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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Posts posted by MarioB

  1. My numbers aren't right? I clamped over 8800 a amp at 14v rising to 1.3

    You must not know what you're doing


    Ya mite be right.. Lol.. Problem is I haven't blown a amp at .35 yet.. Must be the 3 alternators 10runs of 0g a 6 xs1400s.. Or maybe it's the $10 volt meter in my dash hooked up to my rear battery's that I watch like a hawk .. How you been bro? :)

    Thats is Ray? thats all you got. :rofl:
  2. the ninja will speak


    It seems like there are a lot of people who are telling you to go and take the 25/hr job not knowing what is actually involved in a management position. Sure more money is nice but it will not always make your situation better. With that comes stress, more hours, more stress and did I mention stress? How well do you handle stress and pressure? It seems like you were a bit upset from your previous statements when you said that they blamed everything on the warehouse when it was actually the sales department. Having a job is about more than money, its about being able to support your family and loving what you do. If you are currently happy where you are at and are able to support your family off your pay then I would evaluate if you are willing to take on the hours and stress that comes with a management position. If not, continue where you are at, enjoy time with the family and enjoy life because it's not all about money.

    / ninja speaketh


    This this this!!!!!! Thats what I need to drink on. Yes I can handle it. Part of the reason I was so pist there is because the previous manager (yes my brother) he was a party animal came and go as he wanted called in every Friday or Monday. the job is pretty laid back I'm personal friends with 3 of the warehouse guys. My bro and I got them the job. It shouldn't be to bad, I just dont know about all the extra stress. I will talk more with the owner and see what he says.

  3. $25 an hour or $14 an hour....thats an extra $9 an hour, 9x40=360...that's an extra $360, a week. O_O what the fuck is there to think about??!?!?!?!?

    theres alot to think about when taking a management position

    Life is not perfect to begin with. I would take the $25.00 hour job and save what you can. Have to think about the family too, Even though it maybe a crappy job the extra money will allow you to do more things with and for the family.

    yes sir. I think every job has there ups and downs. I'm going to drink on this for a day or 2 or a week and read some more thoughts on what people say.

    jeez dude don't get so drunk!


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