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Everything posted by cubs_fan0718

  1. Thats Probably why, personally u could find something alot better for less money than either one of those subs. but either way ur gonna be loud.
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  3. That "Pro" must of done the Remote Loop Trick, and by that i mean taking and hooking it up on the 12+ on ur amp and then plugging the other wire in the remote spot. if that is the case i would make them pay for a new battery.
  4. i did my trunk of my car (06 Impala)and most of the rear deck with 1 layer of Damplifier it was 40sqft and i had 2 sheets left 1 for each rear door.
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  6. i guess they made 3 different GF's these 2 there was another with a halo tag on it not sure if its like the orangish one. and heres some more
  7. It had the world of warcraft label on the front iirc. orange was live wire before that was code red
  8. Ivoted for white out cause i like it best, it to me tastes like sprite and squirt mixed together, distortion is next cause it reminds me of a green popsicle (the ones that come in the huge box attached to all the others) i really didnt care for the typhoon at all. But thats my opinion.
  9. Well with a blazer as sweet looking as yours it shouldnt have an antenna
  10. Keep ur OEM stuff on and just ADD to it. Never get rid of the OEM stuff no matter if ur planning on keeping it cause u never know u might decide to sell it, then whats the next person gonna have?
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  19. LOL i got on alpines website went to subs looked at the type r 15's and there displacement which is in the specification tab says ur subs displacement is 0.123 cubic feet so basically .12 cubic ft is ur subs displacement or if u want to get exact to the T then use .123
  20. well what kind of sub do u have, my 18 thats on order is .26, i really cant tell u unless i know what sub u have ur best bet is to email or call the company and ask.
  21. Whatever ur cubic feet of ur box is u subtract ur subs displacement from that and u have ur new measurement of cubic feet. example ur box is 5cuft just by its self ur sub is .20 cubic ft so 5.00-.20= 4.80 cubic ft
  22. seeing that car reminded me of that dreamcast game called Crazy Taxi, yes i realize 2 totally different cars but its yellow and i had a flashback lol. 123 thousand miles isnt bad as long as its all highway, my unle went down and got a truck about 6-7yrs back in Texas that had alot of miles on it but since they were all highway and the price was right he got it. I say do it, but if the electricals are hard to find upgrades for thats a big downside. Oh that song at the end was funny and somehow it made the video that much cooler irdk why but it did haha.
  23. How do figure up/in displacement of all thread and the Corner 45's on the inside of the box? Is it alot or is it minimal for each?
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