better. Or better yet, 1 large port.

    Thats just my guess. :lol:

    we experimented with multiple ports at different lengths. NO it will not average. The point of the experiment was to determine if we could tune the enclosure to multiple frequencies. We called it the Pipe Organ. We found that we could tune to 1/4 harmonics but no more than 2 frequencies. It helped prevent huge spikes in resonance, and acted more like a bandpass, but with a slight dip in the middle. It sounded like ass though. it's better to make a widely tuned box with a flatter response than to try to make neato looking things

  2. I only did the rear set on my HU and it took away the noise in the whole system, so its not super necessary to do all the rca jacks

    considering all the RCA's are grounded to the same place inside the radio you really only need to do one of them...HOWEVER: this can sometimes make your problem worse. run a16 gauge wire between the HU, pre-amp and amplifier...connect to each chassis at a screw and on the amp at the ground. This gets rid of MOST noise

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