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Everything posted by Bass2TheeFace

  1. i wouldn't place the SS on top the peel and seal... The peel and seal will eventually come off and then you wont be able to remove the SS and will just end up wasting it.. Do it the right way and remove that tary ass peel and seal.. It is a pain in the ass i know i did the same thing., the SS helps tremendously,
  2. Depends on what it is... I don't do a whole lot of custom re-cones due to time restraints, though. When you attach the voice coil to the cone how do you do that? Do you place the voice coil in the gap then attach the cone to the coil, or do you do it outside of the woofer?
  3. Couldn't tell you. But the AQ's have been gone for awhile now. But they were excellent subs when I had them. Took tons of power like a boss. Just didn't hold together for what I wanted them to do. thats the same thing i have heard from other too.. Im guessing what you want them to do is play extremely low and loud...??
  4. LOL WOW sorry wow wut? i'm no wood expert like you. thats what i read some where Oh man, wood expert, yeah I am a wood expert, GOT WOOD? I got lotz of WOOD all day everyday. You are not going to BLOW AIR thru a solid object, come on. wood isn't solid fyi So a tree isn't solid, oooo do explain. I know wood is porous but you are not going to pressure air thru solid wood, the wood will break before air passes thru it. Actually certain kinds of wood will leak air even though them are solid. This is mostly cheap particle board and other wood that is compressed together. The resin is to block the very tiny holes which allow air to escape.. Subwoofer exert a lot of pressure which is enough, in some cases to push through solid wood.
  5. Thanks for music, that remix is sickk!! I think i prefer it too now..hahah LoL It's got bass too. Skip to 1:40. It does have alot of bass, nice and low to just how i like it.. Thanks for the song!! How do you like them AQ'S? How do you think they stack up to some BL'S?
  6. Thanks for music, that remix is sickk!! I think i prefer it too now..hahah
  7. Yeah thats why i was prefering it to be enhanced bass.. Added bass would just take away from the great music.
  8. Does anyone know where i can find some Mozart with enhanced bass or added bass.. Or can someone make some Mozart demo songs that would be sick! Requiem is a powerful song with some bass already, if it was enhanced with more bass it would be even more EPIC!
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