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Posts posted by will77530

  1. so im buying a truck from my friend (big mistake i know) and the payments got mixed up and i ended up being short completely my fault i fucked up we set up a contract after that and i have been making every payment perfectly now he text me today saying his insurance company is saying there is no insurance in my name im like bull shit we can fax it to them and get this takin car of he says no he wants the truck back blah blah blah im like ok give me my money back he says ill only give you half i said no i want all of it or take me to court what do you guys think

  2. what are you using in the project like what materials and how are you going to test them. say your using baking soda and vinegar you give a bit of a background of the chemicals to support your hypothesis and then end with i hypothesize if i do this the outcome will be this. i dont know how many paragraphs you need but the next one should be explaing the steps you took. then explaining what happened in the test. then the conclusion of you were right or wrong and why. hope this helps (sorry for bad punctuation)

  3. Well the hose would only be parts and you could easily do it yourself. I'm not sure about a thermostat though. Call up a parts store in the morning.

    thermostats usually are inside the top radiater hose so you just disconnect that and it should be right there. when your changing it though make sure to pay attention what way it was put in because if you put it in backwards your car wont start. and yes it fits both ways.

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