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Everything posted by Destram

  1. You can email Greg at US Amps about it..or send him a PM on here. He's USAMPFREAK. He can tell you what's safe to put on those subs. His email address is [email protected]
  2. I don't know mayo, I'm not on his team, or anything like that. I voted for his video because it's simply the best and most informative of the three. 4-5 minutes of my life isn't so long that it will keep me from voting for him. It showed the difference in the rattling, and it showed a pretty good dB increase by only installing Second Skin. It definitely made me want to buy some.
  3. Yeah, you should definitely get a h/o alternator. Like it was already said, it gives you a foundation to upgrade to a bigger system in the future.
  4. Maybe the 500.1 is good for one sub, but I can't imagine having two subs on half of their rated power being a good thing.
  5. Well first of all, the w6 is a 600w sub..and he's running two off a 500 watt amp?
  6. I understand what you're trying to say, slugdub. I NEVER bid until the last second. Like you said, early bidding only causes the final price to always be higher.
  7. Sounds good to me. I'll have 2000w per XL. Rusty says that'll make them pretty happy.
  8. Man I need your job if you're able to shell out the money for all of this at once. I don't even need half what you spent.
  9. So, it looks like the 4XL 15s would be better. Any other opinions?
  10. Do you think it would be louder to go with six level 4 12s or four level 4XL 15s? Assume optimal box, 2000w amps, sufficient power supply, proper electrical, etc. I want to be able to pick up the lows that rattle your body (never had experience with DC, so that's where you guys come in) and still be loud. The decision made in this thread will most likely be the way I go in the end. I can't decide, so I need to some help from people who know more about this than I do.
  11. Oh man, I actually like the Vic. I HATE these Vics that are jacked up with enormous rims. It looks ridiculous. The last pic you posted looks great, though.
  12. I don't even have DC (yet), and I'd totally be down for a beanie.
  13. He obviously thought fully loaded was what the sub was called, not a reference to all of the options being chosen. No big deal. He knows now.
  14. You would select everything except the P chamfer because that's included in the cooling option.
  15. That blows my mind. So now, whenever we say the word black, we're suddenly racist, no matter the context, even when it has nothing to do with a race? Ugh.
  16. When I can't think of presents I want, I ask for cash. That way when I eventually think of something, I have the cash to buy it. My Christmas cash this year is going to buy me a new alt.
  17. Exactly. I started off with one 10 on 250w. Now I'm up to four 15s on 4k watts. I'm already looking to upgrade to possibly four Level 5s.
  18. DC pricing is confidential. Please remove all of that. If you need to know prices, PM Rusty.
  19. Like everyone else has said, I also had some bad luck with systems. Now I'm back, and I love it.
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