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Posts posted by Superjay

  1. Like to hear some feedback if possible.

    I am 24 with 4 years of IT experience and about 1/2 done with my A.A degree. I also worked at Circuit City as the Tech Supervisor for a year before we went under.<<< That is a little about me.

    I live with my girlfriend of 2 years and 3 months, her sister, and their mom.

    I have lived on my own before and I loved it, but after some problems with my gfs trust issues and insecurities I decided to move in with her thinking she would get better.

    Here is my situation, I am a very people oriented person, I have a lot of friends and in turn am very friendly. My gf doesn't allow me to talk to girls I dated in the 7th grade and pretty much every girl I can think of actually. My High School class of 06 is going on a cruise in a few days and I got invited to go, would be sick right? 50 of my best friends from school and my GF. Well I wasn't allowed to go and when I told her I wanted to anyways she threatened my job, my place to live, and our relationship. Mind you she would be coming with me on this cruise lol. I work at a Urology Office doing IT currently and I love it, BUT I work for her mom who is the IT Manager.

    So basically that is just ONE instance of being threatened with no place to live "dad recently moved to North Carolina". She they are all the family I have.

    I don't know what to do about her or my current situation, I hate the feeling of walking on eggshells and being threatened day in and day out.

    I might edit this post later with more instances of how she treats me like shit, but I do love the girl(70% of the time) and I don't want to feel like I wasted 2 years of my life if I just left her. I am not getting any younger ;)

    Thanks for reading hopefully someone is in a similar situation that could shine some light.

    insecurity like that is what ended my last marriage....it leads to ALL KINDS of crazy. get out ASAFP

  2. don't be a bitch...it's a small sacrifice (a little pain, and if you don't look when they insert the needle it hurts less...even if you're really scared of needles it's only for a second) you might save someone's life.

    Not being a bitch, I just don't know what to expect. I've had plenty of needles in my arms over the years (no, not drugs) so they don't bother me.

    if you don't mind needles then you'll be fine. you won't miss the blood and they give you juice and cookies when you're done...win win

  3. my friend says that a 1986 BMW 325e would be cheaper than owning an american car idk why he thinks thats right please tell him that any german car is going to be more exensive to repair than any american car

    stay the fuck away from the 325e...the "e" is for economy, and it was designed as a fuel efficient alternative to the sportier NEW 325i (fuel injected)...the "e" is carbureted , but only with a single carb, and it's a 2 bbl. the older 325 (no letter following) used 2 or 3 2bbl carbs, depending on the year. it only has about 95hp brand new...at this point it will probably put out about 75hp. that thing wouldn't get out of its own way

    I am somewhat of a BMW connoisseur (We should chat sometime! I love these cars to death!) I love my BMW's, and will probably always have one. I've had everything from a 1982 320 Aplina, to a 1994 530i (the first BMW V8) to several M3's, my 633CSi and 1985M6, and my current 335i convertible (that hard top convertible is fuggin sick) with the Vishnu piggyback. Like I said...I LOVE my BMW's (I simply refuse to call them Bimmers...it's just to shitty sounding)

    to clarify for everyone not familiar with them...Bimmer is the car, Beemer is the motorcycle

    If I understood you correctly you said the 1986 BMW 325e has a carb? (incorrect) I've had to replace the injectors. (1 owner car since 86') I have it sitting outside still. Blew the timing chain at 498k miles. Almost made 500k but I was stupid with it. It's very fuel efficient you are correct. All E30 BMW's are extremely efficient. The 86' 325e came with 121hp and 119 ft/lbs torque from the lot (US model, not euro)The 86' was one of the cheaper models to fix. It didn't have all the plastic bumpers and bodywork. It was basically all steel bumpers and wasnt the pretty version but it was efficient and did drive everywhere you needed it to. It would start in 20 below weather when my moms 2005 Chevy Malibu wouldn't even think about it. I did the entire suspension including labor and parts, springs, shocks, struts for $590. Might I add I did nothing. I dropped it off and picked it up done and paid cash. No special insurance or anything. You just have to find a good mechanic who likes working on the E30's and it's not very expensive. I've had 3 of them and they are incredible cars. I will never buy another car make. Might I add one more thing. I pay for everything myself, my parents do not give me any money for parts or the car. I'm only 18. They are very affordable cars for what you will get out of them. Buy it, end of story! Sorry for the book as well. But it's a topic that I love.

