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Posts posted by DRauck

  1. Well, the best way to learn is by doing :drinks: Nobody can tell you how loud your system is going to be because too many things play a factor in it. Anybody who even guesses is literally just making a number up off the top of their head.

    33hz should be a fine tuning

    The program most people use is Torres Box Building Calculator. It's a free download here on the forum and is much more accurate than the one you used

  2. You'll probably want screws and a screwdriver, carpet or paint or whatever you plan to coat the box with, wire strippers/cutters etc, soldering iron or wire connectors or whatever... You'll probably just end up going and buying what you need as you need it or you'll end up with an excess amount of stuff

  3. screw what kicker recommends. like almost every other manufacture they list specs that will safely power run stuff. when a sub is installed and powered correctly its not going to make a difference the box size. if you go sealed its going to be nice. ported will be louder. just port tune correctly and it will be just as nice as ported but actually hit lows.


    Except that in too big or too little of a box, you can choke the sub and cause damage. Your statement is contradictory because the box size has a lot to do with whether or not the sub is installed and powered correctly.

  4. 4 L7 15s in 6 cubes sealed?

    i had my 4 l7 15s in 20cubes net @ 30 HZ

    one thinkg i do know is L7s love their air space, with 6 cubes, id do 2 sealed...or 1 ported..

    I was thinking this, but kicker recommends 1.5 sealed per woofer at the least, and his amp could push all four just fine. This is the only reason I suggested 4. I guess OP you should try a few different things and see what works best

  5. i have 14.13 in/sq port 3.02ft/sq volume after woofer/port displacement sunded to 32.29hz box is 14"tall 14.75 inch deep 37.25 wide with double baffle

    ive been told 14-17 in/sq was decent port area

    Whoever said that meant 14-17sq in PER cube, but that is for a slot port.

    You can get away with like 8-11sq in PER cube with aero ports. You have 3 cubes, so you need 24-33sq in of port. Understand?

  6. I think two 3" aeros is going to be good. As for bracing, it won't need much. You may be fine. You might consider adding like a couple dowels between the aero ports and the subs on each side because the top and bottom pieces are a little big to not be braced at all. Other than that everything looks perfect

    Oh my mistake, you may not have enough port. You may need to go with the 5 2" aero ports or even a center slot port

  7. <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2r3c8xw" target="_blank"><img src="http://i52.tinypic.com/2r3c8xw.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

    not an L shaped port...just a slot. aproxx 17 inches deep...15 inches tall x 3 inches wide

    Then it's probably a gain issue because you're using two amps. One gain may be slightly higher than the other

    i just dont get why one amp picks up the lows better...im using the older gray zx750...and a new 2010 zx750(black one)

    could there be a diff between them in power and shit?

    Yes. This is the problem. You set your gains wrong and the amps are different.

    FML. i jus wanna sell em both. and get a RF t-1500.

    run it at 1 ohm.

    If you did this, you would not be disappointed

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