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Posts posted by OrionStang

  1. I tell him what he needs and even give a link to bypass the radio.

    He replies still dont know what to do with the brake wire...

    I give up!

    I just hooked up to the eBrake. And my aux has a warning on it. Haven't tried DVDs. I put the eBrake on one click but I have a huge red light on my dash that says my eBrake is on.

    What happens when you ride around with your eBrake on one click? Besides that ugly ass light on the dash?

    You are a moron. I really hope you don't reproduce.

    Now let's be clear, if you want to bend the rules like the rest of us get the fucking part Brian told you to get.

    If you want to stay legal and have an easier install then don't watch videos while driving

    No in between

    Or you could also buy a jvc unit that you can just ground the parking brake wire to bypass it

    Many options but as per usual you did it wrong. Now put forth some fucking effort or please exit the hobby. You are dragging the rest of us down.

    Well said.

  2. Thanks man, was beginning to feel lonely here. Lol. I bought the OM-1s through Amazon store. I live in Belize, which is outside the US obviously, shipping costs are what kills us here, not to mention the wait times to get your products ordered. Amazon don't ship directly to us so I gotta depend on family living in the US to bring my stuff down this side :(

    You own a Z06 in Belize?

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