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Posts posted by z71kris

  1. yup i done did it this time - i glued my rear hatch glass shut :D Got tired of the bass opening the glass so far you can see inside. Thats pressure lost so hopefully some of it comes back. The latch, if you have seen the pics or in person, has steel about as thick as a piece of thread holding it together. So anyway, i got some black permatex and made it permanently sealed. I gotta wait till later today for it to be fully cured since i did it last nite about 5pm (takes 24hours). I can still open the hatch itself which leads me to my next COOL thing - i finally can retire my vice grips because i finally got the new shock-things that hold it open. What a dipshit i am, it was less then $50 and took 2.3 minutes tops to change them.....i have been dealing with this heavy ass hatch for about 2 years :D BRANNNNEEW now though!

    i was gonna leave the grips and get them gold plated for the show but i changed my mind :D (<~~~joking)

    That was prolly the one of best $50 you ever spent

  2. I had a friends lappy that I could not get MWB to load or run, but I was able to install it on a jump drive and the computer and run it from the jump drive. What I did was install MWB on a good computer update it, and then copy it to a jump/flash drive from the program files folder, and then install MWB on the infected computer and try running MWB from the infected machine, and when it tells you its missing the file, point it to the missing file it needs on the jump/flash drive. I did that, I had to run the scan few times, then I was able to get it to install run properly from the infected machine, I also had to do a repair install of xp because the virus had damaged the OS. Good luck, also look into the MWBs forums, those guys are good at helpping!

  3. Is this your first system to install? If it is then you should take a close look at everything before you finish hooking it up.

    There will be a momentary spark when you put the fuse in, this is normal and will not hurt you or the system if you put it in correctly. If it is more than just a momentary spark there may be something wrong, good thing is that the fuse is designed to blow before your equipment is fried ( in theory ). The fuse will start to glow bright red and then pop if there is something shorting out.

    I personally would just shove it in and see what happens but if you are really worried about it then take it to a shop to have them install it for you.


  4. so would some damplifier lite be the solution or is there something else i need to get?

    In general I would say I don't know much about deamplifier Lite, but I know a lil water intrusion, water is like electricity, and finds the easiest path to where to it is going, and will get there(it will run until it gets to a seem it can get thru, you need to fix the leak, some silicon caulking would do a nice job...

  5. just got the new macbook with 4gb memory and 500db hard drive. Total for the computer with shipping was $1,200 which I new it was going to be a little costly but i wanted to try out apple this school year. I've owned toshiba and IBM and dont like Dell to much. The last comp I had was 1gb mem and 60gb hard drive so i think im going to notice a huge differance.

    anyone have a apple macbook and think I should know anything before i get it? any major flaws to look out for and so on. thanks



    thats a loud ass HD... :hairtrick: :D ...I am not a mac fan, I have heard from multiple people to do backups due to HD failures, but I guess you have that with any computer?

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