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Everything posted by xXRaMpOwNaGeXx

  1. and if anyone wants to post some vids i would love to see them thanks
  2. you can try this its an acapella or what ever that has some bass notes to it lol amazing grace http://www.zshare.ne...978840a6ae7e5d/ edit: forgot to tell u the song starts in about 5 sec
  3. thanks tryin to get other songs and versions done so keep and eye out more to come and i might put them on this post idk yet
  4. speaking of tail lights are you still going to have them tint the altezza ones on chickens esco that way they look better and it breaks up all that white lol
  5. slowed and bass boosted still in work let me know what you think thanks version 1 http://www.zshare.ne...9747417f2211ab/ version 2 not as slow as v1 http://www.zshare.net/audio/779755376edc7327/
  6. no because i did this one and its super lite or no clipping still not done with it but let me know what u think any way so far http://www.zshare.net/audio/77974490d6b321fa/
  7. Yo TechForce is this what you want lol with an updated SMD banner and the TechForce.gif banner too so what do you think
  8. post that pic and i can make that one for u too if u want and i can even make one of the banners a techforce one if you wanted
  9. well face book doesn't have layouts just yet but some browsers have add-ons that allow you to set one that only you can see atm unfortunately so this will be for the people that have firefox right now but if i can i will try to get in touch with the people at face book to see if we can get stuff going like this so we will see what happens
  10. yup no problem ill try to make it a little better soon
  11. a little sneak peak at the facebook page setup im working on
  12. iight if i get the money up we will see who is cheaper lol
  13. thanks thanks still working on the one for styles for facebook or any other add-on for other browsers too but its just a pain to get every thing just right next is embedding the link to the site on the banners p.s. and maybe i can make one to go with your sig to lol
  14. well they are the rockferd the punch classics but yea i guess ill check thanks and p.s. when i meant really good subs i was talking about some thing that has more of a value to it lol
  15. didnt think they do recons for or even make it for them just thought they did for the really good subs
  16. windows xp with Alienwear GUIes manager if u want the alienwear setup like mine here is the link and the media player skins are there too http://www.alienware...me-manager.aspx and here is how to use it
  17. ok i just got to find it and trust me im trying for facebook to Edit: ok this is for myspace 2.0 only but i will do it for the older ones to if needed and if u want to send me a friend request this is my page i would love to see it on ur pages http://www.myspace.com/formaljimmyhate copy and past the code in the {} CCS section then publish and ur done .pimp_my_profile { Generated at Pimp My Profile www.pimp-my-profile.com } .pmp_credit { created-at: http://www.Pimp-My-Profile.com/ ; } div.wrap { width:99%; } div,div.content,div.wrap { background-color:transparent; } body { background-color:#000000; background-image:url("http://img6.pimp-my-profile.com/i85/8/6/23/f_2a48de7cd402.jpg"); background-position:Center Center; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-color:#662222; border-width:8px; border-style:Ridge; cursor:pointer;cursor:hand; } div#header, div#googlebar, div#topnav, ul.profileUserAlbum li, div.content, div.module, div.contentTop, div.blurbsModule h3, div.companiesModule li.moduleItem, div.blogsModule h3, div.calendarModule h3, div.friendSpaceModule h3, div.schoolsModule li.moduleItem, div.networkingModule li.moduleItem, div.interestsModule li, ul.profileUserAlbum li, div.photo, div.profileHeaderModule, div.profileDemographics, div.contentMid, div.detailsModule li, div.commentsModule h3, div.commentsModule ul.moduleList li, div.commentsModule div.userComment, div.blurbsModule, h3.moduleHead span, div.profileDemographics, ul.profileUserInfo, div.userComment, li.odd, div.moduleBody, div.moduleList, div.moduleHead, h3.moduleHead, h3.moduleHead span span { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0 px; } div.module { border-style:Solid; border-width:0px; } div.content { border-style:Solid; border-width:0px; } div[class~=moduleTop], div[class~=moduleTop] div, div[class~=moduleBottom], div[class~=moduleBottom] div { background-color:transparent; background-image:none; font-size:0px; } div[class~=moduleTop] div div, div[class~=moduleBottom] div div { background-image:none; } div[class~=moduleTop] div div { height:5px; border-top:none; } div[class~=moduleBottom] div div { border-bottom:none; } div[class~=moduleMid] { border-left:none; } div[class~=moduleMid1] { border-right:none; } .pmp_topleft { position:absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; } div.contentTop { background-image:url("http://content.pimp-my-profile.com/i94/3/11/18/f_faff2fc846d7.gif"); padding-top:20px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top left; } table, tr, td, li, p, div, div.moduleBody, div.commentsModule p.datePosted, span.count { color:#cccccc; font-weight:bold; } h3.moduleHead, h3.moduleHead span { color:#FF2222; font-weight:bold; } div.blurbAboutMe h4, div.blurbLikeToMeet h4, div.interestsModule li h4, div.detailsModule li strong { color:#FF2222; font-weight:bold; } div.basicInfoDetails h2 { color:#CC2222; } a:active, a:visited, a:link, div.moduleBody a:active, div.moduleBody a:visited { color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; text-decoration:underline; } a:hover, div.moduleBody a:hover { color:#2222FF; font-weight:bold; } div.column1 { background-image:url("http://images.pimp-my-profile.com/i20/8/6/23/bn_7cbccc4a1b.png"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top center; width:437px; padding-top:75px; } div.contentMid2 { background-image:url("http://img6.pimp-my-profile.com/i88/8/6/23/bn_d11d694597.png"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center top; padding-top:140px; } img { filter:Alpha(Opacity=50); }
  18. wish i could help but last time i removed it was like 7 years ago so i cant remember sorry
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