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Posts posted by Superjay

  1. I shaved my head for 2 years because I wasn't NOT going to age gracefully...I noticed my hairline slowly walking away from my face and decided to be proactive...my wife asked me to grow it back since she met me 13 years ago with hair, although more of it. It happens, dude...let it go. you can shave or get a rug or plugs, but either way you go people are going to know you've lost your hair. if you have a pretty head shave it off.

  2. I cant believe Aaron found a chick as crazy as him...Nah just playing bro love ya man congrats bro

    My girl is Bat Shit Crazy like me!!!

    those are the best kind...sleep with one eye open and you'll live a long happy life together...congrats, brother.

    words of advice from a thrice married guy who finally got it right: don't find joy or entertainment in antagonizing her or pissing her off (like I did with my first 2 marriages). Instead, make her the center of your world, and she will make you the center of hers...you got married because you love each other. always remember that, no matter what else happens, you love each other and your union will last forever. Also remember that it isn't a free ride...it's WORK. you have to work to keep a marriage fresh and strong. i wish you two the best.

    Thanx man, i appreciate the words. We both have had a shit life up till now, so we have that to fall back on, we both have the drive to keep from the "Old Ways" and we do make each other happy. Shes, nutz, rude, mean as a rattle snake, and sexy as fuck.. what else could i want in a wife!!! I love this girl like no other, and we have many years together if we do WORK at it like you said bro...Thanks again!

    sounds like my kinda girl...

  3. I cant believe Aaron found a chick as crazy as him...Nah just playing bro love ya man congrats bro

    My girl is Bat Shit Crazy like me!!!

    those are the best kind...sleep with one eye open and you'll live a long happy life together...congrats, brother.

    words of advice from a thrice married guy who finally got it right: don't find joy or entertainment in antagonizing her or pissing her off (like I did with my first 2 marriages). Instead, make her the center of your world, and she will make you the center of hers...you got married because you love each other. always remember that, no matter what else happens, you love each other and your union will last forever. Also remember that it isn't a free ride...it's WORK. you have to work to keep a marriage fresh and strong. i wish you two the best.

  4. So I grounded it o the frame this morning. Found a bolt that was holding a brake line(?) in place. I sanded it down and added my ground. Got out and checked for dimming lights, and still got them. BUT, at least, I know that ground is right now! So, today I'm gonna try and borrow a friends voltmeter or just go buy a cheap one and see what's up! I figure I just need another battery or two!


    unless you've checked with a meter you don't really know. you should have less than 200 milliohms resistance between the amplifier ground (at the amp) and the ground at the battery.

  5. welcome to California, where we call it the criminal justice system because only the criminals see any real justice...if you take it into your own hands you're going to jail...if you want the cops to do something about it call the DOJ and explain that they are involved with a theft ring in your area. They are protecting known criminals who continue to burgle your neighborhood and refuse to help. Under California law, by definition, they are aiding and abetting...they won't like it, but they'll finally do something.

  6. mine was 2x5...it came out the long way. It still hurts when I get dehydrated and pee. it's like the scar tissue gets irritated. I never want to go through that again....and I'm nowhere NEAR rich...I've done alright, but I'm just a regular guy.

    as for the badass part...look left. up to you

    so yeah i just saw a post where you almost went on a gun rampage...lol.

    my mom has kidney stones all the time. had some just a couple days ago actually. my brother has had em twice, last time sort of recently. he's a big ass husky dude and they brought him straight to his knees curled over a bed. my sister has them as well now. hopefully i took after my dad and i don't get them. i pray i don't ever have to go through that.

    you can't really hold that against me...i had just quit smoking. It doesn't count

  7. I always used a 100hz tone because that's what CEA required we rate amplifiers at. RMS ratings are at 100hz or 1000Hz, depending on the class and if they are labelled "subwoofer amplifier" or "full range" or however each company chooses to name them. "Monoblock" amps may be rated at 100Hz, even if they are technically full range (full range go to 20kHz, a sub only amp does not)

  8. positive and negative output terminals

    EDIT: let me clarify, since you're having trouble...use the output terminals going to the speaker. so positive will be the wire coming from the master, negative will be the wire coming from the slave...(it's AC so it doesn't matter which DMM probe goes to which terminal)...set your gain with a test tone ONLY. I use 100Hz when bench testing amps, but you should use your resonant frequency, then run a SLOW sweep to make sure you don't jump to clipping at any particular frequency...when you run your sweep put the DMM on MAX HOLD.

  9. Man, idk what they found today...i will find out at shift briefing tonite. But whatever it was, it was fucking intense. I mean, when I was in high school and college, you know us stupid rednecks had fun with some home-made shit...but I haven't heard anything "home-made" as loud as what that was today.

    BTW, when I was in jr high and high school my best friend and I (yes, he is still my best friend and we still do stupid shit) used to make pipe bombs for fun. black powder model rocket engines and homemade napalm and C4 (nike missile site by the house was closed after WWII, but they used it as a munitions dump for years...then abandoned it...we called the tunnels our party house, and whatever we found became ours...yeah, I know it's illegal NOW, but back then it was just stuff in an abandoned tunnel)...we used to blow up 100 foot pine trees just for fun...man, what my dad used to call "shenanigans" are now called "felonies"...kids can't have ANY fun anymore

  10. There are many pieces to this puzzle of the story.. 1st and foremost i would like to thank my boy David for inspiring me to finally drop the cigarettes.. After 12 years it ws not easy... So i am on my 3rd day of being smoke-free and i feel fucking great....

    The other part of the puzzle that has helped me to quit as weird as it sounds was the loss of my job...I no longer have the extra money to support the habit and lastly my goal was to quit for my 24th bday and that falls tomorrow so im on my way to feeling great...

    in 4 days you will have cravings so bad you will want to go on a killing spree...I mean that very very literally...I actually went to my gun safe and managed to get the door open about 6 inches before my wife tackled me...If you need help Commit lozenges work to kill the nic fit. it will take years to break the oral fixation and habit of going for your pocket during certain activities, like driving, drinking or playing golf...my dad still reaches for his breast pocket when we sit at a bar for a couple beers...he quit 40 years ago.

    stay strong, bro...it can be done

  11. here's what I can do for you now...picture a simple cover panel...a frame with a giant hole cut out of the middle. this needs to be a symmetrical hole, but can be any shape really (I like to make it as large as possible while maintaining rigidity). The outside dimensions are the same as the face of the enclosure. The inside allows all sound to pass. When laid over the face of the enclosure it will not affect sound and you will barely see it. The second panel will fit the shape of the opening you see when the seats are folded down. The cutout should be about the same shape as the other cutout....just for ease of stretching fleece. staple fleece to the enclosure side piece and secure the enclosure side to the enclosure using screws around the edges...put tape over them so you can get them out later. now secure the opening side piece so it can be removed with the entire enclosure through the trunk once resined. stretch fleece symmetrically and very tightly (you'll thank me later for this...put your back into it). staple to the opening piece. resin. make sure you soak all the way through (plastic and mask the entire trunk and back seat or you'll end up with a huge mess) finally, marglass the edges to seal them to the car's opening making a perfect fit. upholster with carpet or vinyl (paint of that's what you like) and you're done. I used to charge $1000 for a collar. you can do it for under $50.

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