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Posts posted by huh?do-what?

  1. Like I've been looking for someone that owns one for about a year now... Nobody has one. None of my parents/relatives, friends of them, NOBODY. Haha, I've come up with 2 ideas at this point...

    -Go test drive one with no experience..

    -Go to the DMV and see if they have one

    .. I mean those are the only 2 things I've thought of.. I've watched a lot of videos on it, and I mean it can't be that hard.. But I still want to try it just to say I can.. (I might even switch to one if it's how I think it is..)

    But anyways, what should I do?...

    why would you even want to learn a stick?

  2. Death metal needs to stop doing death metal covers of things. I love metal but I have never heard a cover of any song that I've enjoyed.

    go to you tube and look at "louis armstrong-whata wonderful world death metal" I know youve heard this old song. Armstrongs facial expressions are a trip.

  3. and more importanly, has anyone here played an MP3 of a fart through their system just for the hell of it?

    i have actually....... one of those low tone rumbling baked bean farts did really well on the meter....

    are you serious? or are you just shittin me? no pun intended. napster has several cd's with farts, the bad thing is there are at least 20 different types of fart. go figure.

  4. I have a double din pioneer 3200DVD and just recently when i go over 40mph it starts skipping and cuting out. It is not the cd bc it does it on both cd and ipod. and i thought i had it fixed but it keeps doing it randomly now. Is it from some type of engine noise or interference? Maybe the heat?

    don't go over 40. sorry. couldnt help that one.

  5. I have been trying to contact them about the newer 3500 watt amp. Dont know model number. Website wasn't updated with any info on new amps that I could find. have left several messages in the last 2 weeks as well as several emails. No response. Saw someone on forum who just purchased a new amp from them. wtf? Anybody know anything?

  6. Yep. I've been at other home the past two nights, and they neighbor told my mom this morning that for those two nights, three guys have pulled up at my house in a newer style chevy 4-door around 11, got out, and walked around my backyard and pasture area. She said they were smokin and threw their figs in the truck to be sure not to leave any signs. So im waiting :)

    pasture? maybe they were just picking some shrooms. lol.

  7. Probably get charged $5 - $7 per foot for wire, probably take anywhere from 10 - 20 feet for the big 3 depending on vehicle. Then probably $50 for labor + tax.

    Where you located?

    Wow that much for 1/0awg wire from a shop? Better be full copper haha

    @op you're probably better off ordering the wire online then taking it to the shop

    shops have to make money, too. Shops in my town are charging $8-9 for 0 guage.

  8. not trying to crush your dream but...

    don't do it, keep hobbies as hobbies. installers make shit for cash, and you won't be doing all of these cool instals your thinking of. you better learn how to tint, install alarms and remote starts. cause that is what you will be doing for most of it. maybe some times you will get to screw some subs in a prefab and throw it in the trunk but that's it

    my advice is go for a job that makes decent money and leaves time for you to do hobbies on the side

    i hate to say it, but after 10 years installing, this guy is right. People only pay shops to do the shit they can't.

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