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Posts posted by mothra

  1. I've been trying to tune a lot of cars that have LOCs recently but the DD1 shows distortion with little to no volume at head unit or I can't get a signal no matter what volume the head unit is put to. example today I finished up a '12 Armada 2 amps (1 4ch 1 mono). I did everything like normal, head unit showed distortion a little more than half volume than put one click down, i barely touched the gain and it showed distortion, second amp did the same thing. connected everything and the entire system had very little output. had to resort to setting gains by ear. i've seen the SMD LOC video with the DD1, I see that it's been done. what gives, I'm suppose to be saving time setting gains but just end up wasting time even using the DD1 when a LOC is present. the gain difference between the DD1 and my ear was drastic, DD1 barely moved the gain and had very little output ear had the gain just under half with great output and no audible distortion. anyone with input to why LOCs and DD1 don't get along?

  2. use the harness. I have a few DD1s and CC1s, i find that it's easier to use them when I use the harness and connect at the last point. it takes half the time and you only need to make a single connections. maybe someone else can chime in to confirm but no matter what causes the distortion the DD1 will still detect it at the final point, same thing with the crossover point the CC1 should still detect the crossover point at the final point. this has worked well for me since I first started using them.

  3. SMD taking it to the streets, looks killer man. to bad the CA industry has gone away from reps making that person to person connection. get that name out and make that paper. you have to admire the hustle. if the CA industry (or the SMD brand) ever started making its way back to this I'd be all in, hint hint. I love being a vendor rep but it's gone from being able to make contacts and constructing sales to just training people and handing out pens now a days.

  4. Thanks for the input guys. I greatly appreciate it. Space is only limited by the car itself as I am walling it. Power is most likely going to stay where it's at bc I can only fit one H.O alt under the hood. I really want this to be a good all around car. I run in the high 12s but that's with no system. Once I get the system in I am changing my motor set up to hopefully stay in the low 13s still. If I can still run a low 13 sec 1/4 mile and hit high 140s I'd be the happiest guy on the planet. I am just realistic about being able to do both in a ford focus hatchback, it's just not all that reasonable.

  5. so i'm on my final build and decided to just get it over with. i'm going to wall my hatch with 2 18" DC Level 4 m1s. i bought all my equipment for the build already so it's just installing it. I was planning on a net 16 cubic ft box with 4 6" aero ports since I only have just over 2k of power to put on them. i keep seeing smaller enclosure sizes so no i'm thinking of a net 12 cubic ft box with 3 6" aero ports. i only have 2k worth of power to throw at the 2 of them, that's why I was thinking the larger enclosure. I'm not after numbers or hair tricks b/c i know that is just not going to happen. I just want the subs to be happy.

    net volume, 16 cubes with 4 6" aero ports


    net volume, 12 cubes with 3 6" aero ports

    both seeing the same power in a ford focus hatch. any first hand experience is greatly appreciated.

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