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Posts posted by littlebuck1919

  1. Right, so the information IS misleading because it can also help when the car is ON as long as you keep them charged up.
    correct, however, he was correct in saying they are an extra drain on the alternator. Once they are used up, they have to be recharged. Best bet is to charge them up every night and keep an eye on your voltage while playing. If your voltage starts dropping low and stays there, cut off the music and let stuff catch back up. Also, no need to run the stereo with the alternator not running.

    I also read up, as you stated above I will need to charge my batteries.. is there a difference between playing until low voltage.. (which would mean batteries are pretty drained) and then just turning my music down/off so the alt can charge them rather than having to take them out and charge them?

    from what ive read, yes, there is a difference, alternators to not provide a full charge like a charger does, at night, or at least once a week hook them up to a charger, an alternator isnt a perfect substitute for a charger, it just helps maintain their resting voltage. (if im wrong, feel free to correct me, as im learning some too)

  2. I understand that the batteries help, I've seen it.. but from what I'm reading here it only helps when your car is off.. giving you what he calls "Parking lot" time to listen to you music while the car is not on.. is the information just misleading?
    No, they help when the car is running also. batteries help fill in when an alternator can't keep up. Of course, you have to keep these batteries charged or your alternator will die a faster death than normal.

    Right, so the information IS misleading because it can also help when the car is ON as long as you keep them charged up.

    and if ur voltage drops from too much draw, it helps stabalize it...he is misleading, it is correct in the fact that u can listen longer with the car off....but thats not a good idea with big systems. ur alternator helps to charge them, but nothing beats a good night or so of charging.

  3. lol his battery thing goes against the alternator part and the caps are just small batteries....basically, batteries help keep ur voltage high enough to not kill ur ride....ignore what was written there...im no pro, but extra batteries help...when ur voltage drops, batteries help prevent the voltage from dropping too low. and i too am no expert, but a stock alternator has a hard time keeping up with big batteries and big amps and stuff from what ive been made to believe.

  4. not too big, i think ud hafta mount the sub facing up man, or at an angle, i have a 2000 cavy, and itd be hard or impossible to fit an 18 inch sub in there any other way, ud need a box thats what, like 19-20 inches tall as a minimum to stand it up?? (just me .02 from one cavy owner to another) if anybody has ideas, feel free, i just havent found a spot in the trunk that tall

    im thinking about trading the 18 for 2 eclipse titanium/sw9122

    yeah, id trade it or something, thats a massive box for a cavi trunk lol ud be better off with a 15 in a ported box or a pair of 12's, good luck man :drinks:

  5. not too big, i think ud hafta mount the sub facing up man, or at an angle, i have a 2000 cavy, and itd be hard or impossible to fit an 18 inch sub in there any other way, ud need a box thats what, like 19-20 inches tall as a minimum to stand it up?? (just me .02 from one cavy owner to another) if anybody has ideas, feel free, i just havent found a spot in the trunk that tall

  6. You're question was "what would put out more power?", not what do you think is better. Remind me to never go to your shop/website.

    Regardless if you came to my shop or not my pockets will still stay fat.

    Great attitude.

    I'm not here to impress you, I ask a simple question, I didn't ask were you would go or wat you would do.... Regardless of wat one person says I like to have multiple opinion on products , not base my judgement on a 1 or two people.

    bc clearly you dont have a clue which is better even tho like other ppl said your A "dealer".. dealers should really know this info

    so if your so smart why did you even make a thread about this..

    im gonna make a thread about my daily poop..and see what ppls opinions are about that/// right?

    DO IT!!! lol

  7. People driving down the road blasting near my house isn't nearly as loud as these people in the spring and summer with their Harley at 2 am..

    Just so you know, 90% of Harley riders, including myself, put the loud pipes on their bikes as a safety precaution. Drivers on the highway are ignorant to the fact of motorcycles around them and just like an emergency vehicle if you hear one your going to look around to see where it is.

    i (and others im sure) understand its good to be able to know where they are because u wont always see them...but theres stop lights about 3/4 of a mile away and hear Harley's coming offa the lights....thats a little excessive...whether theyre laying on the throttle or not....thats way to damn loud for what theyre claiming the pipes are for.

  8. check ur gains? if theyre up too high itll cause clipping, so will ur volume being too high, the RMS on the sub is kind of irrelevant, it wnt cause it to heat up, at least not that bad (correct me if im wrong) check ur gains and make sure ur volume isnt up too high and thatll help with clipping (not 100% accurate, but its for ppl without an o-scope or a DD-1)

  9. if i may? i can speak for JDM's Character, as i purchased an amp from him, he was prompt to getting it to me, and when i had problems with it, he kept offering suggestions to help make sure it worked (turned out to be a bad RCA) so i believe JDM, if this isnt wanted, u can delete it, just thought id help a friend out a bit.

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