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Posts posted by huh?do-what?

  1. ive seen that happen from not having a good ground. Seen many installs in (mostly nissan)vehicles that dont have factory ground wire, they ground through radio chassis. Installer puts new radio in with plastic dash kit and assumes the antenna will provide enough ground. When you turn it up or add bass, it shuts down. hope this helps you.

  2. Hey guys,

    I know its been a while since ive been on here, but I have a question. Ok so I recently installed a system in a 1998 ford F-150. I did the power wire on the right side (passenger) signal on the left(driver). I made sure everything was good all tight and all. So about a week later I get a call that some of the gauges take longer to come on the dash like the odometer and all. I didn't know what it was figured it was no big deal. Then now I hear that the 4 wheel drive wont switch. I hear its probably something electrical with the switch. Is this something the system did? how would I go about fixing something like this?

    did you mount any amps to the floor?

  3. i been doing some research on speaker design software and i narrow it down to these three

    i cant choose on one i need some input

    im not worry about cost i can find them on eBay,craigslist or warez(no links please or pm's on finding it either)

    im leaning on bassbox because term-pak wont work on win 7 unless i dual-boot my netbook with win xp or used vmware with XP and they have an usb key thingy that can get lost and winisd been in beta for years

    so what would you get i would used online stuff but i don't always going to have internet access

    i tried bassbox pro 6 and termpak. Termpak sucks.


    that dash comes off in 3 minutes tops. If you have the right tools its a snap. A skewdriver and a 9/32 nut driver. Sorry you killed an hour on it.

    so this week has been seriously shitty, its been over 100+ since about monday or sunday, i live on a farm grow corn,watermelons,cucumbers, etc etc etc etc, it hasent fucking rained in over a month now, but oh no every damn county around mine has gotten some type of rain it just kinda just splits right over us >.>, on top of that shit one of my subs blew on tuesday, i was planning to sell it thursday, what fucking luck right?,so i take it back to the local shop to see if they can just give me a new one due to the fact it was under warranty but oh nononono! they have to send it out to Orion just to be fucking reconed?!?! which takes 2-4 weeks......fucking bullshit, so i have a fucking DC 15" lvl 4 sitting in my room STARING at me with out an amp.......anyway so i go and meet up with the kid i was selling it to, to pick out a nice stereo for him, fine and dandy, was kinda annoying tho how they make you get the install kit which doesnt come with a harness, so you have to buy the install kit for like 20$ then the harness for another 15$ then an antenna adapter for 10$ FUCKING STUPID RIGHT?!?! so we FINALLY get back to my house i sit in his car (2000 Chevy Blazer 2 door) turns out YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE WHOLEEEEEEEEEEEEE fucking dash off JUST to get the stereo out, that took about an hour in its self, because i was being extremely careful, with my car i really dont give a shit >.>, anyways it took me seriously another half hour to figure out how the fuck to put the damn dash kit in because it was made for another 40 fucking cars, then took me about a half hour to solder the harnesses together, then apparently i put the wrong face plate on so i had to push the tabs back down which was a total bitch, and put on another faceplate about 1/2 smaller then the other one, all that ending up taking over 3 hours JUST INSTALLING A FUCKING STEREO?!?! and another thing is im taking 2 summer school classes online to make up credits i lost my sophomore year, yes im 18 soon to be 19 in 2 months and still in high school, keep your stupid comments to your self, i fucked around alot im aware, anyway this summer school shit is so stupid i need to write 4 essays for each class....fine! but nope not that simple they make me basicly write a fucking college essay which needs to be a cirten length aswell as needs 10-15 supporting facts, did my first essay which i thought i did a really good fucking job on but NOPE! 44%? fuck that shit second one was worse, mind you i need to pass both of these classes in order to graduate this year, ugh fuck Chevy, fuck Orion, fuck this damn heat, and fuck summer school!

    /end rant


  5. Its not just the bullshit ruling that pisses me off, but that the wonderful residents of Oakland used that as an excuse to loot a FootLocker.

    Really? A cop gets a rediculously short amount of time in jail, and your going to form a mob and rob a shoe store?


    come on man, anytime the citizens are done wrong, they have the right to act like animals and steal things. Hey man, a kid died, time for them new Jordans. (sarcasm)

  6. The shop i work at is doing car audio now we are in Smyrna, GA we normally outfitt police cars but getting into the audio game..gonna hook up my fellow SMD'rs!

    Things i can get RF,Cerwin Vaga, Pioneer, Alpine and about to be DC Audio

    So for the SMD'rs ill give a discount

    770-432-9911 Thats the shop number


    whats the shop name. my sister is moving to aplharetta. Might stop by one day.
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