    I would never say stay away from any BMW except the upper 90's 540i's (big head issues and a huge recall was done but about 30% of the cars were only repaired) Not counting the 86' which we've had in our family since 86' my dad and I have owned 4 BMW's in the past 2 years. 88' 325i Convertible, great ride, cheap to repair (timing belt and water pump + labor for $280). 92' 525i little more luxury, smooth ride, fast, big engine, more expensive to fix then the 88'. 95' 325i bought it and sold it 8 weeks later, trash, too expensive to repair, will never buy again. And now my current 89' 325i, almost perfect condition, fun as hell to drive especially with the short shift kit and exhaust done.

    Good luck man. They are great cars and there are plenty of parts around from people that collect them. I can guarantee you that you will spend more repairing an American car then you would over the lifetime of the BMW. My mom has spend more on her 2005 Malibu then I have and her car only has 56k on it. No accidents. All replacement parts that just went out. Poor quality control.

    - GBS

    on further review, you are absolutely correct...the '86 325's were the 325 and the 325e...it was the first injected 325...still a dog though.

    I had massive transmission issues with my 530i (it was the first 5 speed auto from them). sometimes it would take 30 seconds or more the drop into R, and then it was a snap drop into gear. I'd often have to rev to 2500 RPM to get it to engage forward gears from Reverse. They replaced it a couple times...I think it was a program issue, and they never bothered to check the code.

    My M6 had clutch issues, but that's because it was abused a bit by the first owner. That was an easy fix.

    335i has had ZERO issues, though some have reported electrical gremlins. The Vishnu did go into "limp home" once, so i ended up rewiring it so i could take it out of the circuit with the flip of a switch (2 551 chips, a 555 chip, 3 NPN transistors, a PNP transistor and 15 relays) just so it will never affect my drive again. That, and i can take it for service without the add-on showing up on the scan.

    My Alpina was my first (and probably my favorite) BMW. I loved that car. the newer cars are considerably more advanced with all the creature comforts and doo-hickies, but that 320 was amazing. fast, quick, nimble...the fun to drive factor of it was, on a scale of 10...easily a 15. I miss that car. when the rear-end blew i didn't have the funds to fix it so I sold it as is. it had original paint and was cherry....I'd trade my 335 for it in a heartbeat

    Although I think my next BMW will probably be an X5 (maybe the M, that thing is sick) if I can find a B7 in good condition I'll snap it up.

  4. my friend says that a 1986 BMW 325e would be cheaper than owning an american car idk why he thinks thats right please tell him that any german car is going to be more exensive to repair than any american car

    stay the fuck away from the 325e...the "e" is for economy, and it was designed as a fuel efficient alternative to the sportier NEW 325i (fuel injected)...the "e" is carbureted , but only with a single carb, and it's a 2 bbl. the older 325 (no letter following) used 2 or 3 2bbl carbs, depending on the year. it only has about 95hp brand new...at this point it will probably put out about 75hp. that thing wouldn't get out of its own way

    I am somewhat of a BMW connoisseur. I love my BMW's, and will probably always have one. I've had everything from a 1982 320 Aplina, to a 1994 530i (the first BMW V8) to several M3's, my 633CSi and 1985M6, and my current 335i convertible (that hard top convertible is fuggin sick) with the Vishnu piggyback. Like I said...I LOVE my BMW's (I simply refuse to call them Bimmers...it's just to shitty sounding)

    to clarify for everyone not familiar with them...Bimmer is the car, Beemer is the motorcycle

  5. I give blood as often as I can, and I give plasma about once a week. I have a rarer blood type and they really appreciate that I do it for them. B+ is evidently not as common as some others (second most rare type, is what they've told me). I still get calls in the middle of the night begging me to come to the ER to give because of an accident or emergency surgery and the victim needs massive amounts of blood. i've gone down and been the only person to show, and I've been there when 10 or 12 show up with B+...it makes me feel good to help. I'd like to think someone will jump out of bed in the middle of the night to save my life if I need it someday

  6. OP - if you are going to ask questions that have been answered time and again, please, at the very least, use the correct vernacular...ohm load sounds ignorant...nominal impedance is the term you are looking for.

    When a SET of speakers says 4-ohm components the FINAL impedance is going to be 4-ohms.

    where the hell does it say 4 ohm components? If i saw that i wouldn't be asking this fuckin question

    specifications. read them.

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