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Posts posted by will77530

  1. its not the best situation for it but temporarly it will be ok the sooner you can upgrade your altenator the better because 2000w will take a toll on a stock alt. and reposting the same questions repeatedly isnt going to get you anywhere there is a lot of information on this site so spend the time searching

    WTF are you talking about?!? Do everyone a favor, and don't post if you don't know wtf you're talking about... He'll be fine.

    thank you very much :) ive been trying to find an answer in forums for 2 days now and just kept getting crap from other people

    ill be looking into a better alternator once i get more funds but the best i can get around here is just a "performance" stock alt, but i have seen a nice H/O 300amp+ alt for under $600 online so ill prolly get that soon as i can

    Ps. i think i've been in the sun a bit too long today.. is 6 hrs in 94F too long to be sitting in a van without AC lol? prolly why im agitated, but thanks again for the info

    Hey, before going online looking for a H/O alt, give Matt at Mechman a call, XS Power, or DC Power if you're set on getting one... You won't be disappointed...

    your gonna need a few batteries too

    You need banned... Don't ever post again, until you learn more, and have real world experience... To tell someone that is just fucking stupid, so don't...

    Take this into play:

    Current = POWER (watts) ÷ Voltage

    So, as a "guess"

    2000 ÷ 14.4v = 139 amps of current draw

    Or at a lower voltage

    2000 ÷ 12.2v = 164 amps of current draw

    Also you have to figure in what your car/truck draws to while running.

    is this not correct if not please educate me

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