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will77530 last won the day on March 11 2020

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About will77530

  • Birthday 10/20/1991

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    south lake tahoe ca

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  1. I’m down let me finish the build and my attempt at sq
  2. Damn man you turned into a whiny little girl
  3. So I’ve been wondering this are you the same fishchris from years ago that Steve helped out
  4. Jesus Christ they have made the the most common sizes and told you what would work you grown no one needs to hold your hand measure your space available and jam in the biggest batt you can and move on
  5. Add power and they come alive be sure to deaden around them and what not and you’ll be happy
  6. Shit you ain’t a dc or hybrid fan and it got you that’s bad
  7. I mean in all honesty I am bias when it comes to dc and these speakers but someone saying t1s sound better makes me chuckle
  8. Awe how cute you literally have no idea what your talking about ❤️❤️❤️
  9. Yup heard them many a times and they make me moist would use them in my truck if I wasn’t going with a 3 way active setup
  10. Definitely like the look but how does it handle high temps?
  11. Did ya check the website or call them
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