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Posts posted by Awhitewookie

  1. Update: Let it dry out over night. Went out to my truck this morning, leaned it out a bit and it started right up on the first turn!

    I messed with the idle so it sits at about 800 now.

    I let it idle for about 5 min and then put it in drive, bogged down and then died without even moving. Tried to start it again, nothing. Acting like its flooded again.

    I noticed I have 2 other tuning screws that are on the sides of the fuel bowl. These 2 are completely lean. Like tight all the way, where should they be?

  2. Hey guys. I have a 77 dodge d150 with a built 400 in it. My old carb was a holly 850 double pumper and the float threads got stripped out causing it to flood if you tried to start it, so i had to replace it (yes i tried rethreading as a last hope).

    Brand new carb put on yesterday is a holly 650 (couldnt afford the 850 and im selling it anyways). installed everything correctly, new fuel filter too, and didnt touch the tuning screws yet. started right up and idle'd at around 900 (old carb had idle around 700) for a bit and i gave it some gas and rev'd it everything was working great, however i did not drive it, just idle'd.

    I knew i was going to tune it down a little bu ti need to run the store really quick. started my truck to let it warm up, idle'd fine for a bit then i threw it in gear, low rpm's instantly as if it wasnt warmed up enough (probably wasnt) so i put it in park to let it idle more.

    It died. tried to start it up again and nothing. Its acting like its flooded.

    ANY help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!

  3. audioque's headphones

    My link

    Im not basing on price, but for only $25? You think they are that great? Could you explain please

    i have some new beats by dre ones, i have not took them out the plastic yet pm me with on offer

    No thanks man, I personally hate dre beats. Appreciate the offer though!

    There's a huge thread on this, I'll try to find it for ya

    Sounds great, thanks

    i hear those AQ'S are shit.

    Klipsch, S4's, AMAZING headphones. play well down into the teens. clarity is incredible. they even come with a little altoids-like tin with klipsch embossed into it :)


    amazingly comfortable headphones. it's like they're not there at all.

    i've had multiple people tell me how amazing they are as well.

    stick with the S4's. they're worth buying another pair.

    Ill probably try the AQ's because they are so cheap. If I dont like then probably buy another pair of Klipsch! Good to see another enthusiast! :drinks:

  4. So today while I was working out, my right earbud broke:( I was a sad panda for some time.

    I owned a pair of Klipsch s4 headphones, they were by far the best headphones I have ever owned. Fit great, stayed in, canceled all noise (couldn't hear the mower during yard work) and sounded great with good bass.


    I am in search of a new pair of headphones!

    Which headphones(in ear) do you think are the best for around $100?

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