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1992Chevy K1500

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Everything posted by 1992Chevy K1500

  1. X2 Doesn't mean they weren't clipping. Unless you used an Oscope to check 'em...
  2. *still staring at k3n12ock's avatar* Just... umm, what was I goona say?... Oh yeah, check for frayed wires anyway. Something completely unavoidable could have gone wrong.
  3. First guess, you blew a few fuses. You could have accidentally shorted something.
  4. Loose RCA? Noise in the system (not likely, but possible)? Broken amp?
  5. Forgot to mention, I have yet to put the second baffle on. The holes are for the cutout diameter of the subs. If you want me to, I'll post the pics with the second baffle. Also, I'll make one out of 3/4 wood if you want.
  6. Here ya go: Port may need to be change to your liking. I'll gladly change it if you want. Box is 24" high by 48" wide by 28" deep (according to your dimensions) with a forward firing port and up firing subs. Port is 3" high by 46" wide. Made using 1" wood. Port is 3" high by 46" wide and about 19-20 inches long, putting tuning in the mid 30's at 10 cubes. 15.22 cubes before displacement, 13.71 after port displacement and (assuming 1 cube per sub) 11.71 after sub and port displacement. Should be just over 10 cubes after bracing (all-thread or wooden dowels recommended, but you can use 2x4's if you want). All-thread would net you some good strength cause you could use a lot of it. Give me a minute and I'll get a sketchup with the dimensions listed in the pic.
  7. Just seen this today. I'll upload them to PB, just give me a minute.
  8. My dad has IE7. I just loaded the site. No problems whatsoever. Looks dang good. Might be on ya'lls end.
  9. It's funny, too bad it's never been confirmed. It was put in the urban legends section of Darwinawards.com because it's unconfirmed. Don't believe me: http://www.darwinawards.com/legends/legends2007-01.html
  10. The airbag light means that one or more of your airbags are no longer connected for whatever reason. Check all the connections to you airbags (might require taking out seats, dash, etc., but a delaership will charge the hell outta you). The check gauges light means that one of more of the gauges are now unreliable for whatever reason (broken, loose, whatever). I'd especially be careful because you speedometer could be damaged.
  11. So your basically saying you don't think that this companies alts do rated, but at the same time, you believe that they do? You make no sense.
  12. Yeah, but insurance should cover your windows. Plus, leaving your doors unlocked is like putting up fliers on every street corner that say, "My car has no alarm and a lot of expensive audio equipment, I dare you to try and steal it! My address is xxxx noalarm street N".
  13. Yeah, what kind of alt. We had someone (I think it was TylerTron) who had an alt that was supposedly "tested" by 3 independent sources to put out what it was rated at. Well, Dom (Iraggi Alternator) got a hold of it and tested it to put out 4 amps at idle. So if it's an off-brand, you wasted money on your alt and will end up spending more to get a better one that you would have just buying a good one in the first place.
  14. I've more or less copied 90% of the files I want to keep. The others wouldn't copy because of of an I/O error (apparently the error is on of the 5 most common errors Vista has when copying files). I wasn't able to get my music from Itunes, but pretty much everything else. Anyway, it didn't work. It got stuck after the bad sector. So I'm wiping the disk using Acronis (which has the ability to run itself even if there is no OS or other software on the disk). I'm going to use it to see if I can copy the remaining files I couldn't get using Vista and Buy 7 when it comes out. :/ That's gonna set me back in my budget by a few weeks, but at least I'll have 1 problem fixed (for now). Thanks for the info. As far as I could find, 103,xxx,xxx was the only bad section of the disc. Everything else was readable but it got stuck attempting to copy that section over and over again and couldn't, so it pretty much froze there.
  15. I was wondering when you were gonna reply. You've certainly got a story to tell.
  16. URGENT! OK, need some more help. During the latter half of the final copying stage, I got several errors telling me my disk had bad sectors. I kept telling it to retry but it won't. Should I continue with the copy? I know the OS runs, but some apps will not load. How do I know if the bad sectors are needed or not? If they are, is it possible to use Acronis to copy just the OS and not any of my apps? EDIT: the bad sectors are in the 103,xxx,xxx region of the original HDD
  17. I have the 2009 version. But I just found the manual about 5 minutes ago.. Thanks for the help. I'm well on my way now. I just read the correct page. I'm about to install the new disk now. Give me about 30 minutes (having a hard time with one screw).
  18. ????????...... It came with a manual? All I got was the disk and a quickstart guide. Was the manual on the disk or in the box? MAJOR EDIT: Reading is greater than me. LOL, you said "online" manual. I though you meant in the box. I kinda wondered. Got a link, I'll google it, but I'm not so good at googling.
  19. I'm waiting on it to format now. I forgot about that at first, but I'm still unsure of how to do it. Acronis has an option to backup the entire diske (unallocated space and all) but it backs it up as a ".tib" file, and I'm unsure if that's a bootable file. The "create bootable media" option won't allow me to back up to the partition on the drive (it may be because it was unformatted, so I'll try that again).
  20. Yeah, it's now been partitioned (thanks to google), but it's (google) been no help in creating a bootable backup. I asked my other questions here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...mp;#entry807723 Because this one is a little long to search through for information.
  21. Anyone? Seriously, I've never used Acronis and am not sure how to create a bootable backup. And google is no help at all (at least in this area).
  22. OK, so I partitioned the drive like I wanted it (googled the info and finally found what I needed). So, how would I go about creating a bootable backup of my current drive? I would like to clean it up a little if possible (not sure if Acronis can do that) but I'll search the help section for it.
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