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Posts posted by TeamHT

  1. got a budget?

    yeah, cheap ha ha. i mean id like it to be uniform as far as the speakers go. id like new speakers, i dunno why i just do. as far as subs, ive got no idea. im more of a mechanical person, not technical so i came really close to buying a sub that was called "square sub" and nothing else out of a parts catalog ha ha. thats when i realized ive got no idea what im looking for. and to put in perspective, i make like nothing so this is a wish list. id prefer it be a cheap wish list though so i can get the stuff faster. as far as a sub or two and an amp i just need to know specs. craigs has tons of options around here. im in nw indiana, about an hr from chicago.

    i just took a quick browse through CL in your area and there are heaps of shit for cheap you can get.

  2. Just want a full understanding of this...

    well it doesnt matter whether the box is sealed or ported...the same thing is going to happen. at lower volumes it will be more of a hum...or buzzing sound and at higher volumes...obviously you get the idea. it will make the box less efficient. just think of it like whistling. the subs will still push air and it will be forced through the opening (TWSS) so also the size and degree of leak will affect the note.

    fail. just read the post ^

  3. its law in tennessee too, im guilty of it though i dont do it often though like everyone else just at stop lights or on an open highway.. it is a good law though people do all kinds of stupid shit when they text and drive. just tonight i saw a chick bout roll up under a truck while she was textin then she swerved like hell to not hit it. could have been bad lol

    see...thats where im bad. i text on the highway, i keep most of the difficult texting to when im at a stop, and im pretty good with texting without looking at my phone. i can text by touch, but the fact remains is ill be texting a im driving down the highway, take the exit, and so forth....lol

  4. Lanzar can be decent IF, and thats a big if, you get the right stuff. 90% of their line is shit except the Optidrive series which Ive heard from a few friends do pound for the money.

    ive installed these for people. 2 lanzap opti15s which didnt suck, but when you compare to other subs in the $400 range they blow. the optis arent as cheap as their max partners but seem to be more cosmetic than performance. but in my opinion, if youre already going to be paying $400 you might as well do it right.

    funny thing was they did NOWHERE near rated power which was 3000watts rms and 6000watts peak.

  5. Yo can you please throw some links in there with your ideas.

    dude...one of the things i find annoying are people too lazy or incapable of doing their own research. asking for suggestions...totally cool. but needing to provide you with links as well? google has a search button for a reason. also since you already own some audiopipes maybe asking them what they think would be a good match for the subs is a nice idea.

  6. ok i went to a local shop today and they have the maxpro lanzar 8's for $65 a piece. im looking to get 4 8's and i want to get the sundown 8's. but for $65 for the lanzars is this a good deal. they are d4 800wt subs.

    dont take this the wrong way...but youre an idiot. i know it sounds harsh, and thats not how i mean it. just..there are some things that are EXACTLY what you paid for. finding good deals are one thing, but going the cheapest route wont work out at all. especially with lanzars. i have installed for many people trying to spend as little money as possible...i have to say one of the worst things i have ever heard.

    but if youre set on these lanzars, check them out online. both for reviews (im assuming you dont have firsthand experience or you wouldnt be thinking about them) and for cheaper prices.


    if youre not looking for something with the sundowns pricetag i would reccomend looking at RF p1 or p2s, kicker cvrs, diamon audio d3s, infintity references, or jbl gtos. all of those are available in 8" subs that can actually be listened to without wanting to shit in your ear just to hear something nicer.

  7. That guy's trying to rip you off asking you provide materials, food, and transportation...I would do that Explorer for $1500 colorsanded and buffed to a mirror-like shine, the ONLY thing i would ask you to provide the paint itself, i'd even do all the work at your place if u have space....too bad, i'm all the way out in Cali :/ .....

    for cars i charge $1000

    midsize suvs $1300

    trucks/suvs $1800

    and that includes my buying the paint =) but the prices definitely go up if theyre wanting something extra nice, glossy, or candy. but like you, im in alaska, lol

  8. now mind you I AM NOT SAYING to pay out the ass because you dont know how to do something. i mean, common sense would imply you would shop around and find deals, do research, and make an informed and smart decision. i think his price and what he is asking for is incredibly steep. but its still his price. cant argue too much with that.

    go to maaco, smaller paint shops, check online, go to craigslist and find what works best. but at the end of the day you still must pay someone else to do it.

  9. That doesn't mean he has to pay some random guy 2500+ to paint his vehicle. The guy doesn't have a paint booth and can't offer a warranty. They have body shops for a reason.

    actually...in my opinion...it does.

    is it fair? nope. but thats why you learn how to do it. i just find it funny when people who cant complain about the money people who can charge. its what they want, its what they think is fair. its how i started learning how to do a lot of stuff. i wasnt interested in paying someone to paint my cars, or build my bed, or lay down wood flooring in my house. so i learned how.

    everyone only has two options. do it or pay for it. cant complain. if you find something cheap, by all means good on you. but if not, dont complain about it. its that guys profession. its his money to be made.

  10. for paint he said it would be Omni.. because PPG and H.O.K. would be too expensive for me..and it would look the same..

    omnis not bad...

    but i totally get where youre coming from dude. im only saying if you cant DO then your only option is to PAY someone who can. so theres really not a lot of room for wiggle there in my opinion. if youre short on cash, what you can do is check out auto services on craigslist and find someone willing to do it for cheaper. but either way you still have to pay someone.

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