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Posts posted by corona_jeff

  1. Yesterday I went to a local car and bike show. I wasnt really all that excited cause it was just a local event and but was suppose to have some sort of SPL contest. I only really went to support Vic and the TDH Tahoe. Well I found out that I can beat on the XL's full tilt for several hours and not break anything. Well we waited all day, they walked around and handed out the awards for all the cars. Im still waiting and wondering WTF when they gonna do the SPL. I find out shortly after that, I won first place cause every other SPL person dropped out and quit cause they were scared to go up against me. So the event promoter started bring people over because they were asking why everyone quit and who won. SO I ended up giving DEMO's for another 2 hours with more 3 sec bailouts that I could count. Was a great day special when people kept asking WTF DC audio was when we first got there. Anyways Vic took best display with the tahoe, AND the 8ft best of show trophy.

    Thanks again to RUSTY, ANA, And Rob for making this so enjoyable........

  2. I completely agree with you, don't take it wrong. But 98% of the people here actually know what they're are doing. These people aren't best buy customers. But you're right, I deal with alot of idiots that tell me that they blew their 600 watt subs with a Sony 1000 watt, so the Sony must put out like 2000. It's sad to hear stuff like that, but it happens. And when people like that blow stuff, they expect their subs/amps to be fully warrantied.

    "But 98 % of the people here actually know what they´re are doing"


    Click the memberbar and have a look, sides on sides of members with no or not more than 5 posts. I think on SMD are a group of vew 100 permanent active Members, than you have the group of members who join if there have a need to SMD and old freaks. But alot of

    Members are people who have sawn a vid from steve, having a intrest but less and no knowledge on carhifi and no posts. And the absolut most of the 34000 are nominal members.

    Sorry that was a typo 98% DO NOT KNOW WHAT THERE DOING, is what I meant to say.

  3. But with your test unless you list every detail, there could possibly be a million variables.

    Did you have a clamp and oscope the whole time, to make sure the same power as supplied?

    Also, box size, tuning, abient air tempature could play effect.

    Excursion, frequency, and impedance.

    The list goes on and on. Its not that I'm saying your test was invalid,just its possible the results aren't universal. And really can't be look at a real test for everybody.

    Honestly, if this sub can handle 3500rms for 3 mins, it should be almost impossible to break one at rated RMS. Which I'm sure people have before.

    Like I said, this really doesn't have nothing to do with the sub in question. Just to make sure the wrong people don't misread the info.

    I really dont care what someone says. Most people dont have a clue what there doing when they start asking limits of any woofer a question. The very best just try for themselves. I know im at 95% maxed out with the current power. And thats the only person that matters to me. Ive seen people smoke XLs and LVL 5's on 1500watts..But its not a sub failure more users being dumbasses. Alway easier to blame the company from there stupidity.

  4. Well I wont advice anyone to do something beyond there experience level, BUT 3500 of clean power WONT burn up a coil on a XL. I have seen a few fail and it WASNT the coils. Evertime we have had on fail always has been a ripped spider or suspension component. So you just need to know the limits or your equipment.

    Was this done at 60hz or above? Usually not much Xmax at that high of frequency, so no worries of suspension failure.

    I have doubts the XL will take that much power for any real long lengths of time.

    I'm not in ANYWAY cutting down the sub, but just stating that's a ton of heat with no real way of keeping it cool. Like you said, if you have that much power and the suspension is moving(therefore moving air to semi cool) it could possibly have problems.

    But in a situation where theres not a lot of excursion, therefore no air flowing, could the coil handle and dispute that much heat?

    Like I said in ANYWAY saying anything bad about DC or the XL. Do I need to repeat this again?

    Also, on the note, 98% of the people hear know what they are doing. Well, its not that. Its the people who don't post a lot, or ask any questions that could read the first page of this thread and think the XL will be perfectly fine on 3500RMS.

    I'm not even sure the 98% could pull that off without breaking something.

    I've seen people who I thought wasn't total dumbass's, really screw up some shit because they didn't have any real experience.

    People as a whole are dumb, and assuming they understand what's going on will usually turn around and bite you in the ass.

    Well I cant tell you this much, All of our tests are not 1 note wonder burp boxes. If you much know All of our max power tests have been done in the 38-43hz range as to thats where my truck is peaking at. Everyone "talks" about cooling. After 30 plus minutes of full tilt music I have now issues nor do they smell. After about 45-55 min mark they start to get sticky just slightly. But I can assure you Im well over twice rated power daily, and have used the same subs for months.

  5. I would say first put together what you have done, what you have, what your looking to use, And your future goals. I would say also include your stats page and photos of your ride. Just calling and saying you wanna compete and do it big isnt gonna cut it. You have to market yourself, instead of asking for a bunch of free stuff.

  6. Lol then you are NO help to me Jeff. :peepwall:

    40Hz IS good for most mainstream rap though. lol

    Dustins has no clue. Im tuned to around 37hz, in my truck. And it still plays down to around 28-30. I choose to use a sub sonic filter to protect my subs from the large amount of power seen from playing below box tuning. Something Dustin does not have. Regardless a properly tunes ported box or bandpass will be fine. Just depends on your space and what you listen to and trying to do. Most bandpass boxes I see in the FL area all seem to tune around 45hz range. Which seems to be designed to play low and most of the chopped crap people call music. But fall flat on there face above 50hz. The ridgeline bandpass is tuned to 54hz. Which is a nice middle point for what I want and plays well from 30-60hz

  7. Thanks man. That DC Power 270xp is a beast too. I love it, but its one hell of a tight fit

    anytime man. you talking about the alt is gonna be a tight fit or the box? lol. how long did you had to wait to get your alt from dc?

    Well from my understanding IU had on of the first ones so it took a few months. The alt is so much bigger in size compared to the stock one

  8. What's this asap list you speak of? :P

    Hahaha i figured you'd say that lol... But more like as in send me an invoice with a total and I'll pay up front before it's in so I can get an amp before slamology! Trying to get it done by then.... Got to get my name on the list or wte....

    you should just send me your debit card. :drinks: :drinks: :drinks::clapping: :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo:

    im rich bitch :rofl:

    so we need 5 5Ks and 2 9ks total between the 2 of us?

    Damn, well if its like that add my 8 Neo's to the invoice too.......

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