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Posts posted by Dan2427

  1. Anyone wanna play tonight on PS4? Dan2427 is my PSN name as well. I'm 0-3 so far. I get picked off a lot. Lol. I was good at all previous games but the defense is much harder for me to get the hang of so far. Skills trainer here I come! Pm me or just add me with a message saying your screen name from SMD so I know who's kicking my ass! I won't be able to play until the kids go to bed around 8:30-9pm central time.

  2. Orion, I quit drinking those myself. I drank 1 bottle a day for like 3 months. Then one day we were bored and bought a 4 pack each before school. Drank all 4 in 20 mins. By noon hour I pissed for like 10 mins straight it felt like, couldn't stop sweating and got into a fight with one of my friends after a black out apparently, that's when I decided never again lol. But they work for energy that's for sure.

  3. I'm amazed you don't hear a difference, how did you set the gains? What's your electrical like? Btw two D4's wire to one ohm or 4 so you can't be wired to two ohm unless that was a typo. Also did you "hot swap" RCA's as in having power/head unit on while switching amps?

    Edit: a nice custom and efficient box will make a world of difference, I'd highly recommend one even if you gotta pay someone to design and/or build it!

  4. Is their not radios or helicopters over their to keep the chase closer? Or are penalties more lenient if they do get caught? Serious questions! But that car sounds crazy good, that'd be one hell of an adrenalin rush! I'd love to do that if I wasn't so worried about the consequences of spending time in jail lol. I did that on my rocket once on accident (meaning I didn't have cameras trying to test my skills verse a cop!) hahah

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