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Posts posted by OrionStang

  1. Well I have been hitten up the mountain dew,cherry coke,nestle lemon tea, and the ow so mighty ow so evil energy drinks pretty darn hard the last few weeks and I usaully always keep gatorade here at all times.

    Been working on getting more water in me for 3 days now and think its helping but I was in bed at 10:00 with one killer headache and I usaully don't get headaches.

    I geuss I'll just have to leave the pop alone and stick to the water more and get some pedalite when the stores reopen(rural area).

    Thanks for the input guys.

    All the excessive caffiene is whats doin it to you man. Try to stay under 300 mg a day of caffiene and get half a gallon of water a day down. Pedialyte is a great choice if you are already dehydrated. Just sip on a quart throughout the day with water in between.

  2. This is the update. This drink is effin' nuts!!! People were drinkin it sayin how good it is and I could already tell they were going too fast. There were a couple criers, two dudes wanting to fight everyone (we tossed them), and a girl passed out on the couch (actually half on the couch half on the floor). This was all about an hour after dinner, FTW. By midnight there was only three of us still going strong (relatively) and our ladies there to keep us kinda in ceck. Don't know what we were talking about, all jiberish. I do remember most of the night, but not how I got home or going to bed. The suprising thing is I woke up with absolutely zero hangover!!! This is definately my new party drink.

    Might have to try slugdubs concoction, too. Sounds interesting.

    Happy Holidays

  3. Alright, most peeps on here have heard Tech N9nes track bout this drink. I made a huge batch for a Christmas party tonight. 1 1/2 liters of 151, 1 liter of Malibu, and 6 big cans of pineapple juice (we have liter here in Germany, not fifths). I tried it and cannot taste the rum :D. Hopin to get this party wild with this shit. Anybody have any experiences to share about this drink? :drunk: :drunk:

  4. So, my Orion is stuck in the states for the time being. Right now I researching subs that can handle my amp and have a SHIPPING weight under 70lbs. I would also like to keep the speaker displacement the same as the HCCA 12.4. I believe its .304 cu.ft. I don't want you all to think I'm being lazy, I am looking, I would just like some help if anybody has some free time. I need a sub fast.

  5. at that price you might as well buy a ground zero over there

    I got a PWK box. Built exactly to this sub and vehicle. Unless I find a sub with the exact same specs as my Orion 12, it's not gonna happen. Where my post is at there is only one local audio shop and they charge 700 euro for the Orion HCCA 12.4, with the exchange rate thats about $1100. EFF THAT!!! This place is WAAAYYYY overpriced for everything.

  6. Have you tried Google? Like typing in International shipping rates.

    I did found a few things but couldn't really help cause I don't know your Mom's zip and such.. :)

    Edit - http://www.bongous.com/shipping_cost_calculator.php

    I don't know how this site quotes but all I did was type in MY zip and United States and this came up for quotes.

    Thanks for the link. $418 from that site. Better, but still too high.

  7. So i've saved a couple hundred bucks so I can get my sub shipped to me from my moms house. Check UPS, $451!!!! Ok, check DHL, $486 !!!! Jesus Christ. I live on a military base, and these guys can't ship directly to me since 9-11. The USPS won't touch the package because its over 70 lbs (78.5), another 9-11 rule. Anybody know of any other international shipping companies that may be cheaper than UPS or DHL? My box is almost done and I have no sub :(

    Edit: FedEx- $442

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