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Posts posted by jmanjr82

  1. I dont really understand what your asking? But you would want to go with what the sub calls for on port area. When I do aeros I like to go with 6inch because it has always worked for me no matter in trunks, or suvs. Thats all personal though man. Some people say 12-16 sq of port area per cube so if thats the case you would be looking at 2-6inch aeros. (16X3.5=56) which is 16sqin of port per cube

    3.14x3x3x2=56.52 sqin of port area using 2-6inch aeros. Normally using aeros will also keep your imp down. Its a hit or miss overall man some people claim aeros sound like crap for daily, but again its going to be personal preferance.

  2. Will there be other options to this woofer like you do with the BTLs? What coils options does the public have? Spider options? Will these come in 10inch+? Will they only come in 4inch coil or will there be a 3inch also? Steve they do by far just look nasty. Damn thing looks like its ready to blast the fuck off! I await the review come tuesday shall we say?

  3. you need to figure out what your getting for power now and what your imp rise is, you could always get another amp and run them at 1ohm 1 per sub and gain match them, but by the sounds of it you really dont know much about audio in general (not sayin that in a bad way) but thats how it seems. As said 0.5 is tough on electrical you need to understand a few things though current draw of the amp, voltage dip, output of the alt and take into consideration what you will need for overall power, the kinetik site is nice because they have the calculator on there for this very reason. Also replacing the stock battery is almost always a nice increase...

  4. yep they are pretty good, but they by far are not easy to get loud most people think they are, but every little thing in a crx is a factor. Box size, freq, port area, how close to the back hatch, how close to back wall, placement of box, batts, etc what gen crx, what make on and on. I will tell you a simple factor 4inch aeros vs 6inch aeros is like night an day in a crx depends what you have a DX, HF, SI.

  5. Here are pics:








    I have 5 brand new in the box ready to ship RD Sonance 10s Dual 4ohm coils. These have never seen power, never been mounted, never been out of their boxes. I took pics of them in their boxes, the subs sitting infront of the boxes are my alpha 10s which came out of my truck, and the huge sub is a RD SHW motor with a HW 18 recone in it. Any how Im asking $115 per sub shipped. Paypal is fine just cover paypal fees and money order is fine as well. 3 of them have the boob dustcap on them, the other 2 have a flat dustcap on them. I need these gone asap hints the low low price! Very loud woofer off little power. Anymore info wanted/needed feel free to ask trades welcome on select items, lets get these moved! I have many refs on midwestspl forum and usaci I can make a list if needed.

  6. Hunter Warren is probably the guy your talking about with the 3HW15s in a mazda pick up and yes he was at world finals and yes he was a world champion. I have been playing with RD subs since 2007 I have played with the v1 and v2 subs in great depth from the sonance up to the SHW what information are you really looking for? I can tell you just about anything you want to know on the subs and customer service and steve miller if you want?

  7. looks like a very solid addition to anyone wanting to have more control over their voltage and a display to keep track of that voltage, and at a very moddest price I will for sure be getting 1-2 when they are available for my vehicles!! Just a simple question Meade, how long did it take you to hook yours up? Obviously a bit longer then a guy with 1 alt, because your setup is very much in depth comparied to most. What all did you really have to do for work? What supplies were used? Was it mainly plug an play?

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