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Everything posted by 99GPGTX

  1. the gf thought it efed the "cute" pix up... anyone know where i can get photoshop for cheap AKA FREE??? i really want to learn
  2. Thats whats up thanks guys bibby you were supposed to own those noobs^^
  3. she said it jsut looks retarded soo...what she wants she gets....we both gain
  4. lmao i knew someone was gunna say somethin about that...lol its cool had her phone in one pocket and mine and keys in another.. lol ps no nudes thats for me
  5. Just bought my secound ps3 and im real excited...now just gotta wait till NOv. for socom confrontation to come out bought one when first came out and loved it but sold it to make a lil cash post top 2 games you like...resistance not included
  6. help please the GF is pissed off about my key chain...can someone cut it out? bibby??
  7. lol its cool thanks man..i think its going to be those or the NIche GT's... wanna do one more for me :)????? http://images.google.com/images?q=niche+gt...sa=N&tab=wi
  8. bibby since you is da man...can you do the same to my car... 18's and 20s style im rockin the 18s right now so...just to judge
  9. 22s and.... best i could find http://www.1stoprimshop.com/images/gallery...d_mustang_1.jpg
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