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Everything posted by Autruche

  1. lol, I was doin that today. car's broke down so I just bumped for a little bit in the garage. Of course my system's nowhere near as kick ass as yours is!
  2. Looking better than ever, Steve! Just wondering though, in the extremely unfortunate situation that you got rear-ended again and the fittings on the tank busted again, would your ride immediately drop frame? Or does it have separate locking valves to keep the air in the bags? Never worked with bags before. Figured I'd ask for future reference.
  3. Yeah, I know what you mean. When I hear a nice system, I will wake up and think "hmm, not bad" then go back to sleep, but when it's the ice cream truck waking me from a nap, I'm about ready to snap. I wouldn't mind it if the ice cream truck was playing death metal, but until that day, I will always contemplate shooting that bastard...
  4. I couldn't agree with you more. They act like it's a drug too! In the video info section the guy had a link to a CDC article on loud stereo systems. Why is the Center for Disease Control writing about something that isn't a disease? Well, I'm gonna go do a fat line of bass, then smoke some decibels. I hope I don't overdose, lol.
  5. Check this video out. This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. I saw this video and read his description, and just wanted to let everyone know how I feel. All of the following is a message that I sent to him. It was originally supposed to be nice and short, but I tend to get carried away with things I am passionate about. Also, lack of sleep had a little to do with it. "You keep disrespecting the audiophile community by assuming everyone with a sound system is between 16-30 years old and act like they are in High School, and only care about being obnoxious toward the public. In reality, the audiophile community is made up of professionals and fanatics of all ages and love to compete in SPL and SQ competitions, which are held in non-public areas away from the residential zones. I find the term "boomhead" to be degrading, because it does not cover the whole car audio community, but you try to make it do just that. To be honest, prohibiting the sale of loud sound equipment will ruin it for the ones who can respectably use it. Yes, in your video it does show some the ignorance that some people show for the comfort of others, but that is no reason to ban the culture. After all, if it wasn't for people wanting their music to be loud and clean, there would be far less advancements in the audio industry. It is possible that things such as ultrasounds, sonar, siren and alarm systems. or audio communication systems would not be so accurate or advanced. Your assumption that everyone with a loud sound system is stupid is similar to the idea that because some minorities speak a language you cannot understand, then all minorities should be removed from this country. Of course, I know you are going to think that what I said is just complete nonsense and dismiss it as so. You cannot help but realize the truth behind the statement. You speak of ignorance amongst these people you degrade by referring to as "bassheads," "meatheads," or "jerks" but when someone makes a good point but happens to misspell a word or use improper punctuation you then ignore their point by insinuating their grammar and assuming that they are uneducated and unintelligent. Have you once thought that not everyone has all day to sit there and check their spelling or punctuation because they have a life that they want to go out and live at some point during that day? Something you apparently do not have, due to the fact that you seem to thrive off of the idea that you will get a bill passed that will cause the loss of some peoples happiness and other peoples jobs, and would do more harm to the country than it would do good. While people are all over the world dying for our freedom you are trying to take some of our freedom away because you have a problem with such a nonsensical thing as loud sound systems. Are you this passionate about stopping important things such as terrorism, gang violence, teenage pregnancies, drug use, drinking and driving, illegal immigrants, rape, murder, burglary, arson, child abuse, vandalism, or even health care? I hope so, or you are really wasting your life and other people's time waging this little war. For the record, we are not afraid of not being able to have a loud sound system in our vehicle, because that day will never come to fruition. You can take that away from us just as easily as you can rewrite the constitution. I am sorry that you have a problem with us, but we, as a community, really have not done you any wrong. Having a car drive by with a loud stereo system is not the worst thing that can happen to you in the period of a day, but instead of being thankful that you made it another day, you just complain about something that is nearly pointless. I am sorry that my passion for mobile audio may eventually render me deaf, but the joy that I derive out of it is irreplaceable. And you will never be able to take that away." I feel like I made my point, but does anyone have anything else to say?
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